Sumeet Kumar
Sumeet Kumar

Reputation: 347

How To Get Value of Variable From Dynamic Query

    @id int = NULL, @district int = 12, @zone int = 48,
    @str nvarchar(max) = NULL, @sanctioned int = 0 

CREATE TABLE #runningTable
    postid int NULL,
    postname varchar(50) NULL,
    sanction int NULL DEFAULT 0,                           
    surplus int NULL DEFAULT 0,
    inposition int NULL DEFAULT 0,
    aar int NULL DEFAULT 0,
    vacant int NULL DEFAULT 0
SET @str = 'select @sanctioned = (SUM('+@value+')) FROM staff_strength_details a 
                                            INNER JOIN school_master b ON b.udisecode = a.udisecode
                                            WHERE CONVERT(varchar, b.district_id) = ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @district) + ''' AND 
                                            CONVERT(varchar, b.zone_id) = '''  + CONVERT(varchar, @zone) + '''
                                            @sanctioned int output
EXEC sp_executesql @str, @sanctioned = @sanctioned OUTPUT

UPDATE #runningTable 
SET sanction = @sanctioned 
WHERE postid = @id

SELECT * FROM #runningTable

DROP TABLE #runningTable

In above query, I have declared a @sanctioned variable and need to get the sum of dynamic column in this variable. Then than variable need to be updated in the dynamic table #runningTable. But on executing the above query I get an error

Procedure expects parameter '@params' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'

Therefore I have declared @str as nvarchar but I still get the same error.

How should I get the value of declared variable @sanctioned?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 585

Answers (1)

George Joseph
George Joseph

Reputation: 5932

Here is a small example of how to use dynamic sql. It accepts one variable as input to the dynamic string, and outputs a single value sum(status) into the variable @l_out1

You may modify this example to suit what you require. In you example, i could find you have a statement sum(@value),however @value is not defined.

declare @str       nvarchar(4000)
declare @l_out1    int
declare @l_status1 int =1

set @str='select @l_out=sum(status) ' 
         + 'from master..spt_values '
         + 'where status=@l_status '

exec sp_executesql @str
                   ,N'@l_status INT,@l_out INT OUTPUT'
                   ,@l_out=@l_out1 output

select @l_out1 as 'col1'

Working example

Upvotes: 2

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