Reputation: 36672
Can anyone help me with the following:
Some countries have populations more than three times that of any of their neighbours (in the same region). Give the countries and regions.
my try:
select, x.region
from bbc x
where x.population >all
(select population*3
from bbc y
where y.region = x.region)
syntax is correct but no records are returned (should return 3 rows)
Find each country that belongs to a region where all populations are less than 25000000. Show name, region and population.
my try:
select name, region, population
from bbc
where region not in
(select distinct region from bbc
where population >= 25000000)
I used "not in". Is there a way to use "in" ?
Upvotes: 9
Views: 34672
Reputation: 43
SELECT name, continent, population
FROM world y
WHERE continent IN (
SELECT continent FROM world
GROUP BY continent
HAVING MAX(population) <= 25000000
Here's working query with GROUP BY
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33
Select name , continent
from world x
where population > All(
Select population* 3 from world y
where x.continent = y.continent and !=;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 248
this query will return the desired output
SELECT countryName, continent
SELECT sum(CASE WHEN w1.population > w2.population * 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as finaloutput,
count(*) as totalNeighbours, as countryName,
w1.continent as continent
FROM world w1
INNER JOIN world w2
ON w1.continent= w2.continent
AND !=
) as tbl
WHERE totalNeighbours = finaloutput
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000
. Then find the names of the countries associated with these continents. Show name
, continent
and population
This is my solution and it seems to be the simplest one from all the above:
SELECT name, continent, population FROM world
WHERE continent NOT IN (SELECT continent FROM world WHERE population > 25000000)
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 11
Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000. Then find the names of the countries associated with these continents. Show name, continent and population.
select name, continent, population
from world x where 25000000>=
all(select population from world z where x.continent = z.continent);
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 11
select, x.continent
from world x
where x.population > 3 * (select y.population from world as y where x.continent = y.continent and <> order by y.population desc limit 1)
Upvotes: 1
To find the name of all countries in a continent, where all countries have a population less than 25000000, do the following:
Find the max(population) grouped by continent
(SELECT max(population)
FROM world
GROUP BY continent)
Note: since the maximum is less than your number, you know all are
Find the continent
SELECT continent
FROM world
WHERE population IN(SELECT max(population)
FROM world
GROUP BY continent)
AND population <= 25000000)
Put it all together to get the name, continent, population
SELECT name, continent, population
FROM world
WHERE continent
IN(SELECT continent
FROM world
WHERE population IN(SELECT max(population)
FROM world
GROUP BY continent)
AND population <= 25000000)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
this query will help you.
select name,continent from world a
where population >all(select population*3 from world b where a.continent=b.continent and!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Use this query:
SELECT name, continent
FROM world x WHERE population/3 > ALL (SELECT population
FROM world y
WHERE x.continent = y.continent
AND !=
AND population > 0)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 136
For the first question : you have to add another line of code AND <>
SELECT name, region
FROM bbc A
WHERE A.population/3 >= ALL(SELECT population FROM bbc B
WHERE B.region = A.region
AND <>
For the Second question : you can get rid of both NOT IN
and IN
by using ALL
SELECT name, region, population
FROM bbc A
WHERE 25000000 >= ALL(SELECT population FROM bbc B
WHERE B.region = A.region)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 105
SELECT name,continent FROM world x WHERE population > ALL(SELECT population*3
FROM world y WHERE x.continent=y.continent and!
I've just encountered this problem right now, so sorry if I'm years late. haha! This is how I did it. The purpose of the main select statement is to compare every country then we twist it a little bit in the inner select statement which compares country in the same continent/region only. Also we added a condition where the country from outer select shouldn't be compared with itself.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 431
Elad, your first answer is almost correct, just missing one very key component:
SELECT, x.continent
FROM world x
WHERE x.population >ALL(SELECT population*3
FROM world y
WHERE y.continent = x.continent
You see when you do the sub-query that checks x.population>3*(all of y.populations for same continent) YOU MUST SPECIFY NOT TO CHECK AGAINST THE SAME COUNTRY; otherwise you are stating to check that x>3x which is mathematically impossible.
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 1706
I've been going through these little challenges on SQLZOO as well, and these two particular questions I found tricky.
Some countries have populations more than three times that of any of their neighbours (in the same continent). Give the countries and continents.
My first attempt was:
SELECT name, continent
FROM world x
WHERE population > ALL (SELECT population*3
FROM world y
WHERE x.continent = y.continent)
Which seemed logical to me. Until I realised that if I was checking every population against every other population within the continent, including itself, then I'd never get any results back, as the population of a country will never be more than itself times three. So you need to check every other country, excluding the country you're checking against.
There are also two countries in the table that have a population of NULL, so you also have to exclude these to satisfy the question.
