Reputation: 108
I have the following dataset (dataset too big to use dput so just using head() for now):
Isodecoder Anticodon HEK293_rep1_smallRNAseq HEK293_rep2_smallRNAseq HEK293_rep3_smallRNAseq HEK293_rep1_hydroseq HEK293_rep2_hydroseq
1 Ala AGC 24442.262951 22452.241238 22390.900942 9971.50351 11438.44236
2 Ala CGC 743.402305 785.417884 785.435272 3493.42947 3757.57860
3 Ala GGC 1.058978 2.380054 1.498922 20.98667 13.54833
4 Ala TGC 3507.333950 3755.725518 3613.901605 7386.74006 7681.38485
5 Arg GCG 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000
6 Arg ACG 2821.116438 2731.112187 2856.945856 10353.23399 9125.32470
HEK293_rep3_hydroseq Pan_tRNA1 Pan_tRNA2 HEK1 HEK2 HEK3 HEK4 Label variable value Condition
1 11213.43885 35665.006 32012.831 22247.59 29870.42 27672.74 35719.69 Ala-AGC ARM_mean 23095.135043 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
2 3557.33569 9930.173 7260.746 14897.03 14413.76 14970.47 12177.89 Ala-CGC ARM_mean 771.418487 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
3 18.69229 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ala-GGC ARM_mean 1.645985 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
4 7567.79822 10365.656 8080.036 35228.45 42094.44 34821.68 29162.91 Ala-TGC ARM_mean 3625.653691 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
5 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Arg-GCG ARM_mean 0.000000 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
6 10847.97240 11070.480 12520.278 81727.21 108113.40 62025.37 63240.17 Arg-ACG ARM_mean 2803.058160 ARM-seq - Mean CPM
I wrote a loop that will plot the normalized counts for each amino acid seperately, but I'm struggling to write a loop that will wrap all 22 plots into one big facet wrap. Ideally, I would like to have all my seperate 22 plots, but I would also like to have one plot with all 22 plots within it (for presentation purposes). My loop is below:
for (iso in c("Ala", "Arg", "Asn", "Asp", "Cys", "Gln", "Glu", "Gly", "His", "Ile", "Leu", "Lys", "Met", "Phe", "Pro", "SeC", "Ser", "Thr", "Trp", "Tyr", "Val", "iMet")) {
df4 <- subset(df3_melt_mean, Isodecoder == iso)
normalized_counts_graphs <- ggplot(data = df4, aes(x = Label, y = value, colour = Condition, group = Condition))+
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.2), aes(size = 2))+
ylab("Normalized Counts (CPM)")+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12, angle = 45, hjust = 1), plot.margin = margin(0.5,0.5,0.5,2, "cm"), axis.title = element_text(size = 12))+
ggtitle(iso, "Comaprison of CPM's for different tRNA-seq methodologies")+
ggsave(filename = paste(iso, "_methodsComparison_normalizedcounts.png", sep = "_"), bg = "white", width = 15, height = 7, dpi = 700)
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 233
Reputation: 39603
I would suggest next approach following the comments of great @AllanCameron and @starja using the data you provided and adding some details to your code about facet_wrap()
The data:
df <- structure(list(Isodecoder = c("Ala", "Ala", "Ala", "Ala", "Arg",
"Arg"), Anticodon = c("AGC", "CGC", "GGC", "TGC", "GCG", "ACG"
), HEK293_rep1_smallRNAseq = c(24442.26295, 743.402305, 1.058978,
3507.33395, 0, 2821.116438), HEK293_rep2_smallRNAseq = c(22452.24124,
785.417884, 2.380054, 3755.725518, 0, 2731.112187), HEK293_rep3_smallRNAseq = c(22390.90094,
785.435272, 1.498922, 3613.901605, 0, 2856.945856), HEK293_rep1_hydroseq = c(9971.50351,
3493.42947, 20.98667, 7386.74006, 0, 10353.23399), HEK293_rep2_hydroseq = c(11438.44236,
3757.5786, 13.54833, 7681.38485, 0, 9125.3247), HEK293_rep3_hydroseq = c(11213.43885,
3557.33569, 18.69229, 7567.79822, 0, 10847.9724), Pan_tRNA1 = c(35665.006,
9930.173, 0, 10365.656, 0, 11070.48), Pan_tRNA2 = c(32012.831,
7260.746, 0, 8080.036, 0, 12520.278), HEK1 = c(22247.59, 14897.03,
0, 35228.45, 0, 81727.21), HEK2 = c(29870.42, 14413.76, 0, 42094.44,
0, 108113.4), HEK3 = c(27672.74, 14970.47, 0, 34821.68, 0, 62025.37
), HEK4 = c(35719.69, 12177.89, 0, 29162.91, 0, 63240.17), Label = c("Ala-AGC",
"Ala-CGC", "Ala-GGC", "Ala-TGC", "Arg-GCG", "Arg-ACG"), variable = c("ARM_mean",
"ARM_mean", "ARM_mean", "ARM_mean", "ARM_mean", "ARM_mean"),
value = c(23095.13504, 771.418487, 1.645985, 3625.653691,
0, 2803.05816), Condition = c("ARM-seq-MeanCPM", "ARM-seq-MeanCPM",
"ARM-seq-MeanCPM", "ARM-seq-MeanCPM", "ARM-seq-MeanCPM",
"ARM-seq-MeanCPM")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
In the first case of individual plots, here the code with the slight modifications for wraps:
#Loop for individuals plots
for (iso in unique(df$Isodecoder)) {
df4 <- subset(df, Isodecoder == iso)
normalized_counts_graphs <- ggplot(data = df4, aes(x = Label, y = value, colour = Condition, group = Condition))+
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.2), aes(size = 2))+
ylab("Normalized Counts (CPM)")+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12, angle = 45, hjust = 1), plot.margin = margin(0.5,0.5,0.5,2, "cm"), axis.title = element_text(size = 12))+
ggtitle(iso, "Comaprison of CPM's for different tRNA-seq methodologies")+
ggsave(filename = paste(iso, "_methodsComparison_normalizedcounts.png", sep = "_"), bg = "white", width = 15, height = 7, dpi = 700)
This will create an individual plot for each of your codes. Here the results:
Finally, the global plot would require a code like this:
#General plot
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Label, y = value, colour = Condition, group = Condition))+
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.2), aes(size = 2))+
facet_wrap(.~Isodecoder,ncol = 2)+
ylab("Normalized Counts (CPM)")+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12, angle = 45, hjust = 1),
plot.margin = margin(0.5,0.5,0.5,2, "cm"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 12))+
ggtitle("Comaprison of CPM's for different tRNA-seq methodologies")+
ggsave(filename ="methodsComparison_normalizedcounts.png",
bg = "white", width = 15, height = 7, dpi = 700)
You can adjust the number of columns with ncol
inside facet_wrap()
Upvotes: 1