Reputation: 1939
In Python Tkinter this code:
# custom indicator images
im_open ='RGBA', (15, 15), '#00000000')
im_empty ='RGBA', (15, 15), '#00000000')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_open)
draw.polygon([(0, 4), (14, 4), (7, 11)], fill='yellow', outline='black')
im_close= im_open.rotate(90)
Generates a triangle in a format I can use:
In Python tkinter this code draws on a canvas I can't use:
COLORS = ['snow', 'ghost white', 'white smoke', 'gainsboro', 'floral white', 'old lace' ...]
for x in range(0, 40):
x1 = random.randint(0,400)
y1 = random.randint(0,400)
x2 = random.randint(0,400)
y2 = random.randint(0,400)
x3 = random.randint(0,400)
y3 = random.randint(0,400)
my_triangle = canvas.create_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3,\
fill = (random.sample(COLORS, 1)[0]),
outline = random.sample(COLORS, 1)[0])
However it creates desirable images:
The first code set generates an image in memory like I need but uses a triangle which I don't want. The second code set generates a canvas memory map which I don't want but has random shapes which I do want.
To improve the random polygon shapes in the second code set, circles and rectangles can be thrown in. Also the second code set contains color names but random R:G:B channels would be preferable.
To select random shapes and colors the current YY:MM:DD
could be used. This is to generate random Album Artwork for home made music player when nothing is encoded to song or as a placeholder before real artwork is obtained.
In case it matters, platform is Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, kernel 4.14.188, Python 2.7.12 plus Tkinter, PIL and Tkinter-Image (stuff).
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1388
Generate PIL.Image objects, with randomly generated:
shapes, fill & outline colors.
The resulting images are drawn to a tk.Canvas, for display;
that is irrelevant / for presentation purposes.
(The images themselves are in the requested format.)
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
from random import randint, randrange
# Create random indicator images.
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 50, 50
COUNT = 100
# Use datetime (somehow), to generate random int.
def datetimeToInt():
y, m, d, hour, min, sec =[0:6]
return y + m + d + hour + min + sec
def randRgb():
return(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))
def randTriangle():
x1, y1 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x2, y2 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x3, y3 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
return [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)]
def randRect():
x1, y1 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x2, y2 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
return [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)]
randEllipse = randRect
# Map: random shape creation functions -> ImageDraw methods
shapeFactories = [
(randTriangle, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.polygon),
(randRect, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.rectangle),
(randEllipse, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.ellipse)
shapeFactoriesCount = len(shapeFactories)
imgOpenList = []
imgClosedList = []
for x in range(COUNT):
# Get random index, within full range:
#randIdx = randrange(0, shapeFactoriesCount)
# Use random int, generated from datetime (somehow):
randIdx = datetimeToInt() % shapeFactoriesCount
shapeFactory, drawMethod = shapeFactories[randIdx]
im_open ='RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), '#00000000')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_open)
drawMethod( # passing 'self'/'draw' explicitly to method:
draw, shapeFactory(), fill=randRgb(), outline=randRgb()
# The rest is just for displaying the resulting images.
import tkinter as tk
from math import floor, sqrt
root = tk.Tk()
imgOpenList = [
ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) for img in imgOpenList
imgClosedList = [
ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) for img in imgClosedList
imgsPerAxis = floor(sqrt(COUNT)) # rough approximation
canvas = tk.Canvas(
width=WIDTH * imgsPerAxis * 2, # x2: open & closed images
height=HEIGHT * imgsPerAxis
for i in range(imgsPerAxis):
for j in range(imgsPerAxis):
image=imgOpenList[i*imgsPerAxis + j],
(2*j+1)*WIDTH, i*HEIGHT,
image=imgClosedList[i*imgsPerAxis + j],
Could you post the code that uses these images, as icons*?
(* in what looks like a tree-view, in your GUI)
(I'm curious, don't remember seeing custom icons there.)
If instead of individual icons, you want a composite image:
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
from random import randint, randrange
# Create random composite image.
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 200, 200
COUNT = 40
# Use datetime (somehow), to generate random int.
def datetimeToInt():
y, m, d, hour, min, sec =[0:6]
return y + m + d + hour + min + sec
def randRgb():
return(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))
def randTriangle():
x1, y1 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x2, y2 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x3, y3 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
return [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)]
def randRect():
x1, y1 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
x2, y2 = randrange(0, WIDTH), randrange(0, HEIGHT)
return [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)]
randEllipse = randRect
# Map: random shape creation functions -> ImageDraw methods
shapeFactories = [
(randTriangle, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.polygon),
(randRect, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.rectangle),
(randEllipse, ImageDraw.ImageDraw.ellipse)
shapeFactoriesCount = len(shapeFactories)
composite ='RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), '#00000000')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(composite)
for x in range(COUNT):
# Get random index, within full range:
#randIdx = randrange(0, shapeFactoriesCount)
# Use random int, generated from datetime (somehow):
randIdx = datetimeToInt() % shapeFactoriesCount
shapeFactory, drawMethod = shapeFactories[randIdx]
drawMethod( # passing 'self'/'draw' explicitly to method:
draw, shapeFactory(), fill=randRgb(), outline=randRgb()
# The rest is just for displaying the resulting images.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
compositeTk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(composite)
Upvotes: 1