SELECT name, continent
FROM world x
WHERE population > ALL (SELECT population*3
FROM world y
WHERE x.continent = y.continent
AND <>
AND population > 0
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
For the first question, the SQL script is :
FROM world w1
WHERE w1.population > 3 * (
SELECT max(w2.population)
FROM world w2
WHERE w2.continent = w1.continent
AND <>
GROUP BY w2.continent
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2924
This will also work
SELECT name, continent
FROM world x
WHERE population >= 3* (SELECT population FROM world y
WHERE y.continent=x.continent
AND population>0 ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1 )
In the inner query I am selecting the second highest population in the respective continent and in the where I am checking whether second highest one is 3 times smaller or not in population.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
Find each country that belongs to a continent where all populations are less than 25000000. Show name, continent and population
So first need to find continent where any country should not have population > 25000000.
SELECT name, continent, population from world x
WHERE continent in
(SELECT continent FROM world y
WHERE 25000000 >
(select max(population) from world z
where y.continent = z.continent))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 131
SELECT name, region
FROM bbc x
WHERE population/3 >= ALL
(SELECT population
FROM bbc y
WHERE y.region=x.region
AND !=
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 907
A couple of other solutions, added for interest.
First query:
SELECT name,
FROM bbc x
WHERE population >
-- this sub query finds each neighbour (not including itself) and returns the max populations multiplied by 3
(SELECT 3 * MAX(population)
FROM bbc y
WHERE x.region = y.region
AND <>
Second query:
SELECT name,
FROM bbc x
WHERE population < ALL
-- the ALL keyword allows comparison to be made against all the values in a list
-- this sub query finds each country that belongs to a region with populations less than 25 million and returns this as a list
(SELECT population
FROM bbc y
WHERE y.region = x.region
AND population > 25000000)
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 4267
select name, region from bbc x
where population > all
(select 3*population from bbc y
where y.region=x.region and population > 0 and <>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
For the second query, "Find each country that belongs to a region where all populations are less than 25000000. Show name, region and population." (ref., 'SELECT within SELECT', question 3b)
SELECT name, region, population FROM bbc
WHERE population >= 25000000 )
AND region IN
WHERE population < 25000000 )
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 51
SELECT name, region
FROM bbc x
WHERE population > 3 *
(SELECT population
FROM bbc y
WHERE x.region=y.region
ORDER BY population DESC limit 1,1)
population you are looking after is 3x the value of second highest population, thats limit 1,1. Second question is missing a 0, then its correct.
SELECT name, region, population
FROM bbc x
WHERE (SELECT SUM(population)
FROM bbc y
WHERE x.region=y.region) < 250000000
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 48179
For your "3 times population" query, no sub query is required... just a self-join on region, and the first instance population is > second instance population * 3. In the case of a self-join getting to its own country in the same region, it would never be returned since its population would never be greater than 3 times its own value.
Still waiting on feedback of other population question posted as comment in your original question...
b2.Name SmallerCountry,
b2.Population SmallerPopulation
bbc b1
join bbc b2
on b1.Region = b2.Region
AND b1.Population > b2.Population * 3
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17068
For the first :
You have to divide the work. Step one, find the neighbours for a country. This have to be an auto join :
FROM bbc country
INNER JOIN bbc neighbours
ON country.region = neighbours.region
AND !=
Don't forget to exclude self country from the neighbours !
Second, you can count how much neighbours for a country have the right population :
sum(CASE WHEN country.population > neighbours.population * 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
(Group by country !)
Compare with the total and you are done !
SELECT countryName
SELECT sum(CASE WHEN country.population > neighbours.population * 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as okNeighbours,
count(*) as totalNeighbours as countryName
FROM bbc country
INNER JOIN bbc neighbours
ON country.region = neighbours.region
AND !=
WHERE totalNeighbours = okNeighbours
For the second :
SELECT name, region, population
FROM bbc
WHERE region IN (
SELECT region
FROM bbc
GROUP BY region
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN population >= 25000000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1391
For the first query, would something like this work?
a.region , b.*
bbc a
(SELECT population , (population * 3) AS PopX3, region FROM bbc ) b
a.population < PopX3
a.region <> b.region
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4585
If I understand your data correctly, you have only one table. So when you
Select distinct region from bbc where population >=25000000)
you are really getting a list of all the countries that have 25mil and listing their region names. To get a list of regions, you have to SUM the populations
Select region, sum(population) as regionpop from bbc group by region having sum(population)>25000000
Now you can select the countries from those regions and show their information
Select name, region, population from bbc where region in
(Select region from bbc group by region having sum(population)>25000000)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10463
On your second query you can do this without IN
SELECT name, region, population
from bbc
where population >= 25000000
If you insist on using IN however just reverse the condition:
select name, region, population
from bbc where region not in
(select distinct region from bbc where population < 25000000)
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