Reputation: 99
I created a Laravel App. It could access through web, for admin's web page, and api for user's page. I created user's page using Vue so it needs API. Doing so, I need two Auth Controller. One is automatically created using laravel scaffolding, for the web. And the other is created manually for user's login via token. I did create the AuthController for API. This is the controller.
namespace App\Http\Controllers\API;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class AuthController extends Controller
//untuk login
public function login(Request $request)
//validasi data
$this->validate($request, [
'email' => 'email',
'username' => 'string',
'password' => 'required'
//login dapat menggunakan email atau username
$user = User::where('email', '=', $request->email)
->orWhere('username', '=', $request->username)->first();
// $username = User::where('username', $request->username)->first();
// dd($username);
$status = "error";
$message = "";
$data = null;
$code = 401;
// echo (gettype($email));
// echo(gettype($username));
// echo($email);
if (Hash::check($request->password, $user->password)){
$user->generateToken(); //generated 60 random string
$status = 'success';
$message = 'Login Success';
//tampilkan data user menggunakan method to Array
$data = $user->toArray();
$code = 200;
$message = "Login gagal, password salah";
else {
$message = "Login gagal, username atau email salah";
return response()->json([
'status' => $status,
'message' => $message,
'data' => $data,
], $code);
//untuk registrasi
public function register(Request $request)
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),
'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:users',
'password' => 'required|string|min:6',
'username' => 'string'
if ($validator->fails()){
$errors = $validator->errors();
return response()->json([
'data' => [
'message' => $errors,
$user = User::create([
'name' => $request->name,
'email' => $request->email,
'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
'username' => $request->username,
'roles' => json_encode(['CUSTOMER'])
if ($user){
$status = "success";
$message = "Register berhasil!";
$data = $user->toArray();
$code = 200;
$message = "Register gagal";
return response()->json([
'status' => $status,
'message' => $message,
'data' => $data
], $code);
//untuk logout
public function logout(Request $request)
//get authenticated user data
$user = Auth::user();
$user->api_token = null; //delete user's token
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'logout success,
'data' => null,
], 200);
Login and Register method is worked. But when i try to run Logout method, i get AuthenticationException. I tried to debug the $user variable at Logout method, it return null. So, that's why i get the error. My question is, how i solve it? Is it even possible to create two different authentication controller in laravel?
For clarity, this is my api.php
//Routing bersifat publik
Route::prefix('v1')->group(function (){
Route::post('login', 'API\AuthController@login');
Route::post('register', 'API\AuthController@register');
Route::get('books', 'API\ApiBookController@index');
Route::get('book/{id}', 'API\ApiBookController@view')
->where('id', '[0-9]+');
Route::resource('categories', 'API\ApiCategoryController')
->except(['create', 'update']);
//Routing bersifat private
Route::middleware('auth:api')->group(function (){
Route::post('logout', 'API\AuthController@logout');
Logout method response:
"status": "error",
"message": "Unauthenticated.",
"data": null,
"errors": {
"exception": "Illuminate\\Auth\\AuthenticationException",
"trace": [
"#0 D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\book-store\\vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Auth\\Middleware\\Authenticate.php(68): Illuminate\\Auth\\Middleware\\Authenticate->unauthenticated(Object(Illuminate\\Http\\Request), Array)"
Thank you for your time and consideration.
'defaults' => [
'guard' => 'web',
'passwords' => 'users',
'guards' => [
'web' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'users',
'api' => [
'driver' => 'token',
'provider' => 'users',
'hash' => false,
*Note: default guard in config\auth.php
is web
so i can log in to the web.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1893
Reputation: 183
you have to specific what user should be logout in your controller in the apiController you should change
$user = Auth::user();
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();;
then logout him.
Upvotes: 0