Reputation: 31163
I have a rather large file (150 million lines of 10 chars). I need to split it in 150 files of 2 million lines, with each output line being alternatively the first 5 characters or the last 5 characters of the source line. I could do this in Perl rather quickly, but I was wondering if there was an easy solution using bash. Any ideas?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3808
Reputation: 11226
Why not just use native linux split
split -d -l 999999 input_filename
this will output new split files with file names like x00 x01 x02...
for more info see the manual
man split
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Reputation: 2155
Homework? :-)
I would think that a simple pipe with sed (to split each line into two) and split (to split things up into multiple files) would be enough.
The man command is your friend.
Added after confirmation that it is not homework:
How about
sed 's/\(.....\)\(.....\)/\1\n\2/' input_file | split -l 2000000 - out-prefix-
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6411
First five chars of each line variant, assuming that the large file called x.txt, and assuming it's OK to create files in the current directory with names x.txt.* :
split -l 2000000 x.txt x.txt.out && (for splitfile in x.txt.out*; do outfile="${splitfile}.firstfive"; echo "$splitfile -> $outfile"; cut -c 1-5 "$splitfile" > "$outfile"; done)
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Reputation: 12273
I think that something like this could work:
cat $in_file | while read line; do
if [ $out_pairs -gt 1000000 ]; then
out_file=$(($out_file + 1))
echo "${line%?????}" >> out${out_file}
echo "${line#?????}" >> out${out_file}
out_pairs=$(($out_pairs + 1))
Not sure if it's simpler or more efficient than using Perl, though.
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