Reputation: 1
I am trying to import a massive csv file (nearly 10000 columns) into a postgres database. Normally to import a file I would copy it to a temporary table and then use that temp table to place everything in its correct place. However postgres has a max columns of 1600 so the csv doesn't import. I don't have any control over the size of the csv or how it is formatted so I need to work with it.
Is there either a way to increase this value for temporary tables, or to use the copy command to parse into multiple temporary tables? I would also be ok using another way of importing the file if you have any suggestions.
Any advice? I am currently using the Copy command to import the csv:
FROM 'file location'
Thank you for your help!
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Views: 1362
Reputation: 14081
Import it all as a single column, as described here:
Once you have that, you can put together a query that will generate SQL to extract the fields that you want in the way that you want. A small example with 5 columns and a max table size of 2 columns (IRL, you'd want to max_cols_per_table in the code block following this one to a large number, like 1kish, so you're creating 10 tables instead of 5000).
$ cat /tmp/fivewide.csv
$ psql -X testdb
psql (12.3 (Debian 12.3-1), server 10.5 (Debian 10.5-1+build4))
Type "help" for help.
testdb=# create table my_import_table(data text);
testdb=# \copy my_import_table from /tmp/fivewide.csv csv delimiter e'\x01' quote e'\x02'
testdb=# select * from my_import_table;
(3 rows)
Generating the CREATE TABLE statments so it's split into actual columns (this will break if there are commas in the values; I'm not going to implement a full CSV parser in SQL :)
testdb=# with
settings as (select 2 as max_cols_per_table, 'my_import_table' as import_table, 'data' as column_name),
computed_settings1 as (select array_length(string_to_array(d, ','), 1) as num_cols from t limit 1),
computed_settings2 as (select (ceil((select num_cols::float from computed_settings1) / (select max_cols_per_table from settings)))::integer as num_tables),
columns_exprs as (select i, '(string_to_array('||(select column_name from settings)||$$, ','))[$$||i||'] AS col'||i as cexpr from generate_series(1, (select num_cols from computed_settings1)) as i),
column_exprs_by_table as (select t, cexpr from generate_series(1, (select num_tables from computed_settings2)) as t join columns_exprs ce
on i>((t-1)*(select max_cols_per_table from settings))
AND i<=(t*(select max_cols_per_table from settings))
create_table_stmts as (select 'create table t_'||t||' AS SELECT '||string_agg(cexpr, ', ')||' FROM '||(select import_table from settings)||';' from column_exprs_by_table group by t)
select * from create_table_stmts;
create table t_3 AS SELECT (string_to_array(data, ','))[5] AS col5 FROM my_import_table;
create table t_2 AS SELECT (string_to_array(data, ','))[3] AS col3, (string_to_array(data, ','))[4] AS col4 FROM my_import_table;
create table t_1 AS SELECT (string_to_array(data, ','))[1] AS col1, (string_to_array(data, ','))[2] AS col2 FROM my_import_table;
(3 rows)
Executing this DDL with DO
and inspecting the results:
testdb=# DO $outer$
stmt text;
FOR stmt IN
settings as (select 2 as max_cols_per_table, 'my_import_table' as import_table, 'data' as column_name),
computed_settings1 as (select array_length(string_to_array(d, ','), 1) as num_cols from t limit 1),
computed_settings2 as (select (ceil((select num_cols::float from computed_settings1) / (select max_cols_per_table from settings)))::integer as num_tables),
columns_exprs as (select i, '(string_to_array('||(select column_name from settings)||$$, ','))[$$||i||'] AS col'||i as cexpr from generate_series(1, (select num_cols from computed_settings1)) as i),
column_exprs_by_table as (select t, cexpr from generate_series(1, (select num_tables from computed_settings2)) as t join columns_exprs ce
on i>((t-1)*(select max_cols_per_table from settings))
AND i<=(t*(select max_cols_per_table from settings))
create_table_stmts as (select 'create table t_'||t||' AS SELECT '||string_agg(cexpr, ', ')||' FROM '||(select import_table from settings)||';' from column_exprs_by_table group by t)
select * from create_table_stmts
testdb=# select * from t_1;
col1 | col2
c1 | c2
r1c1 | r1c2
r2c1 | r2c2
(3 rows)
testdb=# select * from t_2;
col3 | col4
c3 | c4
r1c3 | r1c4
r2c3 | r2c4
(3 rows)
testdb=# select * from t_3;
(3 rows)
Further improvements, perhaps to be smart about using row 1 as column names, or to always include some column that would be useful for joining the tables, are left as an exercise to the reader.
Upvotes: 1