Reputation: 1947
I have build my package and used devtools::build_manual()
to build package documentation. The problem is that I have all my functions in section 'R topics documented' and I don't know how to change that. My goal is to have several sections without it that 'R topics documented'. I'm not sure how to do that, I tried to do @describeIn
and @section
but both didn't work. Do you have any idea how can I do that ?
UPGRADE vol 1 (After Abdessabour's code)
Hi I want to tell how much I appreciate your work, I know that you for sure spend a lot of time doing that. I get intuition of your code, it's brilliant. I have two questions about your code which I do not get in 100%.
(1) where in your code can I define section I want to have ? I understand intuition behind how they are being made but not quite understand where exactly in a code is place to made them. So for example functions (1) and (2) in section A functions (3) and (4) in section B and so on.
(2) How can I create a pdf after running your code. Should I just run devtools::build_manual()
and that's all ?
Hi! I understand your way of thinking but I have one problem which I want to show you. Let's say my package has name 'visualise'. That's the files within 'visualise' package folder.
visualise.R contains my functions within sections. I put that file into package folder (as you can see above)
I tried to import that file into R by @import
, @importClassesFrom
, @importFrom
, @importMethodFrom
but all of them don't work. I think R may do not recognize that file. I have concerns because after that creation visualise.R file I run build_manual(toc="anything")
and in output I get default documentation (same one as created by build_manual()
) Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
I've put visualise.R in R_HOME folder and in R_HOME/bin and it didn't work for both options. I put content of R_HOME/bin/Rd2pdf code below :
tex.mod <- function(pkg='.', file='Rd2.tex', tocTi = "R{} topics documented:"){
#get the package name
pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)$package
#reads the latex file
out <- readLines(file)
# modifies the Table of contents title
out[rdcont] <- sub("(?<=\\\\Rdcontents\\{).+(?=}$)", tocTi, out[rdcont <- grep('\\\\Rdcontents', out)], perl=T)
# Gets the defined sections
sections <- str_replace_all(strcapture(paste0("(?s)^.+?\\\\HeaderA\\{",pkg,"\\}.+?(\\\\begin\\{Section\\}.+\\\\end{Section})\n\\\\inputencoding\\{.+$"), paste0(out, collapse='\n'), data.frame(v=character(0)), perl=T)[1,1], c('\\\\begin\\{Section\\}\\{(.+?) *\\}\n'='\\1\n', '^\n'='', '\n$'='', '\n%?\n'='\n'))
# splits sections
spl <- str_split(sections, '\n?\\\\end.+?(\n|$)')[[1]]
spl <- str_split(spl[nchar(spl)>0], '\n')
#gets the package description
pkgdesc <- out[1:rdcont]
# gets the trailing lines
trailing <- out[length(out)+(-1:0)]
# get the descriptions
outi<- str_split(paste0(out[(rdcont+2):(length(out)-2)], collapse='\n'), '\\\\inputencoding.+\n')[[1]]
# sets the names to th name of the function/package described
names(outi) <- str_extract(outi, '(?<=\\\\HeaderA\\{).+?(?=\\})')
# adds lines to add to the toc file if you want more indentation put section instead of chapter
outi <- c(outi, sapply(spl, function(x) {v<-paste0("\\myaddcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\protect\\textbf{", x[1],"}}"); names(v)<-x[1]; v}))
# unlists the names of the sections with their functions
spl <- unlist(spl)
