Reputation: 254
I use isomorphic-git in the browser (Chrome at the moment) to try to save code on github
After I clone a private github repository, I am trying to add new files to it, do a commit and push it back on the same private Github repository.
But, when I check on Github, the commits are recorded but totally empty!
It is like the files I added where not linked to the commit for some reason and the commit is not aware of them ...
I get an Ok response from the push though:
headers: {
cache-control: "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
content-type: "application/x-git-receive-pack-result"
date: "Tue, 04 Aug 2020 04:58:59 GMT"
expires: "Fri, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT"
pragma: "no-cache"
server: "cloudflare"
vary: "Accept-Encoding"
x-github-request-id: "CE24:0E4C:16E8D5:2B275C:5F28EB11"
ok: true
refs: {
refs/heads/master: {
error: ""
ok: true
Which seems strange to me ... But the commit and its message show up on github.
What am I doing wrong? I think I did all the necessary things but maybe I missed something ...
Here, is my code:
const stagingRoot = '/staging'
import('[email protected]/http/web/index.js').then(http => {
window.http = http
return true
}).then(response => {
// Initialize isomorphic-git with a file system
window.fs = new LightningFS('fs')
// Using the Promisified version
window.pfs = window.fs.promises
return true
}).then(response => {
const buttonSpace = document.getElementById('git_button_space')
const repositoryURL = appendText({value:'<my private repository path>.git'},document.getElementById('git_repository_url_space'))
let branch = appendDropdown(
function(event) {}
const username = appendText({value:'<my user name>'},document.getElementById('user-js-git_username_space'))
const password = appendText({value:'<my app key>'},document.getElementById('user-js-git_password_space'))
const path = appendText({value:'/git/git_app2'},document.getElementById('user-js-git_repository_path_space'))
const pushButton = appendButton('プッシュ',buttonSpace, function(event) {
return pfs.du(stagingRoot)
.then(diskUsage => {
return pfs.rmdir(stagingRoot,{recursive: true})
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return pfs.mkdir(stagingRoot)
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return git.clone({
corsProxy: '',
url: repositoryURL.getValue(),
ref: branch.getValue(),
onAuth: url => {
const auth = {
username: username.getValue(),
password: password.getValue(),
return auth
singleBranch: true,
depth: 100
}).then(response => {
return pfs.du(stagingRoot+path.getValue())
.then(diskUsage => {
return true
.catch(error => {
return pfs.mkdir(stagingRoot+path.getValue(),{recursive:true})
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return git.add({ fs, dir: stagingRoot+'/git', filepath: 'git_app2' })
}).then(response => {
return pfs.writeFile(stagingRoot+path.getValue()+'/package.json', JSON.stringify({key1:val1,key2:val2}))
}).then(response => {
return git.add({ fs, dir: stagingRoot+path.getValue(), filepath: 'package.json' })
}).then(response => {
const user = kintone.getLoginUser()
input: 'textarea',
inputPlaceholder: 'commit message',
inputAttributes: {
'aria-label': 'commit message'
showCancelButton: true
}).then(commitMessageResponse =>{
if(commitMessageResponse.isConfirmed) {
return git.commit({
dir: stagingRoot,
author: {
message: commitMessageResponse.value,
ref: branch.getValue(),
} else {
return false
}).then(response => {
return git.push({
dir: stagingRoot,
corsProxy: '',
remote: 'origin',
ref: branch.getValue(),
onAuth: url => {
const auth = {
username: username.getValue(),
password: password.getValue(),
return auth
}).then(response => {
I use isomorphic-git and its FS library lightning-fs that are included with script tags:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
I also dynamically import isomorphic-git's http library like below as my environment (Kintone) does not like ES6:
import('[email protected]/http/web/index.js').then(http => {
window.http = http
return true
Upvotes: 3
Views: 972
Reputation: 254
I solved the problems, because there were 3 of them :
, so I wrote my own:function recursive_rmdir(path) {
return pfs.readdir(path).then(fileList=> {
const allPromises = []
fileList.forEach(file => {
allPromises.push(pfs.lstat(path+'/'+file).then(fileInfo => {
if(fileInfo.isDirectory()) {
return recursive_rmdir(path+'/'+file)
} else {
return pfs.unlink(path+'/'+file)
return Promise.all(allPromises).then(response => {
return pfs.rmdir(path)
, so I wrote my own:function recursive_mkdir(path) {
function mkdir(existing_path,recursive_path) {
const new_path = existing_path+recursive_path[0]+'/'
return pfs.du(new_path)
.then(diskUsage => {
return true
.catch(error => {
return pfs.mkdir(new_path)
.catch(error => {
return false
}).then(response => {
if (recursive_path.length > 1) {
return mkdir(new_path,recursive_path.slice(1))
return true
return mkdir('',path.split('/'))
command, which in retrospect should have been obvious but is why putting only trivial examples in the documentation is never a good idea, put not so trivial example too to clarify use cases!
