Reputation: 7102
At the advice from people on here, I am trying to rewrite the linq query below using Navigation Properties.
I haven't gotten very far, because I'm not sure how to replace the joins in my Linq query with Navigation Properties.
So far I have this:
await _context.StarList(sl => new
But then, in the original query, I start using 'chemicalatoms' in the query.
So I'm not sure how to transition to them.
So my question is, how do I replace the joins in my original query with Navigation Properties?
public async Task<ActionResult<object>> GetStarChemicalData(string starID)
var starChemicalData = await (from starlist in _context.StarList
join ql in _context.ChemicalList on starlist.ChemicalId equals ql.ChemicalId into stars
from chemicallist in stars.DefaultIfEmpty()
join qc in _context.ChemicalAtoms on chemicallist.ChemicalId equals qc.ChemicalId into chemicals
from chemicalatoms in chemicals.DefaultIfEmpty()
join nk in _context.StarLinks on chemicalatoms.AtomId equals nk.AtomId into links
from starlinks in links.DefaultIfEmpty()
where starlist.StarId == starID
select new
StarId = starlist.StarId,
StarType = starlist.StarType,
StarTitle = starlist.StarTitle,
ChemicalId = starlist.ChemicalId,
AtomId = (Guid?)chemicalatoms.AtomId,
OrderId = chemicalatoms.OrderId,
ChemicalText = chemicallist.ChemicalText,
AtomText = chemicalatoms.AtomText,
Wavelength = chemicalatoms.Wavelength,
isRedShifted = (starlinks.AtomId != null && starlist.StarType == 1) ? 1
: (starlinks.AtomId == null && starlist.StarType == 1) ? 0
: (int?)null
.GroupBy(x => x.StarId)
.Select(g => new
StarId = g.FirstOrDefault().StarId,
StarType = g.FirstOrDefault().StarType,
StarTitle = g.FirstOrDefault().StarTitle,
ChemicalId = g.FirstOrDefault().ChemicalId,
ChemicalText = g.FirstOrDefault().ChemicalText,
ChemicalAtoms = (g.FirstOrDefault().AtomId != null ? g.Select(x => new
AtomId = x.AtomId,
OrderId = x.OrderId,
AtomText = x.AtomText,
Feedback = x.Wavelength,
IsCorrect = x.isRedShifted
}) : null)
return starChemicalData;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 297
Reputation: 8330
As per the above communication succeeded, I think I can sum up the results, here )) So, instead of having this:
var starChemicalData = await (from starlist in _context.StarList
join ql in _context.ChemicalList on starlist.ChemicalId equals ql.ChemicalId into stars
from chemicallist in stars.DefaultIfEmpty()
join qc in _context.ChemicalAtoms on chemicallist.ChemicalId equals qc.ChemicalId into chemicals
from chemicalatoms in chemicals.DefaultIfEmpty()
join nk in _context.StarLinks on chemicalatoms.AtomId equals nk.AtomId into links
we can have this:
_context.StarList.Include(st => st.ChemicalList)
.Include(ca => ca.ChemicalAtoms) // or ThenInclude, based on your relations
.Include(sl => sl.StartLinks)
Select(r => new {...})
Please note that what is essential when using Include is that your relations(primary foreign key) should be set appropriately between your database tables you are using here.
Another important thing is that Include()
will not bring a row result in case if one of your PK⟶FK relations contains null
value, which it actually shouldn't.
Upvotes: 1