# orders them so that the functions that have no section are shown first
outi <- c(pkgdesc, outi[!(names(outi) %in% spl)], outi[spl], trailing)
# writes to file
if (require(data.table)){
# the data.table way
fwrite(list( outi), quote=F, sep='\n', file=file, append=F)
} else {
# the baseR way
fileConn<-file(file, open='w')
writeLines(outi, fileConn)
..Rd2pdf <- function (args = NULL, quit = TRUE)
do_cleanup <- function() {
if (clean) {
unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE)
else {
cat("You may want to clean up by 'rm -Rf ", build_dir,
"'\n", sep = "")
Usage <- function() {
cat("Usage: R CMD Rd2pdf [options] files", "", "Generate PDF output from the Rd sources specified by files, by",
"either giving the paths to the files, or the path to a directory with",
"the sources of a package, or an installed package.",
"", "Unless specified via option '--output', the basename of the output file",
"equals the basename of argument 'files' if this specifies a package",
"or a single file, and 'Rd2' otherwise.", "", "The Rd sources are assumed to be ASCII unless they contain \\encoding",
"declarations (which take priority) or --encoding is supplied or if using",
"package sources, if the package DESCRIPTION file has an Encoding field.",
"The output encoding defaults to the package encoding then to 'UTF-8'.",
"", "Files are listed in the order given: for a package they are in alphabetic",
"order of the \\name sections.", "", "Options:",
" -h, --help\t\tprint short help message and exit",
" -v, --version\t\tprint version info and exit",
" --batch\t\tno interaction", " --no-clean\tdo not remove created temporary files",
" --no-preview\tdo not preview generated PDF file",
" --encoding=enc use 'enc' as the default input encoding",
" --outputEncoding=outenc", " use 'outenc' as the default output encoding",
" --os=NAME\t\tuse OS subdir 'NAME' (unix or windows)",
" --OS=NAME\t\tthe same as '--os'", " -o, --output=FILE\twrite output to FILE",
" --force\t\toverwrite output file if it exists",
" --title=NAME\tuse NAME as the title of the document",
" --toc=NAME use NAME as the title of the Table of contents",
" --no-index\tdo not index output", " --no-description\tdo not typeset the description of a package",
" --internals\ttypeset 'internal' documentation (usually skipped)",
" --build_dir=DIR\tuse DIR as the working directory",
" --RdMacros=pkglist", " \t\tpackages from which to get Rd macros",
"", "The output papersize is set by the environment variable R_PAPERSIZE.",
"The PDF previewer is set by the environment variable R_PDFVIEWER.",
"", "Report bugs at <>.",
sep = "\n")
options(showErrorCalls = FALSE, warn = 1)
if (is.null(args)) {
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
args <- paste(args, collapse = " ")
args <- strsplit(args, "nextArg", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L]
startdir <- getwd()
if (is.null(startdir))
stop("current working directory cannot be ascertained")
build_dir <- paste0(".Rd2pdf", Sys.getpid())
title <- ""
tocTi <- ""
batch <- FALSE
clean <- TRUE
only_meta <- FALSE
out_ext <- "pdf"
output <- ""
enc <- "unknown"
outenc <- "latin1"
index <- TRUE
description <- TRUE
internals <- FALSE
files <- character()
dir <- ""
force <- FALSE
pkglist <- NULL
WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
preview <- Sys.getenv("R_PDFVIEWER", if (WINDOWS)
else "false")
OSdir <- if (WINDOWS)
else "unix"
while (length(args)) {
a <- args[1L]
if (a %in% c("-h", "--help")) {
q("no", runLast = FALSE)
else if (a %in% c("-v", "--version")) {
