you do not need to make the p_average
parameter as IN OUT , OUT should be enough as you calculate it inside.
to assign some value to OUT parameter you don't need to use SET. Only assignment using assignment operator is fine. see below
\nCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE student_grade\n(\n p_school_no IN lessons.school_number%TYPE\n ,p_lesson OUT lessons.lesson_name%TYPE\n ,p_midterm_1 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_1%TYPE\n ,p_midterm_2 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_2%TYPE\n ,p_final OUT lessons.final_notu%TYPE\n ,p_average OUT NUMBER\n) IS\nBEGIN\n SELECT d.lesson\n ,d.midterm_notu_1\n ,d.midterm_notu_2\n ,d.final_notu\n INTO p_lesson\n ,p_midterm_1\n ,p_midterm_2\n ,p_final\n FROM lessons d\n WHERE d.shool_number = p_school_no;\n --assign to the output variable for average\n p_average := (((d.midterm_notu_1 * 25) / 100) + ((d.midterm_notu_2 * 30) / 100) + ((d.final_notu * 45) / 100));\nEND;\n/\n
\nI believe because of error exists in procedure you were unable to test, after doing above changes it should work.
\nYou also can test it with a PL/SQL anonymous block instead with SQL command window which would be easier.\nE.g.
\nDECLARE\n --assign the input directly here in the declare section\n v_school_no lessons.school_number%type := 10;\n v_lesson lessons.lesson_name%type;\n v_midterm_1 lessons.midterm_notu_1%type;\n v_midterm_2 lessons.midterm_notu_2%type;\n v_final lessons.final_notu%type;\n v_average NUMBER;\nBEGIN\n -- call the procedure\n student_grade( \n v_lesson,\n v_midterm_1,\n v_midterm_2 ,\n v_final,\n v_average );\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Student Grade');\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('School Number: ' ||v_school_no);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 1: ' || v_midterm_1);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 2: ' || v_midterm_2 );\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Final: ' || v_final);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Average: ' || v_average );\nEND;\n/\n
\nLet me know if it solves your problem;
\nI strongly recommend/suggests you to look into the documentation of PL/SQL before continue with next assignment. It will help you understanding the errors you get so you can correct it. Also there are many videos on the tool SQL Developer , how to use them efficiently.Check them too.
\nComing back to you problem I have tried in my machine and there are many problems to the script which I had to fix one by one looking into the error messages. Please find the points and final solution which should work or else I am done.
\nProblems: there are differences in names of the column in table with the code you have written
\nWHERE d.shool_number = p_school_no;
--> shool_number is not an existing column, it is propbably d.school_number
v_lesson lessons.lesson_name%type;
--> the actual column is lesson
and not lesson_name
. I can say it from your select clause in the procedurep_lesson OUT lessons.lesson_name%type,
--> same as point 2p_average := (((d.midterm_notu_1 * 25)/100) + ((d.midterm_notu_2 * 30)/100) + ((d.final_notu * 45)/100));
-- you cannot refer the columns like this , what it means with "d."
where code doesn't know what it refers. d
you have used in the select query as alias to table lessons
and with the select statement ends the scope of d
finishes there itself. As you have already taken the values to the output variables such as p_midterm_1, p_midterm_2, p_final
use them instead.school_number=20201754
otherwise you end of with error ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
and then there are other ways to handle it. (for the moment I will not say anything with respect to that)student_grade( v_lesson, v_midterm_1, v_midterm_2 , v_final, v_average );
--> you are passing wrong number of arguments to the procedure by not including v_school_no
as the first parameter.However i have created my own setup and modified the procedure and the test accordingly, see below.
