Reputation: 3
I'm trying to show data of count & percentage in a stacked bar with ggplot2. Data ist here
I tried this:
p <- colorList %>% ggplot(mapping = aes(x=factor(age, levels = c("young","old")),fill=factor(answer_correct, levels = c(0,1), labels = c("False","Correct"))))
and then
p + geom_bar(stat="count", position="stack")+facet_grid(~condition)+labs(title="Colors",subtitle = "per setsize grouped by age", x="", y="Count answer correct", fill="Answer correct")+geom_text(aes(label = paste(..count..,"\n",scales::percent(..count../1298,0.01))),position=position_stack(0.5),stat="count")
as a result I receive:
The problem is that I use a fixed value of 1298 as the total value to calculate the percentage share ( which is unfortunately not true for all columns). So I'm looking for an internal variable of ggplot which I could use to access the sum per column or even better the percentage of the false/correct values per set size. But I was not able to figure out how to do this. Of cause I could summarise the data in advance but I thought there must be a solution inside of ggplot...If there is someone, who has an idea how I can fix my code I would highly appreciate it.
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Views: 2066
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I would suggest this approach summarising values which can be an option for you:
colorList <- read.csv('',stringsAsFactors = F)
colorList %>% mutate(age=factor(age, levels = c("young","old")),
answer_correct=factor(answer_correct, levels = c(0,1))) %>%
group_by(age,condition,answer_correct) %>% summarise(N=n()) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(age,condition) %>%
Lab=paste0(N,' (',paste0(round(100*Percent,0),'%'),')')) -> Sums
geom_bar(stat='identity',position = position_stack())+
facet_wrap(.~condition,scales = 'free')+
geom_text(aes(label=Lab),position = position_stack(vjust = .5),size=3)+
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1300
Are you looking for (..count..)/sum(..count..)
p +
geom_bar(stat="count", position="stack")+
labs(title="Colors",subtitle = "per setsize grouped by age", x="", y="Count answer correct", fill="Answer correct")+
geom_text(aes(label = paste(..count..,"\n",
scales::percent(..count../sum(..count..), 0.01))),
Upvotes: 1