Reputation: 514
I know that using $inc in Mongo you can calculate and update the count of data in update time, such as:
$inc: {totalCnt: 1}
$push: { price: {'t': time, 'p': newValue },
$setOnInsert: { flightNo: "EN120" , airline="LFT"}
{ upsert: true }
However, I need to also calculate the total value of price.p (in above example) and add and store it as a field in update time. I wondering is it possible to use $sum or $add in update? (Actually I want to be able to store average price as pre-aggregated field in update time).
For example, suppose that this document exists in flights collection:
{ "_id" : 1, "flightNo" : "EN120", "airline" : "LFT", "price" : [{"t": 120, "p": 2500}]}
The result that I need after executing update (suppose new value for time and price is 130 and 3000 respectively) command is:
{ "_id" : 1, "flightNo" : "EN120", "airline" : "LFT", "price" : [{'t': 120, 'p': 2500}, {'t': 130, 'p': 3000}], "totalCnt":2, "totalPrice": 5500}
And after executing another update with t=150 and p=2850 the result should be:
{ "_id" : 1, "flightNo" : "EN120", "airline" : "LFT", "price" : [{'t': 120, 'p': 2500}, {'t': 130, 'p': 3000}, {'t': 150, 'p': 2850}], "totalCnt":3, "totalPrice": 8350}
Upvotes: 2
Views: 150
Reputation: 22316
For Mongo v4.2+ you can use pipelined update, mind you you'll have to change your updates structure like so:
{ query },
$set: {
airline: {$ifNull: ["$airline", "LFT"]},
flightNo: {$ifNull: ["$flightNo", "EN120"]},
price: {$concatArrays: [{$ifNull: ["$price", []]}, [{'t': time, 'p': newValue}]]},
$set: {
totalPrice: {
$reduce: {
input: "$price",
initialValue: 0,
in: {$sum: ["$$this.p", "$$value"]}
totalCnt: {$size: "$price"}
upsert: true
For lesser versions you'll have to split it into 2 calls. first fetch, do the calculation in code and then update.
--- EDIT ---
A more efficient way of calculating totalPrice
{ query },
$set: {
flightNo: {$ifNull: ["$flightNo", "EN120"]},
totalPrice: {$sum: ["$totalPrice", newValue]},
price: {$concatArrays: [{$ifNull: ["$price", []]}, [{'t': time, 'p': newValue}]]},
$set: {
totalCnt: {$size: "$price"}
upsert: true
Upvotes: 2