Reputation: 1582
I am trying to use fluent-ffmpeg with my electron app to concatenate multiple audio files together with an image in a video. So if i have three files:
song1.mp3 1:00 song2.mp3 0:30 song3.mp3 2:00 front.jpg
I could create output.mp4
which would be 3:30 seconds long, and play each file one after the other in order. With front.jpg set as the background image.
I am trying to create the concatenated audio file first for this video, then I can just render a vid with two inputs; image and the 3:30second long concatenated audio file. But I'm having difficulty getting my electron app to wait for the ffmpeg job to run and complete.
I know how to do all of these ffmpeg jobs on the command-line, but I've been following this guide for how to package ffmpeg into an electron app that can run on mac/win10/linux environments. I'm developing it on win10 right now.
I have a button:
<button onClick='fullAlbum("upload-${uploadNumber}")'>FULLALBUM</button>
that when I click runs the fullAlbum()
function that calls combineMp3FilesOrig
to run the actual ffmpeg job:
async function fullAlbum(uploadName) {
//document.getElementById("buttonId").disabled = true;
//get table
var table = $(`#upload_${uploadNumber}_table`).DataTable()
//get all selected rows
var selectedRows = table.rows( '.selected' ).data()
//get outputFile location
var path = require('path');
var outputDir = path.dirname(selectedRows[0].audioFilepath)
//create outputfile
var timestamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds();
let outputFilepath = `${outputDir}/output-${timestamp}.mp3`
console.log('fullAlbum() button pressed: ', timestamp)
await combineMp3FilesOrig(selectedRows, outputFilepath, '320k', timestamp);
//document.getElementById("buttonId").disabled = false;
console.log(`fullAlbum() /output-${timestamp}.mp3 should be created now`)
function combineMp3FilesOrig(selectedRows, outputFilepath, bitrate, timestamp) {
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): ${outputFilepath}`)
//begin get ffmpeg info
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
//Get the paths to the packaged versions of the binaries we want to use
const ffmpegPath = require('ffmpeg-static').replace('app.asar','app.asar.unpacked');
const ffprobePath = require('ffprobe-static').path.replace('app.asar','app.asar.unpacked');
//tell the ffmpeg package where it can find the needed binaries.
//end set ffmpeg info
//create ffmpeg command
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): create command`)
const command = ffmpeg();
//set command inputs
command.input('C:\\Users\\marti\\Documents\\martinradio\\uploads\\CharlyBoyUTurn\\5. Akula (Club Mix).flac')
command.input('C:\\Users\\marti\\Documents\\martinradio\\uploads\\CharlyBoyUTurn\\4. Civilian Barracks.flac')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): command status logging`)
command.on('progress', function(progress) {`Processing : ${progress.percent} % done`);
.on('codecData', function(data) {
.on('end', function() {
console.log('file has been converted succesfully; resolve() promise');
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('an error happened: ' + err.message, ', reject()');
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): add audio bitrate to command`)
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): tell command to merge inputs to single file`)
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): end of promise`)
console.log(`combineMp3FilesOrig(): end of function`)
When I click my button once, my console.logs show the promise is entered, the command is created, but the function just ends without waiting for a resolve(); Waiting a couple minutes doesnt change anything.
If I press the button again:
A new command gets created, reaches the end of the promise, but this time actually starts, and triggers the previous command to start. Both jobs then run and their files are rendered at the correct length (12:08) and the correct quality (320k)
Is there something with my promise I need to fix involving async functions and promises in an electron app? I tried editing my ffmpeg command to include
At the end of my promise to ensure it gets triggered; but that leads to an err in console saying Uncaught (in promise) Error: No output specified
because apparently in fluent-ffmpeg command.mergeToFile(outputFilepath);
isnt good enough and I need to include .output(outputFilepath)
as well. If I change
to command.output(outputFilepath).run()
, when i click my button, the ffmpeg job gets triggered and rendered perfectly fine. EXCEPT THAT THE FILE IS ALWAYS 128kbps
So I'm trying to figure out why my included code block, my ffmpeg command doesn't run the first time when its created.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1772
Reputation: 30715
I've played about with this and I'm seeing the same issue with your original code, the file is being output with 128k bitrate.
This code seems to work, though the max bitrate I'm getting is 320k (I presume this is a limitation of the codec).
After testing again I think I'm getting the same behaviour as you are, in that the file takes some time to generate. If I return a Promise from the combineMp3FilesOrig function, then await in the click handler. I disable the button until the call is complete, obviously your button id will be different.
function combineMp3FilesOrig(selectedRows, outputFile, bitrate) {
const command = ffmpeg();
var count = selectedRows.length;
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
command.on('progress', function(progress) {`Processing : ${progress.percent} % done`);
.on('codecData', function(data) {
.on('end', function() {
console.log('file has been converted succesfully');
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('an error happened: ' + err.message);
async function convertFiles() {
document.getElementById("buttonId").disabled = true;
await combineMp3FilesOrig(selectedRows, 'output.mp3', '320k');
document.getElementById("buttonId").disabled = false;
Upvotes: 0