tuts fun
tuts fun

Reputation: 117

print the receipt on thermal printer python

i am creating a inventory system on python.i need genterating print recipt after all sales done.when i click save button.i have using mysql database. it has sales and sales product table sales tables consist of following colums – id,subtotal,pay,balance. sales_products tables consist of following colums –id,sales_id,item,qty,price,total need to save the data into two diffent tables when i hit save button at the same time print recipt should display.i don't know to how to save the data on multipule tables i don't know how to save all the treeview save on the database . i got lastinsert id below in the save function.

enter image description here

from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox

import mysql.connector

def save():
    totall = float(tot.cget("text"))
    pay = float(e11.get())
    bal = pay - totall

    mysqldb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="milkshop")
    mycursor = mysqldb.cursor()

        sql = "INSERT INTO sales (id,subtotal,pay,balance) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
        val = ("", totall, pay, bal)
        mycursor.execute(sql, val)
        lastid = mycursor.lastrowid

    except Exception as e:


def pay():
    totall = float(tot.cget("text"))
    pay = float(e11.get())
    bal = pay - totall

root = Tk()
root.title("Inventory System using Python")
global e1
global e2
global e3
global e4
global totText
global balText

totText = StringVar()
balText = IntVar()

Label(root, text="Inventory System using Python", font="arial 22 bold").place(x=5, y=10)

var1 = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Thai Fried Rice", variable=var1).place(x=10, y=50)

var2 = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Basil Fried Rice", variable=var2).place(x=10, y=80)

var3 = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Pineapple Fried Rice", variable=var3).place(x=10, y=110)

var4 = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Crab Fried Rice", variable=var4).place(x=10, y=140)

var5 = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text=" Fish Fried Rice  ", variable=var5).place(x=10, y=170)
Label(root, text="Total").place(x=600, y=10)

Label(root, text="Pay").place(x=600, y=50)
Label(root, text="Balance").place(x=600, y=80)

e8 = Entry(root)
e8.place(x=300, y=110)

e9 = Entry(root)
e9.place(x=300, y=140)

e10 = Entry(root)
e10.place(x=300, y=170)

tot = Label(root, text="", font="arial 22 bold", textvariable=totText)
tot.place(x=650, y=10)

e11 = Entry(root)
e11.place(x=650, y=50)

e12 = Entry(root)

balance = Label(root, text="", font="arial 22 bold", textvariable=balText).place(x=650, y=80)
Button(root, text="Add", command=show, height=3, width=13).place(x=10, y=220)
Button(root, text="PayNow", command=pay, height=3, width=13).place(x=650, y=120)
Button(root, text="Save", command=save, height=3, width=13).place(x=750, y=120)

cols = ('item', 'price', 'qty', 'total')
listBox = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=cols, show='headings')

for col in cols:
    listBox.heading(col, text=col)
    listBox.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
    listBox.place(x=10, y=300)


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Upvotes: 1

Views: 5713

Answers (1)

Delrius Euphoria
Delrius Euphoria

Reputation: 15098

Here is how i think you should proceed with the reciept.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def reciept():
    top = Toplevel()
    price1 = 3000
    qty1 = 3
    total1 = price1*qty1

    price2 = 5000
    qty2 = 4
    total2 = price1*qty2

    l = Label(top,text='---------RECIEPT----------')
    heading = Label(top,text='PRICE\tQTY\tTOTAL')

    item1 = Label(top,text=f'{price1}\t{qty1}\t{total1}')

    item2 = Label(top,text=f'{price2}\t{qty2}\t{total2}')

b = Button(root,text='Print reciept',command=reciept)

The \t will add 4 spaces to the end of the letter.

You can replace prices with your e1.get() and all.

You can also use grid() here but it might be cumbersome and takes more lines.

Check here on how to print using python

Hope you got an idea.


Upvotes: 1

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