Reputation: 13
I am trying to implement ROS GotoGoal in c++, here is the code
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Pose2D.h"
#include "turtlesim/Pose.h"
class Turtle {
public :
Turtle(int argc,char** argv){
ros::NodeHandle n;
pose = turtlesim::Pose();
pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/turtle1/cmd_vel", 100);
sub = n.subscribe("/turtle1/pose", 100, &Turtle::Update, this);
void Update(const turtlesim::Pose::ConstPtr& msg){
ROS_INFO("Pose recieved : x = %f y = %f\n", msg->x, msg->y );
pose = *msg;
void move2goal(){
turtlesim::Pose goalPose= turtlesim::Pose() ;
std::cout<<"Enter goal x : "<<" ";
std::cin>>goalPose.x ;
std::cout<<"Enter goal y : "<<" ";
std::cin>>goalPose.y ;
float d ;
std::cout<<"Enter distance tolerance d : "<<" ";
std::cin>>d ;
auto vel_msg = geometry_msgs::Twist() ;
ros::Rate loop_rate(2.0);
while(distance(goalPose)>=d && ros::ok()){
vel_msg.linear.x = linear_velocity(goalPose,1.5);
vel_msg.linear.y =0 ;
vel_msg.linear.z = 0 ;
vel_msg.angular.x = 0 ;
vel_msg.angular.y= 0 ;
vel_msg.angular.z = angular_velocity(goalPose,6) ;
pub.publish(vel_msg) ;
loop_rate.sleep() ;
ROS_INFO("current : %f %f\n",pose.x,pose.y) ;
vel_msg.angular.z=0 ;
vel_msg.linear.x =0 ;
pub.publish(vel_msg) ;
ros::Publisher pub;
ros::Subscriber sub;
turtlesim::Pose pose;
int ch = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Turtle turtle = Turtle(argc,argv);
return 0;
But the Update callback function is not getting called and the turtle is moving in a circle as pose is not getting updated. I tried using ROS_INFO for debugging the issue but nothing worked. What am I doing wrong here? Note: implementations of few functions have been removed from the code snippet due to stackoverflow's policy.
[Output][1] [1]:
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Views: 1401
Reputation: 21374
I think you misunderstood what the sleep does. Unlike spin
it doesn't actually perform all the ROS communication events. It's just a convenience for accurate sleep. See Difference between spin and rate.sleep in ROS.
Fortunately the fix is really easy, just add a spinOnce
while( distance(goalPose) >= d && ros::ok()) {
// (..)
Upvotes: 1