Reputation: 12866
Let's say that I have a two word string and I want to capitalize both of them.
name <- c("zip code", "state", "final count")
The Hmisc
package has a function capitalize
which capitalized the first word, but I'm not sure
how to get the second word capitalized. The help page for capitalize
doesn't suggest that it can perform that task.
# [1] "Zip code" "State" "Final count"
I want to get:
c("Zip Code", "State", "Final Count")
What about three-word strings:
name2 <- c("I like pizza")
Upvotes: 203
Views: 137845
Reputation: 46886
Match a regular expression that starts at the beginning ^
or after a space [[:space:]]
and is followed by an alphabetical character [[:alpha:]]
. Globally (the g in gsub) replace all such occurrences with the matched beginning or space and the upper-case version of the matched alphabetical character, \\1\\U\\2
. This has to be done with perl-style regular expression matching.
gsub("(^|[[:space:]])([[:alpha:]])", "\\1\\U\\2", name, perl=TRUE)
# [1] "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
In a little more detail for the replacement argument to gsub()
, \\1
says 'use the part of x
matching the first sub-expression', i.e., the part of x
matching (^|[[:space:]])
. Likewise, \\2
says use the part of x
matching the second sub-expression ([[:alpha:]])
. The \\U
is syntax enabled by using perl=TRUE
, and means to make the next character Upper-case. So for "Zip code", \\1
is "Zip", \\2
is "code", \\U\\2
is "Code", and \\1\\U\\2
is "Zip Code".
The ?regexp
page is helpful for understanding regular expressions, ?gsub
for putting things together.
Upvotes: 105
Reputation: 516
This might be of use to some. If the word is capitalized one first has to make it lowercase.
[1] "FRANCE"
as opposed to
[1] "France"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1383
✓ one line
✓ one existing function; no new package
✓ works on list/all words
✓ capitalizes the first letter AND lowers the rest of the word :
name <- c("zip CODE", "statE", "final couNt")
gsub("([\\w])([\\w]+)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", name, perl = TRUE)
[1] "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
If you plan on using it a lot, I guess you could make a wrapper function with it :
capFirst <- function(x) gsub("([\\w])([\\w]+)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", x, perl = TRUE)
If you have special letters you can use this reprex instead:
capFirst <- function(x) gsub("(\\p{L})(\\p{L}+)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", x, perl = TRUE)
Except perl doesn't know how to make it upper- or lowercase after... So there's always:
stringi::stri_trans_totitle(c("zip CODE", "éTAts", "final couNt"))
#[1] "Zip Code" "États" "Final Count"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1101
Another version using StrCap
in DescTools
Text = c("This is my phrase in r", "No, this is not my phrase in r")
DescTools::StrCap(Text) # Default only first character capitalized
[1] "This is my phrase in r" "No, this is not my phrase in r"
DescTools::StrCap(Text, method = "word") # Capitalize each word
[1] "This Is My Phrase In R" "No This Is Not My Phrase In R"
> DescTools::StrCap(Text, method = "title") # Capitalize as in titles
[1] "This Is My Phrase in R" "No, This Is Not My Phrase in R"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1624
Here is a slight improvement on the accepted answer that avoids having to use sapply()
. Also forces non-first characters to lower.
titleCase <- Vectorize(function(x) {
# Split input vector value
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
# Perform title casing and recombine
ret <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), tolower(substring(s, 2)),
sep="", collapse=" ")
name <- c("zip CODE", "statE", "final couNt")
#> "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 556
You could also use the snakecase package:
name <- c("zip code", "state", "final count")
#> [1] "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
# or
to_upper_camel_case(name, sep_out = " ")
#> [1] "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 21
This gives capital Letters to all major words
xString = str_title_case(xString)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 12900
There is a build-in base-R solution for title case as well:
tools::toTitleCase("demonstrating the title case")
## [1] "Demonstrating the Title Case"
toTitleCase("demonstrating the title case")
## [1] "Demonstrating the Title Case"
Upvotes: 207
Reputation: 796
a = c("capitalise this", "and this")
[1] "capitalise this" "and this"
[1] "Capitalise This" "And This"
Upvotes: 60
Reputation: 1324
The package BBmisc
now contains the function capitalizeStrings
capitalizeStrings(c("the taIl", "wags The dOg", "That Looks fuNny!")
, all.words = TRUE, lower.back = TRUE)
[1] "The Tail" "Wags The Dog" "That Looks Funny!"
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 4144
Alternative way with substring and regexpr:
substring(name, 1) <- toupper(substring(name, 1, 1))
pos <- regexpr(" ", name, perl=TRUE) + 1
substring(name, pos) <- toupper(substring(name, pos, pos))
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 16080
Use this function from stringi
stri_trans_totitle(c("zip code", "state", "final count"))
## [1] "Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
stri_trans_totitle("i like pizza very much")
## [1] "I Like Pizza Very Much"
Upvotes: 88
Reputation: 179578
The base R function to perform capitalization is toupper(x)
. From the help file for ?toupper
there is this function that does what you need:
simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
name <- c("zip code", "state", "final count")
sapply(name, simpleCap)
zip code state final count
"Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
Edit This works for any string, regardless of word count:
simpleCap("I like pizza a lot")
[1] "I Like Pizza A Lot"
Upvotes: 188
Reputation: 9451
sapply(name, function(x) {
paste(sapply(strsplit(x, ' '), capitalize), collapse=' ')
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 69251
From the help page for ?toupper
.simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
> sapply(name, .simpleCap)
zip code state final count
"Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"
Upvotes: 16