I am looking to build a tail
to read log files on windows using only native cmd
There are various ways to to read a file:
type file.txt
more file.txt
They however do not have a default option to read updates from a file, so does not represent anything like tail
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Views: 682
With a few little hacks and using more
to read the file, skipping what was already read before, we are able to tail
the file, "almost" realtime.
@echo off & set cnt=0
if "%~1" == "" echo no file specified, usage: "tail.cmd <filename>" & goto :eof
if not exist "%~1" echo file "%~1" does not exist & goto :eof
2>nul (>>"%~1" echo off) && (goto :file) || (goto :tail_sub)
for /f "tokens=1*delims=]" %%i in ('more "%~1" +%cnt% ^| find /v /n ""') do (
set "line=%%j"
set /a cnt+=1
call echo(%%line%%
goto :tail_sub
Currently, without adding a timeout
to slow down the infinite loop, it consumes around 5.6MB memory, which is very acceptable in my view.
This does not yet take care of all special characters, like |<>&
, but I will spend some time on this to cater for all scenarios I can think off.
Upvotes: 1