Reputation: 4701
I'm using ASP.NET Core (MVC)
If I call an endpoint, then this.HttpContext
is not null.
Within the same class as my endpoint, if I put a break point in the controller, this.HttpContext
is always null.
How do I get the value of HttpContext
from the controller?
public class LoginController : ControllerBase
public LoginController()
var isNull = this.HttpContext; //always null
public async Task Get()
var isNull = this.HttpContext; //not null
The purpose for this, is on each end point, I want to access some values (which are from a cookie). In NET Framework, I'd store the cookie values in a base class (from within the constructor).
Whilst I can access HTTPContext on each each end point, doing it in the constructor means code it once per class.
The goal is very much about coding this less. I'm hoping I'm not just being lazy
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1531
Reputation: 11339
No, you can't do it that way, controller constructors is danger zone (unless you know what you're doing) and should be used for DI only.
Instead, you should look at custom middleware:
More info on Core life-cycles:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5861
No, it is not the correct way to do it. you need to use Filter or middleware to do it. HttpContext class is always null in the constructor of a controller
you can do whatever in this like read cookies or whatnot
public class LoggingMiddleware
private static readonly TelemetryConfiguration telemetryConfiguration = TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault();
private readonly TelemetryClient telemetryClient;
private IConfiguration configuration;
private readonly RecyclableMemoryStreamManager _recyclableMemoryStreamManager;
private readonly string appName;
private readonly bool loggingEnabled;
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public LoggingMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IConfiguration config)
_next = next;
configuration = config;
_recyclableMemoryStreamManager = new RecyclableMemoryStreamManager();
telemetryConfiguration.InstrumentationKey = configuration.GetValue<string>("ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey");
telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(telemetryConfiguration);
appName = configuration.GetValue<string>("AppName");
loggingEnabled = configuration.GetValue<bool>("Logging:LogRequestResponse");
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
await LogRequest(httpContext);
await LogResponse(httpContext);
private async Task LogRequest(HttpContext context)
await using var requestStream = _recyclableMemoryStreamManager.GetStream();
await context.Request.Body.CopyToAsync(requestStream);
string correlationId = context.Request.Headers.Keys.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ToLower() == "correlationid");
if (correlationId == null) correlationId = string.Empty;
if (context.Request.Path != "/")
telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"{appName}-RequestMiddleware", new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "AppName", appName },
{ "CorrelationId" , correlationId },
{ "Method" , context.Request.Method },
{ "Scheme", context.Request.Scheme},
{ "Host", context.Request.Host.Value },
{ "Path", context.Request.Path },
{ "QueryString", context.Request.QueryString.Value },
{ "Request Body", ReadStreamInChunks(requestStream) }
context.Request.Body.Position = 0;
private static string ReadStreamInChunks(Stream stream)
const int readChunkBufferLength = 4096;
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
using var textWriter = new StringWriter();
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
var readChunk = new char[readChunkBufferLength];
int readChunkLength;
readChunkLength = reader.ReadBlock(readChunk,
textWriter.Write(readChunk, 0, readChunkLength);
} while (readChunkLength > 0);
return textWriter.ToString();
private async Task LogResponse(HttpContext context)
var originalBodyStream = context.Response.Body;
await using var responseBody = _recyclableMemoryStreamManager.GetStream();
context.Response.Body = responseBody;
await _next(context);
context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var text = await new StreamReader(context.Response.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if (context.Request.Path != "/")
telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"{appName}-ResponseMiddleware", new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"Scheme", context.Request.Scheme},
{ "AppName", appName },
{"Host", context.Request.Host.Value},
{"Path" , context.Request.Path},
{"QueryString", context.Request.QueryString.Value},
{"Response Body" , text}
await responseBody.CopyToAsync(originalBodyStream);
// Extension method used to add the middleware to the HTTP request pipeline.
public static class LoggingMiddlewareExtensions
public static IApplicationBuilder UseLoggingMiddleware(this IApplicationBuilder builder)
return builder.UseMiddleware<LoggingMiddleware>();
Upvotes: 1