cat("Rd2pdf: ", R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]],
" (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "")
cat("", "Copyright (C) 2000-2011 The R Core Team.",
"This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2",
"or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.",
sep = "\n")
q("no", runLast = FALSE)
else if (a == "--batch") {
batch <- TRUE
else if (a == "--no-clean") {
clean <- FALSE
else if (a == "--no-preview") {
preview <- "false"
else if (a == "--pdf") {
else if (substr(a, 1, 8) == "--title=") {
title <- substr(a, 9, 1000)
else if (substr(a, 1, 6) == "--toc=") {
tocTi <- sub("--toc=", "", a)
else if (a == "-o") {
if (length(args) >= 2L) {
output <- args[2L]
args <- args[-1L]
else stop("-o option without value", call. = FALSE)
else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--output=") {
output <- substr(a, 10, 1000)
else if (a == "--force") {
force <- TRUE
else if (a == "--only-meta") {
only_meta <- TRUE
else if (substr(a, 1, 5) %in% c("--os=", "--OS=")) {
OSdir <- substr(a, 6, 1000)
else if (substr(a, 1, 11) == "--encoding=") {
enc <- substr(a, 12, 1000)
else if (substr(a, 1, 17) == "--outputEncoding=") {
outenc <- substr(a, 18, 1000)
else if (substr(a, 1, 12) == "--build-dir=") {
build_dir <- substr(a, 13, 1000)
else if (a == "--no-index") {
index <- FALSE
else if (a == "--no-description") {
description <- FALSE
else if (a == "--internals") {
internals <- TRUE
else if (substr(a, 1, 11) == "--RdMacros=") {
pkglist <- substr(a, 12, 1000)
else if (startsWith(a, "-")) {
message("Warning: unknown option ", sQuote(a))
else files <- c(files, a)
args <- args[-1L]
if (!length(files)) {
message("no inputs")
q("no", status = 1L, runLast = FALSE)
files[1L] <- sub("[\\/]$", "", files[1L])
if (dir.exists(files[1L])) {
if (file.exists(file.path(files[1L], "DESCRIPTION"))) {
cat("Hmm ... looks like a package\n")
dir <- files[1L]
if (!nzchar(output))
output <- paste(basename(dir), out_ext, sep = ".")
else if (file.exists(f <- file.path(files[1L], "")) &&
any(grepl("^Priority: *base", readLines(f)))) {
cat("Hmm ... looks like a package from the R distribution\n")
dir <- files[1L]
if (!nzchar(output))
output <- paste(basename(dir), out_ext, sep = ".")
if (index && basename(dir) == "base") {
index <- FALSE
cat("_not_ indexing 'base' package\n")
else {
dir <- if (dir.exists(d <- file.path(files[1L], "man")))
else files[1L]
else {
if (length(files) == 1L && !nzchar(output))
output <- paste(sub("[.][Rr]d$", "", basename(files)),
out_ext, sep = ".")
if (!nzchar(dir))
dir <- paste(files, collapse = " ")
if (dir.exists(build_dir) && unlink(build_dir, recursive = TRUE)) {
cat("cannot write to build dir\n")
q("no", status = 2L, runLast = FALSE)
dir.create(build_dir, FALSE)
if (!nzchar(output))
output <- paste0("Rd2.", out_ext)
if (file.exists(output) && !force) {
cat("file", sQuote(output), "exists; please remove it first\n")
q("no", status = 1L, runLast = FALSE)
res <- try(tools:::.Rd2pdf(files[1L], file.path(build_dir, "Rd2.tex"),
title, batch, description, only_meta, enc, outenc, dir,
OSdir, internals, index, pkglist))
if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
q("no", status = 11L, runLast = FALSE)
if (!batch)
cat("Creating", out_ext, "output from LaTeX ...\n")
tocTi <- if(nchar(tocTi)>0) tocTi else "\\R{} topics documented:"
tex.mod(pkg=files[1L], file="Rd2.tex", tocTi=tocTi)
res <- try(tools:::texi2pdf("Rd2.tex", quiet = FALSE, index = index))
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
