Reputation: 369
I am writing a ggplot function to generate several plots as follows
plotter <- function(data, x , y, z){ggplot(aes(y = {{x}}, x = {{y}},
fill = {{z}})) + geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), scale = "count") +
scale_y_log10() + labs(y = "ylabel1",
x = "xlabel1", title = "title1",
caption = "Source: Authors' construction from the MIX data
*The red point is the mean. Horizontal lines show the first, second, and third quartiles
*The size of the violins is proportional to the data points") +
theme_economist() + theme(legend.position = "none") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", size = 1, color = "red")}
Because I want to use this function to generate many graphs, I want a capability to generate different x_labels, y-labels and title for each graph. How can I achieve this?
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Views: 66
Reputation: 174516
You can simply add them as parameters to your function:
plotter <- function(data, x , y, z, xlabel, ylabel, title){
ggplot(data = data,
mapping = aes(y = {{x}}, x = {{y}}, fill = {{z}})) +
geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), scale = "count") +
scale_y_log10() +
labs(y = ylabel, x = xlabel, title = title,
caption = paste0("Source: Authors' construction from the MIX data\n",
"*The red point is the mean. Horizontal lines show the ",
"first, second, and third quartiles\n",
"*The size of the violins is proportional ",
"to the data points")) +
ggthemes::theme_economist() +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", size = 1, color = "red")
Now let's try it on some dummy data:
df <- data.frame(y = c(runif(100, 0, 1), runif(100, 1, 2), runif(100, 2, 3)),
x = runif(300),
z = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 100))
plotter(df, x, y, z, "my x axis", "my y axis", "my title")
Created on 2020-09-01 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Upvotes: 2