Reputation: 193
I would like to encode audio buffers to M4A/AAC file using AVAudioFile. It works except that the output file is always AAC with a variable bitrate, even when I configure the AVAudioFile with specific constant bitrate flag.
Here is the code of AVAudioFile initialisation :
NSDictionary* outputSettings = @{
AVFormatIDKey: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC],
AVNumberOfChannelsKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:2],
AVEncoderBitRateKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:128000],
AVEncoderBitRateStrategyKey: AVAudioBitRateStrategy_Constant /* should output constant bitrate AAC, but doesn't */
AVAudioFile *outputFile = [[AVAudioFile alloc] initForWriting:outputURL
Is constant bitrate AAC supported by AVAudioFile ? The documentation is not clear about that.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 223