Reputation: 6568
With sci-kit learn we can decide the number of features we'd like to keep based on the cumulative variance plot as below
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA() # init pca # fit the dataset into pca model
pca.explained_variance_ratio # this attribute shows how much variance is explained by each of the seven individual component
we can plot the cumulative value as below
plt.figure(figsize= (10, 8)) # size of the chart(size of the vectors)
cumulativeValue = pca.explained_variance_ratio_.cumsum() # get the cumulative sum
plt.plot(range(1,8), cumulativeValue, marker = 'o', linestyle="--")
And then near 80% is the best number of features we could choose for pca..
My question is how to determine the best number of features with pyspark
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Views: 1922
Reputation: 6568
we can determine this with the help of explainedVariance
here how I did it.
from import VectorAssembler
from import PCA
# used vector assembler to create the input the vector
vectorAssembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['inputCol1', 'inputCol2', 'inputCol3', 'inputCol4'], outputCol='pcaInput')
df = vectorAssembler.transform(dataset) # fetch data into vector assembler
pca = PCA(k=8, inputCol="pcaInput", outputCol="features") # here I Have defined maximum number of features that I have
pcaModel = # fit the data to pca to make the model
print(pcaModel.explainedVariance) # here it will explain the variances
cumValues = pcaModel.explainedVariance.cumsum() # get the cumulative values
# plot the graph
plt.plot(range(1,9), cumValues, marker = 'o', linestyle='--')
plt.title('variance by components')
plt.xlabel('num of components')
plt.ylabel('cumulative explained variance')
choose the number of params near 80%
so in this case optimum number of params is 2
Upvotes: 1