So, what was my mistake?
Let's look at the parameters:git.add({
fs: <a file system implementation client>,
dir: '<The working tree directory path>',
filepath: '<The path to the file to add to the index>'
The example code provided in the API documentation had only the file name for filepath
as it is located at the root of the working tree directory. When I wrote my code, I unwittingly did the same thing:
}).then(response => {
return pfs.writeFile(stagingRoot+path.getValue()+'/package.json', JSON.stringify({key1:val1,key2:val2}))
}).then(response => {
return git.add({ fs, dir: stagingRoot+path.getValue(), filepath: 'package.json' })
}).then(response => {
But the working directory dir
should be only stagingRoot
And the path value should be inserted into the filepath
like below:
}).then(response => {
return pfs.writeFile(stagingRoot+path.getValue()+'/package.json', JSON.stringify({key1:val1,key2:val2}}))
}).then(response => {
return git.add({ fs, dir: stagingRoot, filepath: path.getValue().slice(1)+'/'+'package.json' })
}).then(response => {
※ the .slice(1)
is to take off the leading /
as filepath
needs to be a relative path!
I finally caught my error because a .git
appeared next to my package.json
when I used readdir()
to list the content of the directory ...
I hope this will help someone, so I also post extracts of my final code:
const pushButton = appendButton('プッシュ',buttonSpace, function(event) {
return pfs.du(stagingRoot)
.then(diskUsage => {
return recursive_rmdir(stagingRoot)
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return pfs.mkdir(stagingRoot)
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return git.clone({
corsProxy: '',
url: repositoryURL.getValue(),
ref: branch.getValue(),
onAuth: url => {
const auth = {
username: username.getValue(),
password: password.getValue(),
return auth
singleBranch: true,
depth: 100
}).then(response => {
return recursive_mkdir(stagingRoot+path.getValue())
.catch(error => {
return true
}).then(response => {
return pfs.writeFile(stagingRoot+path.getValue()+'/package.json', JSON.stringify({key1:val1,key2:val2}))
}).then(response => {
return git.add({ fs, dir: stagingRoot, filepath: path.getValue().slice(1)+'/'+'package.json' })
}).then(response => {
const user = kintone.getLoginUser()
input: 'textarea',
inputPlaceholder: 'コミットのメッセージここに入力してください',
inputAttributes: {
'aria-label': 'コミットのメッセージここに入力してください'
showCancelButton: true
}).then(commitMessageResponse =>{
if(commitMessageResponse.isConfirmed) {
return git.commit({
dir: stagingRoot,
author: {
message: commitMessageResponse.value,
ref: branch.getValue(),
} else {
return false
}).then(response => {
return git.push({
dir: stagingRoot,
corsProxy: '',
remote: 'origin',
ref: branch.getValue(),
onAuth: url => {
const auth = {
username: username.getValue(),
password: password.getValue(),
return auth
Upvotes: 2