Reputation: 2811
I have a case class that has two fields, names and lastNames:
case class Pair(names: List[Strin], lastNames: List[String])
now I have a list of this case class, but each list will have only 1 element:
val pair1 = Pair(List("john"), List("goldenberg"))
val pair2 = Pair(List("george"), List("loyd"))
val pair3 = Pair(List("mark"), List("loyd"))
val pair4 = Pair(List("john"), List("buffet"))
val pair5 = Pair(List("ben"), List("goldenberg"))
val pair6 = Pair(List("ken"), List("rover"))
val pairings = List(pair1, pair2, pair3, pair4, pair5, pair6)
I was wondering if there is a nice way in scala to take the list of pairings
and return list of pairings that will represent the parings as their relations, for example:
names: List("john", "ben") // john is with goldenberg and also goldenberg is with ben
lastNames: List("goldenberg", "buffet") // goldenberg is with ben and john, and also john is with buffet
names: List("george", "mark") // george and mark are with loyd
lastNames: List("loyd")
names: List("ken") // ken is with rover
lastNames: List("rover")
so the result will be:
resPairings = List(
Pair(names = List("john", "ben"), lastNames = List("goldenberg", "buffet")),
Pair(names = List("george", "mark"), lastNames = List("loyd")),
Pair(names = List("ken"), lastNames = List("rover")),
Upvotes: 1
Views: 252
Reputation: 8539
Let's think about the following algorithm:
Take the first Pair
, and consolidate all pairs that we know should be paired with him. If this group is not empty, then we need to do another cycle of that first pair. Because the consolidation could have exposed us to knew pairs to be consolidated with. Once we got a pair that cannot be consolidated with any other pair, we know it is a "final" pair, and that we can start calculating the next one.
You can try the following:
def merge(pair: Pair, other: List[Pair]): Pair = {
Pair((pair.names ++ other.flatMap(_.names)).distinct, (pair.lastNames ++ other.flatMap(_.lastNames)).distinct)
def consolidatePairings(pairs: List[Pair]): List[Pair] = pairs match {
case List() => List()
case List(pair) => List(pair)
case pairToCompare :: otherPairs =>
val (toConsolidate, toNotConsolidate) = otherPairs.partition(otherPair => pairToCompare.lastNames.intersect(otherPair.lastNames).nonEmpty || pairToCompare.names.intersect(otherPair.names).nonEmpty)
val consolidatedPair = merge(pairToCompare, toConsolidate)
if (toConsolidate.isEmpty) {
consolidatedPair :: consolidatePairings(toNotConsolidate)
} else {
consolidatePairings(consolidatedPair :: toNotConsolidate)
than the call consolidatePairings(pairings)
will result with:
List(Pair(List(john, ben),List(goldenberg, buffet)), Pair(List(george, mark),List(loyd)), Pair(List(ken),List(rover)))
You can find this code in scastie.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51271
Take the pairings
list, as described in the question, and make a pair of interrelated Maps from it.
//translate the pairings List into 2 interrelated Maps
val (fnMap,lnMap) = pairings
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String,List[String]].withDefaultValue(Nil) ->
case ((fnm,lnm),Pair(fns,lns)) =>
(fns.foldLeft(fnm){case (m,n) => m + (n -> (m(n) ++ lns))}
,lns.foldLeft(lnm){case (m,n) => m + (n -> (m(n) ++ fns))})
The maps are both Map[String,List[String]]
. They are interrelated in that every List
element in one is also a key element in the other.
Now for the meat of the matter.
//given 2 Maps, unravel their relationships
def unravel(aMap :Map[String,List[String]]
,bMap :Map[String,List[String]]
,todo :List[String] = Nil
,acc :List[Pair] = Nil) :List[Pair] = todo match {
case a :: as => //todo list not empty
val bs = aMap(a) //get list of b values
val Pair(fns, lns) :: accTl = acc //get top Pair from acc
unravel(aMap - a //recurse, aMap minus 1
,bs.foldLeft(bMap)(_-_) //bMap minus all of bs
,as ++ bs.flatMap(bMap).filter(_ != a) //add to todo
,Pair((a::fns).distinct, (lns++bs).distinct) :: accTl)
case Nil if aMap.nonEmpty => //todo list is empty, aMap isn't
val (a, bs) = aMap.head //pop aMap
unravel(aMap.tail //recurse, aMap less 1
,bs.foldLeft(bMap)(_-_) //bMap minus all of bs
,bs.flatMap(bMap).filter(_ != a) //create new todo list
,Pair(List(a), bs) :: acc) //push new Pair on acc
case _ => acc //all done
Make it happen.
unravel(fnMap, lnMap)
//res0: List[Pair] = List(
// Pair(List(ken),List(rover))
// , Pair(List(john, ben),List(goldenberg, buffet))
// , Pair(List(mark, george),List(loyd))
// )
How to handle a many-to-many relationship? An aMap
key might reference a long List
of b
values and each of those b
keys might reference multiple a
values, and so on, back and forth.
I decided to start by creating a new Pair
instance made from one aMap
key and its List
of b
values. If any of those b
keys reference yet unresolved a
values then those are placed in a todo
With each recursion the todo
list is checked first. If the list isn't empty then one element is pulled from it and the most recent Pair
instance is updated with the a -> List(b,...)
Repeat until both the todo
list and the aMap
map are empty.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 27595
Personally I would transform you representation into:
val nameToSurnames: Map[String, List[String]] = pairings
.flatMap { case Pair(ks, vs) => => k -> vs) }
val surnameToNames: Map[String, List[String]] = pairings
.flatMap { case Pair(vs, ks) => => k -> vs) }
Both maps should help to generate whatever representation you want e.g. by checking how big is result returned by a map for a key.
Upvotes: 4