Reputation: 197
I migrated to WP 5.5 and as many, I have issues with pictures not showing.
I tried to apply all the solutions I found on the internet but none worked:
The images are still not showing. But it must be linked to the Lazy Load anyway... You can see an example here:
This is the code it shows for the picture. It looks like the browser is still showing the 1 pixel lazy load "fake" picture and don't switch to the real picture.
<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-6373" src="" data-src="" alt="" width="631" height="591" data-srcset=" 631w, 300w" data-sizes="(max-width: 631px) 100vw, 631px">
Some more observations:
I don't care for the Lazy Load, I can live with or without but I absolutely need to make the pictures visible...
Big thanks for any help!
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Views: 314
Reputation: 197
I could finally find the reason: it was caused by the "WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache" plugin...
If someone encounters the same issue, check if you have this plugin installed & deactivate it!
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