Reputation: 461
I am trying to use the Dtedit library in R- shiny (I am veeery new to this). I have tried to find some way to use filters with the dtedit function (like 'filter="top"' in DT::datatable), but with no success.. Also, I am getting the following errors when I try to use the "Datatables options - buttons" code, to add copy, CSV, PDF and Excel buttons:
Warning: Error in dtedit: unused argument ( = function(...) {
DT::datatable(..., extensions = "Buttons")
50: server [#3]
Error in dtedit(input, output, name = "Grocery_List", thedata = data.frame(Buy = c("Tea", :
unused argument ( = function(...) {
DT::datatable(..., extensions = "Buttons")
I am using the most recent versions of the dtedit and shiny packages.
Any help matters! Many thanks for your time!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 499
Reputation: 461
Well, there seems to be a release version of DTedit that allows for all these functionalities (filters and export buttons).
I installed it like this:
devtools::install_github('DavidPatShuiFong/[email protected]')
You may see the relevant github page, with lots of examples, here:
Now also the example shiny apps in the relevant RPubs vignette are working.
To allow for both filters and buttons, I simply add this argument inside dtedit() of server: = function(...)
{DT::datatable(..., extensions = 'Buttons', filter="top")},
datatable.options = list(
dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'pdf', 'excel')
Hope it can be helpful!
Upvotes: 2