Reputation: 1513
Is there a way to implement this: I have got a datatable displayed and I would like to toggle a particular row if a row index is selected and a toggle button is clicked. I just want to hide the row, not deleting from the datatable completely. I have got the ui as following. How to implement the server side?
data <- data.frame(
Name = c("Andy", "Bob", "Chad"),
Job = c("Clerk", "Pilot", "Electrician")
ui <- fluidPage(
box(id = "myBox", title = NULL,
selectInput(inputId = "row_index", label = "Row to Toggle", choices = c(1,2,3))
actionButton(inputId = "button", label = "Show/Hide"),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$DTOut <- DT::renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1159
Reputation: 84599
Here is a way. It requires to have a column of row indices at the first position. If you don't want to display the row indices, then add this column and hide it.
initComplete <- JS(
"function(settings, json) {",
" var table = this.api();",
" var nrows = table.rows().count();",
" $('#button').on('click', function() {",
" var nrows_filtered = table.rows({search:'applied'}).count();",
" if(nrows_filtered === nrows) {",
" var selection = $('select[id=row_index] option').val();",
" var rowsToShow = [];",
" for(var i = 1; i <= nrows; ++i) {",
" if(i != selection) rowsToShow.push('^' + i + '$');",
" }",
" var regex = '(' + rowsToShow.join('|') + ')';",
" table.column(0).search(regex, true).draw();",
" } else {",
" table.columns().search('').draw();",
" }",
" });",
data <- data.frame(
Name = c("Andy", "Bob", "Chad"),
Job = c("Clerk", "Pilot", "Electrician")
ui <- fluidPage(
wellPanel(id = "myBox",
selectInput(inputId = "row_index", label = "Row to Toggle", choices = c(1,2,3))
actionButton(inputId = "button", label = "Show/Hide"),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$DTOut <- renderDT({
datatable(data, options = list(initComplete = initComplete))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 2