Reputation: 371
im using airbnb-eslint along with babel-plugin-module-resolver. I get this error in every js file where i've used an alias to import.
"extends": ["plugin:import/errors", "plugin:import/warnings", "airbnb", "airbnb/hooks", "prettier", "plugin:prettier/recommended", "prettier/react", "plugin:react/recommended"],
"plugins": ["import", "react", "jsx-a11y", "react-hooks", "babel", "module-resolver"],
"rules": {
"react/jsx-filename-extension": [
"extensions": [".js", ".jsx"]
"react/prop-types": 0,
"implicit-arrow-linebreak": 0,
"prefer-destructuring": 1,
"react/no-unused-state": 1,
"react/destructuring-assignment": 1,
"react/no-array-index-key": 1,
"react/jsx-key": [2],
"react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error",
"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn",
"react/jsx-no-duplicate-props": [2],
"react/jsx-uses-vars": [2],
"react/jsx-uses-react": [2],
"react/jsx-no-undef": ["error", { "allowGlobals": true}],
"react/no-direct-mutation-state": [2],
"react/require-optimization": [1],
"react/require-render-return": [2],
"jsx-a11y/img-has-alt": [0],
"jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt": [2],
"no-nested-ternary": "off",
"no-plusplus": ["error", { "allowForLoopAfterthoughts": true }],
"no-underscore-dangle": ["error", { "allowAfterThis": true }],
"no-unused-expressions": ["error", {
"allowShortCircuit": true,
"allowTernary": true,
"allowTaggedTemplates": true
"no-use-before-define": [
{ "functions": true, "classes": true, "variables": false }
"import/imports-first": ["error", "absolute-first"],
"import/no-unresolved": 0,
"import/newline-after-import": "error",
"import/prefer-default-export": 0,
"import/no-cycle": [2, { "maxDepth": 1, "ignoreExternal": true }],
"import/no-absolute-path": [2, { "esmodule": false, "commonjs": false, "amd": false }],
"prettier/prettier": ["error", {}, {
"usePrettierrc": true
"quotes": [
{ "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": false }
"max-len": ["error", {"code": 205, "ignoreUrls": true}],
"no-tabs": ["error", {"allowIndentationTabs": true}],
"babel/arrow-parens": [0, "as-needed"],
"babel/no-unused-expressions": 1,
"babel/valid-typeof": 1,
"module-resolver/use-alias": 2
"globals": {
"window": true,
"document": true,
"localStorage": true,
"FormData": true,
"FileReader": true,
"Blob": true,
"navigator": true
"env": {
"es2020": true,
"node": true,
"browser": true
"settings": {
"react": {
"version": "16.13.1"
"import/resolver": {
"babel-module": {
"root": ["."],
"alias": {
"@assets": "./src/assets",
"@config": "./src/config",
"@constants": "./src/constants",
"@hooks": "./src/hooks",
"@sharedComponents": "./src/sharedComponents",
"@commonActions": "./src/app/CommonActions",
"@utils": "./src/utils"
"node": {
"root": ["."],
"extensions": [
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"parserOptions": {
"sourceType": "module",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true,
"modules": true
This error does not come when using on mac..... only when using Linux/Windows. Due to this error eslint stops working in VSCode.
Error: ESLINT Error: ESLint configuration in .........eslintrc is invalid: - Unexpected top-level property "import/extensions".
Upvotes: 3
Views: 14780
Reputation: 13077
Try adding root: true
, as this will stop eslint looking for Global configs outside of your project
Upvotes: 4