res <- try(tools:::texi2pdf("Rd2.tex", quiet = FALSE, index = index))
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
message("Error in running tools::tools:::texi2pdf()")
q("no", status = 1L, runLast = FALSE)
cat("Saving output to", sQuote(output), "...\n")
file.copy(file.path(build_dir, paste0("Rd2.", out_ext)),
output, overwrite = force)
if (preview != "false")
system(paste(preview, output))
if (quit)
q("no", runLast = FALSE)
I'm using code following :
# modifies the latex of the converted .Rd files
# in order to add sections to the toc
tex.mod <- function(pkg='.', file='Rd2.tex', tocTi = "R{} topics documented:"){
#get the package name
pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)$package
#reads the latex file
out <- readLines(file)
# modifies the Table of contents title
out[rdcont] <- sub("(?<=\\\\Rdcontents\\{).+(?=}$)", tocTi, out[rdcont <- grep('\\\\Rdcontents', out)], perl=T)
# Gets the defined sections
sections <- str_replace_all(strcapture(paste0("(?s)^.+?\\\\HeaderA\\{",pkg,"\\}.+?(\\\\begin\\{Section\\}.+\\\\end{Section})\n(?:\\\\inputencoding\\{|\n?\\\\printindex).+$"), paste0(out, collapse='\n'), data.frame(v=character(0)), perl=T)[1,1], c('\\\\begin\\{Section\\}\\{(.+?) *\\}\n'='\\1\n', '^\n'='', '\n$'='', '\n%?\n'='\n'))
# splits sections
spl <- str_split(sections, '\n?\\\\end.+?(\n|$)')[[1]]
spl <- str_split(spl[nchar(spl)>0], '\n')
#gets the package description
pkgdesc <- out[1:rdcont]
# gets the trailing lines
trailing <- out[length(out)+(-1:0)]
# get the descriptions
outi<- str_split(paste0(out[(rdcont+2):(length(out)-2)], collapse='\n'), '\\\\inputencoding.+\n')[[1]]
# sets the names to th name of the function/package described
names(outi) <- str_extract(outi, '(?<=\\\\HeaderA\\{).+?(?=\\})')
# adds lines to add to the toc file if you want more indentation put section instead of chapter
outi <- c(outi, sapply(spl, function(x) {v <- paste0("\\chapter{", x[1],"}", '\n', "\\myaddcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\protect\\textbf{", x[1],"}}"); names(v)<-x[1]; v}))
# unlists the names of the sections with their functions
spl <- unlist(spl)
# orders them so that the functions that have no section are shown first
outi <- c(pkgdesc, "\\renewcommand\\thesection{}", outi[!(names(outi) %in% c(spl, pkg))], outi[spl], trailing)
# writes to file
if (require(data.table)){
# the data.table way
fwrite(list( outi), quote=F, sep='\n', file=file, append=F)
} else {
# the baseR way
fileConn<-file(file, open='w')
writeLines(outi, fileConn)
} <- function(fun, path){
fun.src <- capture.output(fun) <- as.character(substitute(fun))
fun.src[1] <- paste0([length(],' <- ', fun.src[1])
if (require(data.table)){
# the data.table way
fwrite(list(fun.src), quote=F, sep='\n', file=path, append=T)
} else {
# the baseR way
fileConn<-file(path, open='a')
writeLines(fun.src, fileConn)
# get the location of R_HOME
Rh <- Sys.getenv('R_HOME')
f <- file.path(Rh, 'bin', 'Rd2pdf.overload.R')
# adds the function to the file,f),f)
# reads the file
out <- readLines(f)
# forces all functions to be loaded from tools
out <- gsub('(?=(.DESCRIPTION_to_latex|.Rdfiles2tex|latex_canonical_encoding|texi2pdf|.Rd2pdf)\\()', "tools:::", out, perl=T)
# add param description to usage
out[i] <- paste(out[i <- grep('--title=NAME', out, fixed=T)], ' " --toc=NAME\tuse NAME as the title of the Table of contents", ', sep='\n' )
# parses param
out[grep('substr(a, 1, 8) == "--title="', out, fixed=T)+2] <- paste(' }', ' else if (substr(a, 1, 6) == "--toc=") {', ' tocTi <- sub("--toc=", "", a)', ' }', sep='\n')
