Reputation: 11
I'm currently trying to reorganize my Bot for my Discord Server by upgrading my Command Handler. Most of the command I have also upgraded but one command stands out because it is not working.
When I try to run that command the following happens:
(node:11496) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: is not a function
at (C:\Users\DeepDev\OneDrive\Bureaublad\DiscordBot\DiscordBotV2.1\src\commands\Music\Play.js:43:32)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
(node:11496) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)
(node:11496) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
And this is the code I have for the part that is currently not working:
if (!Validate) {
let CommandFile = require(`./Search.js`);
return, message, args, ops);
The Command Handler I'm using is from MenuDocs v12 Tutorial.
I've tried placing this part into a function outside the class and called the function after the if statement but to no avail.
let CommandFile = require(`./Search.js`);
return, message, args, ops);
I have also checked if it was the correct file location of the Search.js.
Search.js File:
const Command = require('../../Structures/Command.js');
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const Search= require('yt-search');
module.exports = class extends Command {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async run(message, args, ops) {
const Client = this.client
//Search for videos based on arguments
Search(args.join(' '), function(err, res) {
//Error Handling
let errembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic:true }))
.setDescription("Sorry, something went wrong")
if (err) return;
//Show first 10 results
let Videos = res.videos.slice(0, 10);
//Loop for output string
let Resp = '';
for (var i in Videos) {
Resp += `**[${parseInt(i)+1}]:** \`${Videos[i].title}\`\n`;
//Text Info Instructions
Resp += `\n**Choose a number between** \`1-${Videos.length}\``;
let Embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Search Results")
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic:true }))
.setThumbnail(Client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic:true }))
//Send output;
//Message collector
const Filter = m => !isNaN(m.content) && m.content < Videos.length+1 && m.content > 0;
//Filter accepts only numbers
const Collector =;
//Update collector variables
Collector.videos = Videos;
//Create Listener Event
Collector.once('collect', function(m) {
//Run play command, passing in the url as args[0]
let CommandFile = require(`./Play.js`);, message, [this.videos[parseInt(m.content)-1].url], ops);
This all worked with the previous command handler I was using. The complete Play.js:
const Command = require('../../Structures/Command.js');
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const ytdl = require("ytdl-core");
module.exports = class extends Command {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
aliases: ['p']
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async run(message, args, ops) {
const Client = this.client
//Check if author is connected to a voice channel
let AC = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({
dynamic: true
.setDescription("You have to be connected to a voice channel, you dummy!")
if (! return;
//Check if author input an URL
let VU = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({
dynamic: true
.setDescription("Hey Dumdum, you need a valid URL")
if (!args[0]) return;
//Validate Info
let Validate = await ytdl.validateURL(args[0]);
//Check Validation
if (!Validate) {
let CommandFile = require(`./Search.js`);
return, message, args, ops);
//Fetch video information
let Info = await ytdl.getInfo(args[0]);
//Fetch Active
let Data = || {};
//Update the Data
if (!Data.Connection) Data.Connection = await;
if (!Data.Queue) Data.Queue = [];
Data.guildID =;
//Add song to queue
SongTitle: Info.videoDetails.title,
url: args[0],
//If there is no dispatcher, run the play function
let QA = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({
dynamic: true
.setDescription(`Added to Queue: ${Info.videoDetails.title} | Requested by my favourite dummy ${Data.Queue[0].Requester}`)
if (!Data.Dispatcher) Play(Client, ops, Data);
else {;
//Update the Map, Data);
//Play Function
async function Play(Client, ops, Data) {
//Send Now Playing Message
let NP = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(Client.user.username, Client.user.displayAvatarURL({
dynamic: true
.setDescription(`Now playing: ${Data.Queue[0].SongTitle} | Requested by my favourite dummy ${Data.Queue[0].Requester}`)
//Update Dispatcher Data
Data.Dispatcher = await[0].url, {
filter: "audioonly"
Data.Dispatcher.guildID = Data.guildID;
//Listener event
Data.Dispatcher.once("finish", function() {
//Finish Function
finish(Client, ops, this);
function finish(Client, ops, Dispatcher) {
//Fetch Guild Object from Map
let Fetched =;
//Remove the previous SongTitle
//Check if Queue is empty
if (Fetched.Queue.length > 0) {
//Update the map with the new queue, Fetched);
//Play the next song
Play(Client, ops, Fetched);
} else {
//Delete the guild object from the Map;
//Leave the voice channel
let vc = Client.guilds.cache.get(Dispatcher.guildID);
if (vc) vc.leave();
Upvotes: 1
Views: 417
Reputation: 851
Please fix your search.js file first.
module.exports = class extends Command {
// missing first parameter
async run(Client, message, args, ops) {
// this.client is undefined
// const Client = this.client
then initialize the class before you use it.
return new CommandFile().run(Client, message, args, ops);
I would suggest using named export like @Cehhiro answer
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1778
class Search extends Command {
async run(message, args, ops) {
/* things here */
module.exports = { Search };
and use with the require at the top of the file.
const { Search } = require(`./Search.js`);
and invoke with
return new Search().run(message, args, ops);
Upvotes: 1