Reputation: 673
I did lot of reading tried so many different methods available. CameraX is producing yuv_420_888 format Image object and provides it to the ImageAnalysis.
However, there is no way to convert this to a bytebuffer in order to scale, convert to bitmap and run detection operations. I tried following and numerous other proposed techniques.
Converting ImageProxy to Bitmap
All those created grayscale (even after using all 3 planes) and some overlay color shade image. It also created glitchy outputs in-between frames sometime which I could not figure out a reason.
What’s the proper way to get a simple byte array so that it can be converted to bitmap later?
Also how to get cameraX authors attention?
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Views: 4112
Reputation: 1116
You just need to use imageProxy.image?.toBitmap()
to convert imageProxy and then convert bitmap to bytearray as follow:
Here's an example:
private fun takePhoto() {
camera_capture_button.isEnabled = false
// Get a stable reference of the modifiable image capture use case
val imageCapture = imageCapture ?: return
object : ImageCapture.OnImageCapturedCallback() {
override fun onCaptureSuccess(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val bitmapImage = imageProxy.image?.toBitmap()
val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
bitmapImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, stream)
val image = stream.toByteArray()
override fun onError(exception: ImageCaptureException) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
You can use this class ripped from Mlkit Pose Detection.
Mlkit pose detection:
object ImageProxyUtils {
fun getByteArray(image: ImageProxy): ByteArray? {
image.image?.let {
val nv21Buffer = yuv420ThreePlanesToNV21(
it.planes, image.width, image.height
return ByteArray(nv21Buffer.remaining()).apply {
return null
private fun yuv420ThreePlanesToNV21(
yuv420888planes: Array<Plane>,
width: Int,
height: Int
): ByteBuffer {
val imageSize = width * height
val out = ByteArray(imageSize + 2 * (imageSize / 4))
if (areUVPlanesNV21(yuv420888planes, width, height)) {
yuv420888planes[0].buffer[out, 0, imageSize]
val uBuffer = yuv420888planes[1].buffer
val vBuffer = yuv420888planes[2].buffer
vBuffer[out, imageSize, 1]
uBuffer[out, imageSize + 1, 2 * imageSize / 4 - 1]
} else {
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[0], width, height, out, 0, 1)
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[1], width, height, out, imageSize + 1, 2)
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[2], width, height, out, imageSize, 2)
return ByteBuffer.wrap(out)
private fun areUVPlanesNV21(planes: Array<Plane>, width: Int, height: Int): Boolean {
val imageSize = width * height
val uBuffer = planes[1].buffer
val vBuffer = planes[2].buffer
val vBufferPosition = vBuffer.position()
val uBufferLimit = uBuffer.limit()
vBuffer.position(vBufferPosition + 1)
uBuffer.limit(uBufferLimit - 1)
val areNV21 =
vBuffer.remaining() == 2 * imageSize / 4 - 2 && vBuffer.compareTo(uBuffer) == 0
return areNV21
private fun unpackPlane(
plane: Plane,
width: Int,
height: Int,
out: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
pixelStride: Int
) {
val buffer = plane.buffer
val numRow = (buffer.limit() + plane.rowStride - 1) / plane.rowStride
if (numRow == 0) {
val scaleFactor = height / numRow
val numCol = width / scaleFactor
var outputPos = offset
var rowStart = 0
for (row in 0 until numRow) {
var inputPos = rowStart
for (col in 0 until numCol) {
out[outputPos] = buffer[inputPos]
outputPos += pixelStride
inputPos += plane.pixelStride
rowStart += plane.rowStride
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
fun imageProxyToByteArray(image: ImageProxy): ByteArray {
val yuvBytes = ByteArray(image.width * (image.height + image.height / 2))
val yPlane = image.planes[0].buffer
val uPlane = image.planes[1].buffer
val vPlane = image.planes[2].buffer
yPlane.get(yuvBytes, 0, image.width * image.height)
val chromaRowStride = image.planes[1].rowStride
val chromaRowPadding = chromaRowStride - image.width / 2
var offset = image.width * image.height
if (chromaRowPadding == 0) {
uPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width * image.height / 4)
offset += image.width * image.height / 4
vPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width * image.height / 4)
} else {
for (i in 0 until image.height / 2) {
uPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width / 2)
offset += image.width / 2
if (i < image.height / 2 - 2) {
uPlane.position(uPlane.position() + chromaRowPadding)
for (i in 0 until image.height / 2) {
vPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width / 2)
offset += image.width / 2
if (i < image.height / 2 - 1) {
vPlane.position(vPlane.position() + chromaRowPadding)
return yuvBytes
Upvotes: 1