# adds definition
out[grep(' title <- ""', out, fixed=T)] <- ' title <- ""\n tocTi <- ""'
# adds call to tex.mod to force modification
out[i] <- paste0(out[i<-grep('setwd\\(build_dir\\)', out)], '\n\ttocTi <- if(nchar(tocTi)>0) tocTi else "\\\\R{} topics documented:"\n\ttex.mod(pkg=files[1L], file="Rd2.tex", tocTi=tocTi)')
# adds call to ..Rd2pdf at the end
out <- c(out, '..Rd2pdf()')
# rewrites the file
fileConn<-file(f, open='w')
writeLines(out, fileConn)
# overloading devtools::build_manual
build_manual <- function (pkg = ".", path = NULL, toc=NULL)
pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)
path <- rlang::`%||%`(path, dirname(pkg$path))
name <- paste0(pkg$package, "_", pkg$version, ".pdf", collapse = " ")
tryCatch(msg <- callr::rscript(file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin", "Rd2pdf.overload.R"), cmdargs = paste0('nextArg', paste0(c("--force",
paste0("--output=", path, "/", name), pkg$path, if(!is.null(toc)) paste0("--toc=",toc)), collapse='nextArg')), fail_on_status = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to build manual", call. = FALSE)
}, file.path(path.expand('~'), '.Rprofile'))
with output :
As you can see "Section one" and "Section two" is mentioned two times, embolden and not embolden. How can I have only embolden one ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 787
Reputation: 3888
I have written an Rscript
that'll take care of all the edits to be made.
Basically the devtools::build_manual
calls the R CMD Rd2pdf
script and this script basically bundles the args to call tools:::..Rd2pdf
So what I did was overload the tools:::..Rd2pdf
function and add a --toc
param to change the toc title, and add another function tex.mod
that'll modify the latex before it's rendered these two function are saved to ${R_HOME}/bin/Rd2pdf.overload.R
so they could be used by the modified Rd2pdf
, modify the Rd2pdf
script basically execute Rd2pdf.overload.R
instead of running tools:::Rd2pdf()
and overload the devtools::build_manual
to accept a toc
param that'll be passed to the Rd2pdf
reorders the descriptions and adds the sections to the toc using myaddcontentsline
macro defined in the Rd
latex package which is a wrapper to the latex macro addcontentsline
Note: the functions that are not contained in the sections are shown first.
Section will be defined by documenting the package.
ie create an R file with the name
and add the description of the package like this:
#' name.of.ur.pkg : A package for doing awesome things.
#' The name.of.ur.pkg package provides two categories of important functions:
#' foo and baz.
#' @section Foo functions:
#' @section baz functions:
#' @docType package
#' @name name.of.ur.pkg
# modifies the latex of the converted .Rd files
# in order to add sections to the toc
tex.mod <- function(pkg='.', file='Rd2.tex', tocTi = "R{} topics documented:"){
#get the package name
pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)$package
#reads the latex file
out <- readLines(file)
# modifies the Table of contents title
out[rdcont] <- sub("(?<=\\\\Rdcontents\\{).+(?=}$)", tocTi, out[rdcont <- grep('\\\\Rdcontents', out)], perl=T)
# Gets the defined sections
sections <- str_replace_all(strcapture(paste0("(?s)^.+?\\\\HeaderA\\{",pkg,"\\}.+?(\\\\begin\\{Section\\}.+\\\\end{Section})\n(?:\\\\inputencoding\\{|\n?\\\\printindex).+$"), paste0(out, collapse='\n'), data.frame(v=character(0)), perl=T)[1,1], c('\\\\begin\\{Section\\}\\{(.+?) *\\}\n'='\\1\n', '^\n'='', '\n$'='', '\n%?\n'='\n'))
