My code:
\nlibrary(plotly)\nlibrary(dplyr)\nlibrary(shiny)\nlibrary(shinyWidgets)\nlibrary(readxl)\nlibrary(tidyr)\nlibrary(DT)\n\ndf1 <- data.frame(Week = as.factor(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE))), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),\n Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T), Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T),stringsAsFactors = F)\n\ndf2 <- data.frame(Week = as.factor(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE))), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),\n Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T),Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F)\n\nanalyze <- c("Value", "Amount")\n\n# UI\nui <- fluidPage(\n column(\n 6,fluidRow(column(6, selectizeInput("All", "Year: 2018", multiple = T,choices = unique(df1$Product), \n options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),\n column(6, selectizeInput("All2", "Year: 2019", multiple = T,choices = unique(df2$Product), \n options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),\n column(6, selectInput("y_axis1", "What you want to analyze?", choices = analyze))\n )),\n column(\n 12,fluidRow(column(12, plotlyOutput('plot'))\n )\n ) \n)\n\n# Server code\nserver <- function(input, output) {\n \n tab_input1 <- reactive({\n switch(input$y_axis1,\n Value = "Value", \n Amount = "Amount")\n })\n \n outVar <- reactive({\n df1 %>%\n filter(Product %in% input$All) %>%\n mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2018", sep = " ")) %>% \n arrange(Week) %>%\n droplevels()\n })\n \n outVar2 <- reactive({\n df2 %>%\n filter(Product %in% input$All2) %>%\n mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2019", sep = " ")) %>% \n arrange(Week) %>%\n droplevels()\n })\n \n ax <- list(\n type = "category",\n categoryorder = "array",\n categoryarray = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:22,replace = TRUE))),\n showgrid = TRUE,\n showline = TRUE,\n autorange = TRUE,\n showticklabels = TRUE,\n ticks = "outside",\n tickangle = 0\n )\n \n output$plot <- renderPlotly({\n plot_ly(data=outVar(), x=~Week, y = outVar()[,tab_input1()],\n type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "1",\n color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%\n add_trace(data=outVar2(), x=~Week, y = outVar2()[,tab_input1()],\n type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "2",\n color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%\n layout(legend = list(orientation = 'h')) %>% \n layout(xaxis = ax)\n \n }) \n}\n\n# Return a Shiny app object\nshinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)\n\n
\nThanks for your comments :)
\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Zizou"},"upvoteCount":0,"answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can try this (and be careful with the levels of your variables):
\nlibrary(plotly)\nlibrary(dplyr)\nlibrary(shiny)\nlibrary(shinyWidgets)\nlibrary(readxl)\nlibrary(tidyr)\nlibrary(DT)\n\ndf1 <- data.frame(Week = factor(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE)),\n levels = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE))),\n ordered = T), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),\n Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T), Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T),stringsAsFactors = F)\n\ndf2 <- data.frame(Week = factor(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE)),\n levels = unique(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE))),\n ordered = T), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),\n Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T),Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F)\n\nanalyze <- c("Value", "Amount")\n\n# UI\nui <- fluidPage(\n column(\n 6,fluidRow(column(6, selectizeInput("All", "Year: 2018", multiple = T,choices = unique(df1$Product), \n options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),\n column(6, selectizeInput("All2", "Year: 2019", multiple = T,choices = unique(df2$Product), \n options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),\n column(6, selectInput("y_axis1", "What you want to analyze?", choices = analyze))\n )),\n column(\n 12,fluidRow(column(12, plotlyOutput('plot'))\n )\n ) \n)\n\n# Server code\nserver <- function(input, output) {\n \n tab_input1 <- reactive({\n switch(input$y_axis1,\n Value = "Value", \n Amount = "Amount")\n })\n \n outVar <- reactive({\n df1 %>%\n filter(Product %in% input$All) %>%\n mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2018", sep = " ")) %>% \n arrange(Week) %>%\n droplevels()\n })\n \n outVar2 <- reactive({\n df2 %>%\n filter(Product %in% input$All2) %>%\n mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2019", sep = " ")) %>% \n arrange(Week) %>%\n droplevels()\n })\n \n ax <- list(\n type = "category",\n categoryorder = "array",\n categoryarray = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:22,replace = TRUE))),\n showgrid = TRUE,\n showline = TRUE,\n autorange = TRUE,\n showticklabels = TRUE,\n ticks = "outside",\n tickangle = 0\n )\n \n output$plot <- renderPlotly({\n plot_ly(data=outVar(), x=~Week, y = outVar()[,tab_input1()],\n type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "1",\n color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%\n add_trace(data=outVar2(), x=~Week, y = outVar2()[,tab_input1()],\n type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "2",\n color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%\n layout(legend = list(orientation = 'h')) %>% \n layout(xaxis = ax)\n \n }) \n}\n\n# Return a Shiny app object\nshinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)\n
\nWhich will produce:
\n\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Duck"},"upvoteCount":2}}}Reputation: 503
I have a simple application in shiny and I would like to sort out the sequence of weeks on the x-axis. Currently graph connects the dots in order 1,10,11,12,2 ... as you can see in the graph below. How do I change the type for the data on the x axis so that the order is ascending correctly?
