Reputation: 1
1st m-file
clear pH Fb
pH = 5:0.1:9;
for i = 1:length(pH)
Fb(i) = pH2Fb(pH(i));
2nd m-file
function Fb=pH2Fb(pH)
function f=fun1(Fb,pH)
Fa = 2.9; %ml/s
Ca = 3e-3; %mol/ml
Cb = 5e-5; %mol/ml
Ca1 = -3e-3; %mol/ml
pk1 = 1.27;
pk2 = 4.266;
Xa = (Fa*Ca+Fb*Ca1)/(Fa+Fb);
Xb = (Fb*Cb)/(Fa+Fb);
f= (Xa + 10^(pH-14)-10^(-pH)+ Xb*(1+2*10^(pH-pk2))/(1+10^(pk1-pH)+10^(pH-pk2)))*1e19;
here's the questions:
for Fb=fsolve(@fun1,1,[ ],pH);
what it meant by the equation above??
for 2nd m-file, why "function f=fun1(Fb,pH)"
is stated after "Fb=fsolve(@fun1,1,[ ],pH);"
meanwhile the function "fun1" is called at before it is being solve?? because so far that I know, MATLAB is run is from upper to bottom and supposely the "fun1" is undefined as it being solve later..
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Views: 130
Reputation: 1339
In answer to your two questions:
The call to fsolve
is using an old MATLAB syntax for passing an argument to the objective function. The call is optimizing for the objective function @(x) fun1(x, pH)
starting from the initial value 1
and passing no options ([]
). For recent versions of MATLAB this should be written
fsolve(@(x) fun1(x, pH), 1)
is a nested function so can be called from within it's parent function pH2Fb
Upvotes: 1