# splits sections
spl <- str_split(sections, '\n?\\\\end.+?(\n|$)')[[1]]
spl <- str_split(spl[nchar(spl)>0], '\n')
#gets the package description
pkgdesc <- out[1:rdcont]
# gets the trailing lines
trailing <- out[length(out)+(-1:0)]
# get the descriptions
outi<- str_split(paste0(out[(rdcont+2):(length(out)-2)], collapse='\n'), '\\\\inputencoding.+\n')[[1]]
# sets the names to th name of the function/package described
names(outi) <- str_extract(outi, '(?<=\\\\HeaderA\\{).+?(?=\\})')
# adds lines to add to the toc file if you want more indentation put section instead of chapter
outi <- c(outi, sapply(spl, function(x) {v<-paste0("\\myaddcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\protect\\textbf{", x[1],"}}"); names(v)<-x[1]; v}))
# unlists the names of the sections with their functions
spl <- unlist(spl)
# orders them so that the functions that have no section are shown first
outi <- c(pkgdesc, outi[!(names(outi) %in% c(spl, pkg))], outi[spl], trailing)
# writes to file
if (require(data.table)){
# the data.table way
fwrite(list( outi), quote=F, sep='\n', file=file, append=F)
} else {
# the baseR way
fileConn<-file(file, open='w')
writeLines(outi, fileConn)
} <- function(fun, path){
fun.src <- capture.output(fun) <- as.character(substitute(fun))
fun.src[1] <- paste0([length(],' <- ', fun.src[1])
if (require(data.table)){
# the data.table way
fwrite(list(fun.src), quote=F, sep='\n', file=path, append=T)
} else {
# the baseR way
fileConn<-file(path, open='a')
writeLines(fun.src, fileConn)
# get the location of R_HOME
Rh <- Sys.getenv('R_HOME')
f <- file.path(Rh, 'bin', 'Rd2pdf.overload.R')
# adds the function to the file,f),f)
# reads the file
out <- readLines(f)
# forces all functions to be loaded from tools
out <- gsub('(?=(.DESCRIPTION_to_latex|.Rdfiles2tex|latex_canonical_encoding|texi2pdf|.Rd2pdf)\\()', "tools:::", out, perl=T)
# add param description to usage
out[i] <- paste(out[i <- grep('--title=NAME', out, fixed=T)], ' " --toc=NAME\tuse NAME as the title of the Table of contents", ', sep='\n' )
# parses param
out[grep('substr(a, 1, 8) == "--title="', out, fixed=T)+2] <- paste(' }', ' else if (substr(a, 1, 6) == "--toc=") {', ' tocTi <- sub("--toc=", "", a)', ' }', sep='\n')
# adds definition
out[grep(' title <- ""', out, fixed=T)] <- ' title <- ""\n tocTi <- ""'
# adds call to tex.mod to force modification
out[i] <- paste0(out[i<-grep('setwd\\(build_dir\\)', out)], '\n\ttocTi <- if(nchar(tocTi)>0) tocTi else "\\\\R{} topics documented:"\n\ttex.mod(pkg=files[1L], file="Rd2.tex", tocTi=tocTi)')
# adds call to ..Rd2pdf at the end
out <- c(out, '..Rd2pdf()')
# rewrites the file
fileConn<-file(f, open='w')
writeLines(out, fileConn)
# overloading devtools::build_manual
build_manual <- function (pkg = ".", path = NULL, toc=NULL)
pkg <- devtools::as.package(pkg)
path <- rlang::`%||%`(path, dirname(pkg$path))
name <- paste0(pkg$package, "_", pkg$version, ".pdf", collapse = " ")
tryCatch(msg <- callr::rscript(file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin", "Rd2pdf.overload.R"), cmdargs = paste0('nextArg', paste0(c("--force",
paste0("--output=", path, "/", name), pkg$path, if(!is.null(toc)) paste0("--toc=",toc)), collapse='nextArg')), fail_on_status = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to build manual", call. = FALSE)
}, file.path(path.expand('~'), '.Rprofile'))
It automatically adds the new definition of build_manual to ~/.Rprofile
After running devtools::document()
you can
Upvotes: 1