My code:
df1 <- data.frame(Week = as.factor(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE))), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),
Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T), Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T),stringsAsFactors = F)
df2 <- data.frame(Week = as.factor(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE))), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),
Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T),Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F)
analyze <- c("Value", "Amount")
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
6,fluidRow(column(6, selectizeInput("All", "Year: 2018", multiple = T,choices = unique(df1$Product),
options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),
column(6, selectizeInput("All2", "Year: 2019", multiple = T,choices = unique(df2$Product),
options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),
column(6, selectInput("y_axis1", "What you want to analyze?", choices = analyze))
12,fluidRow(column(12, plotlyOutput('plot'))
# Server code
server <- function(input, output) {
tab_input1 <- reactive({
Value = "Value",
Amount = "Amount")
outVar <- reactive({
df1 %>%
filter(Product %in% input$All) %>%
mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2018", sep = " ")) %>%
arrange(Week) %>%
outVar2 <- reactive({
df2 %>%
filter(Product %in% input$All2) %>%
mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2019", sep = " ")) %>%
arrange(Week) %>%
ax <- list(
type = "category",
categoryorder = "array",
categoryarray = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:22,replace = TRUE))),
showgrid = TRUE,
showline = TRUE,
autorange = TRUE,
showticklabels = TRUE,
ticks = "outside",
tickangle = 0
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(data=outVar(), x=~Week, y = outVar()[,tab_input1()],
type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "1",
color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%
add_trace(data=outVar2(), x=~Week, y = outVar2()[,tab_input1()],
type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "2",
color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = 'h')) %>%
layout(xaxis = ax)
# Return a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thanks for your comments :)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 240
Reputation: 39613
You can try this (and be careful with the levels of your variables):
df1 <- data.frame(Week = factor(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE)),
levels = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:12,10,replace = TRUE))),
ordered = T), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),
Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T), Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T),stringsAsFactors = F)
df2 <- data.frame(Week = factor(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE)),
levels = unique(paste0('week ',rep(11:22,10,replace = TRUE))),
ordered = T), Product = paste0('Product ', rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 12)),
Value = sample(c(0:300),120, replace = T),Amount = sample(c(1000:10000),120, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F)
analyze <- c("Value", "Amount")
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
6,fluidRow(column(6, selectizeInput("All", "Year: 2018", multiple = T,choices = unique(df1$Product),
options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),
column(6, selectizeInput("All2", "Year: 2019", multiple = T,choices = unique(df2$Product),
options = list(maxItems = 5, placeholder = 'Choose a product:'))),
column(6, selectInput("y_axis1", "What you want to analyze?", choices = analyze))
12,fluidRow(column(12, plotlyOutput('plot'))
# Server code
server <- function(input, output) {
tab_input1 <- reactive({
Value = "Value",
Amount = "Amount")
outVar <- reactive({
df1 %>%
filter(Product %in% input$All) %>%
mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2018", sep = " ")) %>%
arrange(Week) %>%
outVar2 <- reactive({
df2 %>%
filter(Product %in% input$All2) %>%
mutate(Product = paste(Product, "2019", sep = " ")) %>%
arrange(Week) %>%
ax <- list(
type = "category",
categoryorder = "array",
categoryarray = unique(paste0('week ',rep(1:22,replace = TRUE))),
showgrid = TRUE,
showline = TRUE,
autorange = TRUE,
showticklabels = TRUE,
ticks = "outside",
tickangle = 0
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(data=outVar(), x=~Week, y = outVar()[,tab_input1()],
type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "1",
color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%
add_trace(data=outVar2(), x=~Week, y = outVar2()[,tab_input1()],
type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', legendgroup = "2",
color = ~Product, colors = c('red','blue', 'yellow', 'green', "orange")) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = 'h')) %>%
layout(xaxis = ax)
# Return a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Which will produce:
Upvotes: 2