Reputation: 35
Okay. I played around with and it gives you the SVG code and the CSS code. But what it doesn't give is the Javascript code to launch the animation on page load.
Here is an example. First, the SVG code.
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And the CSS code
* Generated by SVG Artista on 8/5/2020, 8:05:40 PM
* MIT license (
* W.
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From there, the site says to use Javascript to load the .active css on page load. I just don't know how to do that.
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From there, the site says to use Javascript to load the .active css on page load. I just don't know how to do that.
That phrase is confusing and misleading. There's nothing to "load" here. What you have to do is add the active
class to the <svg>
element to fade-in, or remove it to fade-out.
here a little snippet to do that on a button click, just to get you started:
// find the svg-element
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
window.onload = function() {
document.querySelector("button").onclick = function() {
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
window.onload = function() {
document.querySelector("button").onclick = function() {
* Generated by SVG Artista on 8/5/2020, 8:05:40 PM
* MIT license (
* W.
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fill: rgb(0, 0, 0);
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<g stroke="red">
<path class="st6 svg-elem-23"
d="M14.68 54.76V11.54h26.65v5.04h-21.1v13.55h18.33v5.04H20.23v14.55h21.48v5.04H14.68z" />
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d="M60.48 37.56l9.7 17.2h-6.24l-6.49-12.1-6.68 12.1H45.1L54.75 38l-9.2-16.38h6.24l5.99 11.34 6.17-11.34h5.8l-9.27 15.94z" />
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d="M94.63 30.12v18.59c0 1.58.88 2.21 1.76 2.21h2.02v3.59c-.57.31-1.76.76-3.4.76-2.71 0-4.6-1.64-5.23-4.1h-.32c-1.7 2.71-4.6 4.35-8.06 4.35-3.28 0-8.69-1.32-8.69-9.32 0-9.14 7.12-11.09 16.76-11.09v-4.28c0-3.15-1.01-5.36-5.23-5.36-3.91 0-5.1 2.71-5.1 5.23v.76h-5.1c-.06-.38-.06-.82-.06-1.39 0-6.05 4.41-9.2 10.65-9.2 6.66-.01 10 3.39 10 9.25zm-5.17 9.58c-6.74 0-11.34 1.01-11.34 6.17 0 3.78 1.58 5.04 4.47 5.04 3.28 0 6.87-2.71 6.87-8.19V39.7z" />
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d="M138.54 30.88v23.88h-5.17v-23.5c0-4.6-1.83-5.8-4.28-5.8-3.09 0-5.67 3.34-5.67 9.07v20.22h-5.17v-23.5c0-4.6-1.83-5.8-4.28-5.8-3.09 0-5.73 3.34-5.73 9.07v20.22h-5.17V21.62h3.91l.69 3.84h.38c1.76-3.28 4.41-4.6 7.56-4.6 3.28 0 5.86 1.39 7.06 4.79 1.76-3.15 4.91-4.79 8.06-4.79 4.66 0 7.81 2.65 7.81 10.02z" />
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d="M168.53 38.25c0 12.03-4.41 17.26-9.89 17.26-3.21 0-5.92-1.39-7.06-3.65h-.32v13.8h-5.17V21.62H150l.69 3.84h.31c1.58-3.02 4.22-4.6 7.25-4.6 6.31 0 10.28 5.23 10.28 17.39zm-17.27-1.26v2.39c0 7.62 1.95 11.53 5.92 11.53s5.92-3.28 5.92-11.53v-2.39c0-8.25-1.95-11.53-5.92-11.53s-5.92 3.91-5.92 11.53z" />
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d="M179.36 54.76h-5.17V9.2h5.17v45.56z" />
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d="M208.53 36.42v3.28h-17.96c.06 7.75 2.33 11.21 7.25 11.21 3.28 0 5.61-2.83 5.61-7.43h5.1c0 7.43-4.41 12.03-10.84 12.03-8.25 0-12.54-5.04-12.54-17.33 0-11.91 4.16-17.33 12.48-17.33 7.25.01 10.9 4.48 10.9 15.57zm-17.89-1.32h12.47c0-6.3-1.89-9.64-5.48-9.64-4.6 0-6.55 3.28-6.99 9.64z" />
Had to strip down your SVG to fit in this code snippet. The rest ain't visible anyway. And patience, the animation has long delays. Almost 3 seconds.
Edit: the generated code is ... not good.
About 70% of the CSS is unnecessarily repetitive. Shortened it.
