Reputation: 71
I've a task and don't have an easy way to parse some data into correct format. The text file i have is in following format
#N Last Name: Joe
#D First Name: Doe
#P Middle Name: A
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 12345
#S Status: (1) Active
#N Last Name: Jane
#D First Name: Doee
#P Middle Name:
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 11111
#S Status: (1) Active
ID Number: (2) 1231
Status: (2) Active
Here is the code i was trying to using.
$A = Select-String -Pattern "#N" MYFILE.txt;
$B = Select-String -Pattern "#D" MYFILE.txt;
$C = Select-String -Pattern "#P" MYFILE.txt;
$D = Select-String -Pattern "#C" MYFILE.txt;
$E = Select-String -Pattern "#S" MYFILE.txt;
$wrapper = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FirstColumn = $A; SecondColumn = $B; ThirdColumn = $C; FourthColumn = $D; FifthColumn = $E }
Export-Csv -InputObject $wrapper -Path .\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
This is the result i'm getting
The output i'm looking for is; #N,#D,#P,#C,#S
Joe, Doe, A, 12345, Active
Jane, Doee, , 11111, Active
Any and all help is really appreciated.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1886
Reputation: 8868
Here is yet another recommendation. What I'm suggesting is to use ConvertFrom-String.
First we'll make a template, I accounted for the junk two lines in your sample data. I'm really hoping that's a typo/copyo.
$template = @'
#N Last Name {[string]Last*:last1}
#D First Name: {[string]First:first1}
#P Middle Name: {[string]Middle:A}
#C ID Number: (1) {[int]ID:11111}
#S Status: (1) {[string]Status:status1}
#N Last Name: {[string]Last*:Jane}
#D First Name: {[string]First:Doee}
#P Middle Name: {[string]Middle: \s}
#C ID Number: (1) {[int]ID:11111}
#S Status: (1) {[string]Status:Active}
{!Last*:ID Number: (2) 1231
Status: (2) Active}
Now we apply that template to your data. First we will parse a here-string.
#N Last Name: Joe
#D First Name: Doe
#P Middle Name: A
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 12345
#S Status: (1) Active
#N Last Name: Jane
#D First Name: Doee
#P Middle Name:
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 11111
#S Status: (1) Active
ID Number: (2) 1231
Status: (2) Active
'@ | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template -OutVariable results
Last : Joe
First : Doe
Middle : A
ID : 12345
Status : Active
Last : Jane
First : Doee
ID : 11111
Status : Active
Now we can construct our object in preparation to export.
$results | foreach {
FirstName = $_.first
LastName = $_.last
MidName = $_.middle
IdNumber = $
Status = $_.status
} -OutVariable export
And now we can export it
$export | Export-Csv -Path .\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
Here is what's in output.csv
PS C:\> Get-Content .\output.csv
Here's the same thing reading it from a file instead.
$template = @'
#N Last Name {[string]Last*:last1}
#D First Name: {[string]First:first1}
#P Middle Name: {[string]Middle:A}
#C ID Number: (1) {[int]ID:11111}
#S Status: (1) {[string]Status:status1}
#N Last Name: {[string]Last*:Jane}
#D First Name: {[string]First:Doee}
#P Middle Name: {[string]Middle: \s}
#C ID Number: (1) {[int]ID:11111}
#S Status: (1) {[string]Status:Active}
{!Last*:ID Number: (2) 1231
Status: (2) Active}
get-content .\ndpcs.txt |
ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | foreach {
FirstName = $_.first
LastName = $_.last
MidName = $_.middle
IdNumber = $
Status = $_.status
} | Export-Csv -Path .\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
Let's double check the contents of our CSV just to be sure.
Get-Content .\output.csv
A couple things to note: If the datasets after this have different characteristics, you'll need to add more samples to the template. If the two extra lines (ID and status) shouldn't be there, simply remove that part of the template.
I recommend everyone use the -outvariable parameter when working out logic/building scripts as you can see the output and assign to a variable at the same time.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7489
here's another way to parse that block of data. i changed the user info to make it more obvious what was going on. [grin]
what it does ...
block with a call to Get-Content -Raw
, then a letter, and a final spaceswitch
on the 2nd char in each line[PSCustomObject]
to hold the values$Result
]if you want to remove the quotes from the CSV, please don't. [grin] if you MUST risk wrecking the CSV, then you can use Get-Content
to load the lines from the file and replace the quotes with nothing.
the code ...
#region >>> fake reading in a text file as a single multiline string
# in real life, use "Get-Content -Raw"
$InStuff = @'
#N Last Name: ALast
#D First Name: AFirst
#P Middle Name: AMid
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 11111
#S Status: (1) Active
#N Last Name: BLast
#D First Name: BFirst
#P Middle Name:
Some Data:
#C ID Number: (1) 22222
#S Status: (1) Active
ID Number: (2) 1231
Status: (2) Active
#endregion >>> fake reading in a text file as a single multiline string
$BlockDelim = ([System.Environment]::NewLine) * 2
$Result = foreach ($Block in ($InStuff -split $BlockDelim))
# initialize stuff to $Null
# this handles non-matches [such as a missing middle name]
$FirstName = $MidName = $LastName = $IdNumber = $Status = $Null
# the "-match" filters for lines that start with a "#", a single letter, and a space
foreach ($Line in ($Block -split [System.Environment]::NewLine -match '^#\w '))
switch ($Line[1])
'N' {
$LastName = $Line.Split(':')[-1].Trim()
'D' {
$FirstName = $Line.Split(':')[-1].Trim()
'P' {
$MidName = $Line.Split(':')[-1].Trim()
'C' {
$IdNumber = $Line.Split(':')[-1].Trim().Split(' ')[-1].Trim()
'S' {
$Status = $Line.Split(':')[-1].Trim().Split(' ')[-1].Trim()
} # end >>> switch ($Line[1])
} # end >>> foreach ($Line in ($Block -split [System.Environment]::NewLine))
# create a custom object and send it out to the collection
FirstName = $FirstName
LastName = $LastName
MidName = $MidName
IdNumber = $IdNumber
Status = $Status
} # end >>> foreach ($Block in ($InStuff -split $BlockDelim))
# display on screen
# send to a CSV file
$Result |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath "$env:TEMP\Veebster_ParsedResult.csv" -NoTypeInformation
the on-screen output ...
FirstName : AFirst
LastName : ALast
MidName : AMid
IdNumber : 11111
Status : Active
FirstName : BFirst
LastName : BLast
MidName :
IdNumber : 22222
Status : Active
the content of the CSV file ...
please note that there is no error detection OR error handling. [grin]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4030
This will work, but it is ugly as sin.
# Get content from text file
$Txtfile = Get-Content "C:\temp\test.txt" -raw
# Add delimiter to split users
$Delimiter = "
$Users = $Txtfile -split $Delimiter
# Create an array list to add data to so it can be exported later.
$collectionVariable = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach($Grouping in $Users) {
$temp = New-Object System.Object
$temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "#N" -Value (([regex]::match($Grouping, '#N.*').value) -split " ")[-1]
$temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "#D" -Value (([regex]::match($Grouping, '#D.*').value) -split " ")[-1]
$temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "#P" -Value (([regex]::match($Grouping, '#P.*').value) -split " ")[-1]
$temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "#C" -Value (([regex]::match($Grouping, '#C.*').value) -split " ")[-1]
# This is [-2] due to new line at end of the groupings.
$temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "#S" -Value (([regex]::match($Grouping, '#S.*').value) -split " ")[-2]
$collectionVariable.Add($temp) | Out-Null
Upvotes: 0