Reputation: 7
I have csv
Test City,false,America,us,Address line 2,New York,10002,NY,(+1) 111-111-1112,[email protected]
What I do
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
def json = new JsonBuilder()
json {
name vars.get("name")
capital vars.get("capital")
zone vars.get("zone")
code vars.get("code")
address vars.get("address")
city vars.get("city")
zip vars.get("zip")
state vars.get("state")
phone vars.get("phone")
email vars.get("email")
But csv could consist with multiple amount of rows and not every time a need all rows from csv
So, I need some variable which will be set some counter for loop, read counter=rows from csv and return me JSON
Try to found solution here, but always have troubles with syntax while Im noob in Groovy(
As result, it should be 1 request, 1 payload, with multiple items=rows from csv
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Views: 1203
Reputation: 527
You need to grab the CSV field names, from the header, then iterate through the CSV data lines.
In the exampe below I convert each line to a map then push the map into a list. i.e. the list will contain one map for each non-header row. If you have 10 lines + a header then the list will contain 10 maps.
After that it's easy, as JsonBuilder can create Json from a list of maps.
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
File csv = new File( 'ParseCsvAsJson.csv')
def lines = csv.readLines()
def header = lines[0]
def fieldNames = header.split(/,[ ]*/)
def mappedLines = []
lines[1..-1].each { line ->
def mappedLine = [:]
def fields = line.split(/,[ ]*/)
fields.eachWithIndex { value, index ->
String name = fieldNames[ index ]
mappedLine[ name ] = value
mappedLines << mappedLine
def builder = new JsonBuilder()
builder {
json builder( mappedLines )
println builder.toPrettyString()
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Reputation: 168157
You won't be able to achieve this using CSV Data Set Config, you will have to parse the CSV file programmatically, something like:
def rows = 2 // how many rows you need to collect from the CSV
def entries = []
1.upto(rows, { index ->
def values = new File('/path/to/your/file.csv').readLines().get(index).split(',')
def entry = [:]
entry.put('name', values[0])
entry.put('capital', values[1])
entry.put('zone', values[2])
entry.put('code', values[3])
entry.put('address', values[4])
entry.put('city', values[5])
entry.put('zip', values[6])
entry.put('state', values[7])
entry.put('phone', values[8])
entry.put('email', values[9])
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(entries)
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Upvotes: 1