\n--table definition\ncreate table lessons (school_number number,lesson varchar2(100),midterm_notu_1 number,midterm_notu_2 number,final_notu number);\n--inserting unique rows per school_number\ninsert into lessons values(20201754,'Maths',35,55,85);\ninsert into lessons values(20201755,'Science',45,65,95);\n\n-- to enable the dbms_output\nSET SERVEROUTPUT ON;\n\n--procedure definition\nCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE student_grade(\n p_school_no IN lessons.school_number%type,\n p_lesson OUT lessons.lesson%type,\n p_midterm_1 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_1%type,\n p_midterm_2 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_2%type,\n p_final OUT lessons.final_notu%type,\n p_average OUT NUMBER\n )\nIS\nBEGIN\n SELECT\n d.lesson,\n d.midterm_notu_1,\n d.midterm_notu_2,\n d.final_notu\n INTO\n p_lesson,\n p_midterm_1,\n p_midterm_2,\n p_final\n FROM lessons d\n WHERE d.school_number = p_school_no;\n p_average := (((p_midterm_1 * 25)/100) + ((p_midterm_2 * 30)/100) + ((p_final * 45)/100));\nEND student_grade;\n/\n\n--testing the procedure \nDECLARE\n v_school_no lessons.school_number%type := 20201754;\n v_lesson lessons.lesson%type;\n v_midterm_1 lessons.midterm_notu_1%type;\n v_midterm_2 lessons.midterm_notu_2%type;\n v_final lessons.final_notu%type;\n v_average NUMBER;\nBEGIN\n student_grade(\n v_school_no,\n v_lesson,\n v_midterm_1,\n v_midterm_2 ,\n v_final,\n v_average );\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Student Grade');\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('School Number: ' ||v_school_no);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 1: ' || v_midterm_1);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 2: ' || v_midterm_2 );\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Final: ' || v_final);\n DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Average: ' || v_average );\nEND;\n/\n
\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Sujitmohanty30"},"upvoteCount":1}}}Reputation: 39
I'm trying to write a procedure. The procedure will be queried with the school number
and the course_name, midterm_not, final_not, the average will be revealed, but the midterm and final grades will be calculated in %. If it is under 60, it will be over and it will be passed.
set serveroutput on;
p_school_no IN lessons.school_number%type,
p_lesson OUT lessons.lesson_name%type,
p_midterm_1 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_1%type,
p_midterm_2 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_2%type,
p_final OUT lessons.final_notu%type,
p_average OUT NUMBER
FROM lessons d
WHERE d.shool_number = p_school_no
p_average := (((d.midterm_notu_1 * 25)/100) + ((d.midterm_notu_2 * 30)/100) + ((d.final_notu * 45)/100));
v_school_no lessons.school_number%type := 20201754;
v_lesson lessons.lesson_name%type;
v_midterm_1 lessons.midterm_notu_1%type;
v_midterm_2 lessons.midterm_notu_2%type;
v_final lessons.final_notu%type;
v_average NUMBER;
v_midterm_2 ,
v_average );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Student Grade');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('School Number: ' ||v_school_no);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 1: ' || v_midterm_1);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 2: ' || v_midterm_2 );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Final: ' || v_final);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Average: ' || v_average );
I did something like this when I run the procedure it says "Procedure student_grade compiled"
but when I try to run the DECLARE
part it gives an error like this;
Error report - ORA-06550: line 9, column 5: PLS-00905: SYSTEM.STUDENT_GRADE object is invalid ORA-06550: line 9, column 5: PL/SQL: Statement ignored 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s" *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
I think it has a problem in p_average :=
Can anyone help me with these issues?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2478
Reputation: 3316
You are almost done everything fine. Few things with respect to procedure,
Run the below command (may be you over look the part for error)
Warning: Procedure altered with compilation errors
you do not need to make the p_average
parameter as IN OUT , OUT should be enough as you calculate it inside.
to assign some value to OUT parameter you don't need to use SET. Only assignment using assignment operator is fine. see below
p_school_no IN lessons.school_number%TYPE
,p_lesson OUT lessons.lesson_name%TYPE
,p_midterm_1 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_1%TYPE
,p_midterm_2 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_2%TYPE
,p_final OUT lessons.final_notu%TYPE
,p_average OUT NUMBER
) IS
SELECT d.lesson
INTO p_lesson
FROM lessons d
WHERE d.shool_number = p_school_no;
--assign to the output variable for average
p_average := (((d.midterm_notu_1 * 25) / 100) + ((d.midterm_notu_2 * 30) / 100) + ((d.final_notu * 45) / 100));
I believe because of error exists in procedure you were unable to test, after doing above changes it should work.