And the SVG can be optimzed too, check out
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
window.onload = function() {
document.querySelector("button").onclick = function() {
/* the redundant part: */
svg path {
fill: transparent;
transition: stroke-dashoffset 1s cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715),
fill 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715);
} path {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
fill: #000;
Here were a lot of useless animations defined,
for elements that are never visible
display: none;
/* the details for each specific animation (for actually visible elements) */
.svg-elem-23 {
stroke-dashoffset: 221.3599853515625px;
stroke-dasharray: 221.3599853515625px;
transition-delay: 2.6399999999999997s, 3s;
.svg-elem-24 {
stroke-dashoffset: 155.54933166503906px;
stroke-dasharray: 155.54933166503906px;
transition-delay: 2.76s, 3.1000000000000005s;
.svg-elem-25 {
stroke-dashoffset: 184.92225646972656px;
stroke-dasharray: 184.92225646972656px;
transition-delay: 2.88s, 3.2s;
.svg-elem-26 {
stroke-dashoffset: 253.2868194580078px;
stroke-dasharray: 253.2868194580078px;
transition-delay: 3s, 3.3s;
.svg-elem-27 {
stroke-dashoffset: 198.46755981445312px;
stroke-dasharray: 198.46755981445312px;
transition-delay: 3.12s, 3.4000000000000004s;
.svg-elem-28 {
stroke-dashoffset: 103.45999145507812px;
stroke-dasharray: 103.45999145507812px;
transition-delay: 3.2399999999999998s, 3.5s;
.svg-elem-29 {
stroke-dashoffset: 181.11129760742188px;
stroke-dasharray: 181.11129760742188px;
transition-delay: 3.36s, 3.6000000000000005s;
<svg viewBox="0 0 218 71" width="218" height="71">
<g stroke="red">
<path class="svg-elem-23"
d="M14.68 54.76V11.54h26.65v5.04h-21.1v13.55h18.33v5.04H20.23v14.55h21.48v5.04H14.68z" />
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d="M60.48 37.56l9.7 17.2h-6.24l-6.49-12.1-6.68 12.1H45.1L54.75 38l-9.2-16.38h6.24l5.99 11.34 6.17-11.34h5.8l-9.27 15.94z" />
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d="M94.63 30.12v18.59c0 1.58.88 2.21 1.76 2.21h2.02v3.59c-.57.31-1.76.76-3.4.76-2.71 0-4.6-1.64-5.23-4.1h-.32c-1.7 2.71-4.6 4.35-8.06 4.35-3.28 0-8.69-1.32-8.69-9.32 0-9.14 7.12-11.09 16.76-11.09v-4.28c0-3.15-1.01-5.36-5.23-5.36-3.91 0-5.1 2.71-5.1 5.23v.76h-5.1c-.06-.38-.06-.82-.06-1.39 0-6.05 4.41-9.2 10.65-9.2 6.66-.01 10 3.39 10 9.25zm-5.17 9.58c-6.74 0-11.34 1.01-11.34 6.17 0 3.78 1.58 5.04 4.47 5.04 3.28 0 6.87-2.71 6.87-8.19V39.7z" />
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d="M138.54 30.88v23.88h-5.17v-23.5c0-4.6-1.83-5.8-4.28-5.8-3.09 0-5.67 3.34-5.67 9.07v20.22h-5.17v-23.5c0-4.6-1.83-5.8-4.28-5.8-3.09 0-5.73 3.34-5.73 9.07v20.22h-5.17V21.62h3.91l.69 3.84h.38c1.76-3.28 4.41-4.6 7.56-4.6 3.28 0 5.86 1.39 7.06 4.79 1.76-3.15 4.91-4.79 8.06-4.79 4.66 0 7.81 2.65 7.81 10.02z" />
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d="M168.53 38.25c0 12.03-4.41 17.26-9.89 17.26-3.21 0-5.92-1.39-7.06-3.65h-.32v13.8h-5.17V21.62H150l.69 3.84h.31c1.58-3.02 4.22-4.6 7.25-4.6 6.31 0 10.28 5.23 10.28 17.39zm-17.27-1.26v2.39c0 7.62 1.95 11.53 5.92 11.53s5.92-3.28 5.92-11.53v-2.39c0-8.25-1.95-11.53-5.92-11.53s-5.92 3.91-5.92 11.53z" />
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d="M179.36 54.76h-5.17V9.2h5.17v45.56z" />
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d="M208.53 36.42v3.28h-17.96c.06 7.75 2.33 11.21 7.25 11.21 3.28 0 5.61-2.83 5.61-7.43h5.1c0 7.43-4.41 12.03-10.84 12.03-8.25 0-12.54-5.04-12.54-17.33 0-11.91 4.16-17.33 12.48-17.33 7.25.01 10.9 4.48 10.9 15.57zm-17.89-1.32h12.47c0-6.3-1.89-9.64-5.48-9.64-4.6 0-6.55 3.28-6.99 9.64z" />
Upvotes: 2