Reputation: 513
I have a very basic 2D C++ container that relies on a single dimensional container (std::array or std::vector) and "advanced" indexing. This container is not expected to store many elements, not even 500. What would be the best approach in accessing its elements?
At first I was using int
for indexing the elements directly while iterating the container. However, after reading a bit, posts such as this one made me switch to using std::size_t
instead. (The switch was primarily about picking up good habits and not due to the requirements of my container. But other sources made me question whether it would be actually a good habit.)
As a result I had to readjust several for()
loops to avoid underflow realated errors, e.g. when checking the values of elements next to one another, or when iteratin the elements backward in a row or a column. These changes in turn decreased the readability and made the indexing more error prone. (MyIiexperience is definitely a factor in this matter.)
What should I do?
(while also restricting the size of my 2D storage to avoid unlikely overflows)Thank you in advance!
P.S.: Even C++20 functionality is welcomed!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 248
Reputation: 275976
is a signed std::size_t
I use that. I have heard arguments that is what the standard should have used, at the cost of a single bit of maximum size.
Writing a stride-friendly iterator is a bit of a pain. Here is a sketch:
template<class T, class Stride=std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 1>>
struct stride_iterator {
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using reference= T&;
T* dataptr = nullptr;
Stride datastride = {};
T* data() const { return dataptr; }
T*& data() { return dataptr; }
Stride stride() const { return datastride; }
explicit stride_iterator( T* ptr, Stride s ):
datastride{ std::move(s) }
explicit stride_iterator( T* ptr ):
stride_iterator():stride_iterator(nullptr) {}
stride_iterator(stride_iterator const&)=default;
stride_iterator& operator=(stride_iterator const&)& =default;
stride_iterator(stride_iterator &&)=default;
stride_iterator& operator=(stride_iterator &&)& =default;
T& operator*() const { return *data(); }
T* operator->() const { return data(); }
T& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t n) const {
return *(*this+n);
stride_iterator& operator+=( std::ptrdiff_t n )& {
data() += (n*stride());
return *this;
stride_iterator& operator-=( std::ptrdiff_t n )& {
data() -= (n*stride());
return *this;
friend stride_iterator operator+( std::ptrdiff_t rhs, stride_iterator lhs ) {
return std::move(lhs)+rhs;
friend stride_iterator operator+( stride_iterator lhs, std::ptrdiff_t rhs ) {
lhs += rhs;
return lhs;
friend stride_iterator operator-( stride_iterator lhs, std::ptrdiff_t rhs ) {
lhs += rhs;
return lhs;
stride_iterator& operator++() {
*this += 1;
return *this;
stride_iterator& operator--() {
*this -= 1;
return *this;
stride_iterator operator++(int) {
auto r = *this;
return r;
stride_iterator operator--(int) {
auto r = *this;
return r;
friend std::ptrdiff_t operator-( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return (;
friend bool operator<( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return <;
friend bool operator<=( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return <=;
friend bool operator>( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return >;
friend bool operator>=( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return >=;
friend bool operator==( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return ==;
friend bool operator!=( stride_iterator const& lhs, stride_iterator const& rhs ) {
return !=;
template<class It>
struct range {
It b, e;
It begin() const { return b; }
It end() const { return e; }
decltype(auto) operator[]( std::ptrdiff_t i ) const {
return b[i];
std::size_t size() const { return end()-begin(); }
bool empty() const { return end()==begin(); }
struct toy_matrix {
std::ptrdiff_t width = 1;
std::ptrdiff_t height = 1;
std::vector<int> data = std::vector<int>( 1 );
toy_matrix() = default;
toy_matrix( std::size_t w, std::size_t h ):width(w),height(h), data(w*h) {}
toy_matrix( std::size_t w, std::size_t h, std::initializer_list<int> il ):width(w),height(h), data(il) {
range<stride_iterator<int>> row( std::ptrdiff_t i ) {
int* ptr =;
ptr += height * i;
return { stride_iterator<int>{ ptr }, stride_iterator<int>{ ptr + width } };
range<stride_iterator<int, std::ptrdiff_t>> column( std::ptrdiff_t i ) {
int* ptr =;
ptr += i;
return { stride_iterator<int, std::ptrdiff_t>{ ptr, width }, stride_iterator<int, std::ptrdiff_t>{ ptr + height * width, width } };
range<stride_iterator<int>> operator[]( std::ptrdiff_t i ) {
return row(i);
int& operator()( std::ptrdiff_t x, std::ptrdiff_t y ) {
return (*this)[x][y];
Test code:
toy_matrix m{ 5, 4, {
for (auto x : m.column(0)) {
std::cout << x << "\n";
for (auto x : m.column(1)) {
std::cout << x << "\n";
for (auto x : m.column(2)) {
std::cout << x << "\n";
1 10 100 1000 2 20 200 2000 3 30 300 3000
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2869
Stroustrup prefers signed integer types unless one has a good reason to use an unsigned one.
Alexander Stepanov, the creator of the STL, preferred size_t
, unsigned by definition, as the type to store containers' size.
So the difference is very subtle.
My personal opinion:
for (auto x: vec)
etc.). With this, there's no index, no room for a
and use C++20's std::ssize
(signed size of a container).Rationale:
is too lengthy to write :-) and you almost never have containers with more than 2 billion
in expressions is more natural and less error-proneThat said, for years I used size_t
(organization) or careless (int)v.size()
(private code). std::ssize
should have been added to the library ages ago.
Upvotes: 1