You also can test it with a PL/SQL anonymous block instead with SQL command window which would be easier. E.g.
--assign the input directly here in the declare section
v_school_no lessons.school_number%type := 10;
v_lesson lessons.lesson_name%type;
v_midterm_1 lessons.midterm_notu_1%type;
v_midterm_2 lessons.midterm_notu_2%type;
v_final lessons.final_notu%type;
v_average NUMBER;
-- call the procedure
v_midterm_2 ,
v_average );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Student Grade');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('School Number: ' ||v_school_no);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 1: ' || v_midterm_1);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 2: ' || v_midterm_2 );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Final: ' || v_final);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Average: ' || v_average );
Let me know if it solves your problem;
I strongly recommend/suggests you to look into the documentation of PL/SQL before continue with next assignment. It will help you understanding the errors you get so you can correct it. Also there are many videos on the tool SQL Developer , how to use them efficiently.Check them too.
Coming back to you problem I have tried in my machine and there are many problems to the script which I had to fix one by one looking into the error messages. Please find the points and final solution which should work or else I am done.
Problems: there are differences in names of the column in table with the code you have written
WHERE d.shool_number = p_school_no;
--> shool_number is not an existing column, it is propbably d.school_number
v_lesson lessons.lesson_name%type;
--> the actual column is lesson
and not lesson_name
. I can say it from your select clause in the procedurep_lesson OUT lessons.lesson_name%type,
--> same as point 2p_average := (((d.midterm_notu_1 * 25)/100) + ((d.midterm_notu_2 * 30)/100) + ((d.final_notu * 45)/100));
-- you cannot refer the columns like this , what it means with "d."
where code doesn't know what it refers. d
you have used in the select query as alias to table lessons
and with the select statement ends the scope of d
finishes there itself. As you have already taken the values to the output variables such as p_midterm_1, p_midterm_2, p_final
use them instead.school_number=20201754
otherwise you end of with error ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
and then there are other ways to handle it. (for the moment I will not say anything with respect to that)student_grade( v_lesson, v_midterm_1, v_midterm_2 , v_final, v_average );
--> you are passing wrong number of arguments to the procedure by not including v_school_no
as the first parameter.However i have created my own setup and modified the procedure and the test accordingly, see below.
--table definition
create table lessons (school_number number,lesson varchar2(100),midterm_notu_1 number,midterm_notu_2 number,final_notu number);
--inserting unique rows per school_number
insert into lessons values(20201754,'Maths',35,55,85);
insert into lessons values(20201755,'Science',45,65,95);
-- to enable the dbms_output
--procedure definition
p_school_no IN lessons.school_number%type,
p_lesson OUT lessons.lesson%type,
p_midterm_1 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_1%type,
p_midterm_2 OUT lessons.midterm_notu_2%type,
p_final OUT lessons.final_notu%type,
p_average OUT NUMBER
FROM lessons d
WHERE d.school_number = p_school_no;
p_average := (((p_midterm_1 * 25)/100) + ((p_midterm_2 * 30)/100) + ((p_final * 45)/100));
END student_grade;
--testing the procedure
v_school_no lessons.school_number%type := 20201754;
v_lesson lessons.lesson%type;
v_midterm_1 lessons.midterm_notu_1%type;
v_midterm_2 lessons.midterm_notu_2%type;
v_final lessons.final_notu%type;
v_average NUMBER;
v_midterm_2 ,
v_average );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Student Grade');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('School Number: ' ||v_school_no);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 1: ' || v_midterm_1);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Midterm 2: ' || v_midterm_2 );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Final: ' || v_final);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Average: ' || v_average );
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3872
The 'accept' (accept p_school_no prompt ) is a sqlplus directive, not a pl/sql statement. PL/SQL runs entirely inside the database and has no means of 'accepting' input from the user. The only means of 'accepting' run-time values is by supplying on the command line when you call the procedure. That's what those IN parameters are for.
exec student_grade('schoolname');
Also, 'set' (SET p_average := ) is not valid for a SELECT. It belongs with UPDATE.
Upvotes: 0