Reputation: 443
I am trying to implement the bucket pattern as solution to a previous question.
In the example they issue an update with a selector that uses a regular expression:
db.history.updateOne({ "_id": /^7000000_/, "count": { $lt: 1000 } },
"$push": {
"history": {
"type": "buy",
"ticker": "MDB",
"qty": 25,
"date": ISODate("2018-11-02T11:43:10")
} },
"$inc": { "count": 1 },
"$setOnInsert": { "_id": "7000000_1541184190" }
{ upsert: true })
I'm trying to do the same in Rust, but the query is interpreting my regex as a string literal and not evaluating the regex.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RepetitionBucketUpdate {
#[serde(with = "serde_regex")]
id: Regex,
device_id: Uuid,
session_id: Uuid,
set_id: Uuid,
exercise: String,
level: String,
count: mongodb::bson::Bson,
impl From<JsonApiRepetition> for RepetitionBucketUpdate {
fn from (value: JsonApiRepetition) -> Self {
let id = format!("^{}_", value.device_id.to_string().replace("-", ""));
let re = Regex::new(&id).unwrap();
RepetitionBucketUpdate {
id: re,
device_id: value.device_id,
session_id: value.session_id,
set_id: value.set_id,
exercise: value.exercise,
level: value.level,
count: mongodb::bson::bson!( { "$lt": BUCKET_RECORD_LIMIT }),
let update = bson::doc! {
"$push": {
"repetitions": mongodb::bson::to_bson(&repetition_update).unwrap(),
"$inc": { "count": 1 },
"$setOnInsert": { "id": oid }
let options = mongodb::options::UpdateOptions::builder()
collection.update_one(query, update, options).await.map_err(CollectorError::DbError)?;
If I println!
the update parameters I see:
query: Document({"id": String("^6fcd683c20d5415da1341e7d2f780749_"), "device_id": String("6fcd683c-20d5-415d-a134-1e7d2f780749"), "session_id": String("8388e24d-e680-46f4-9205-b9e43e39a17a"), "set_id": String("53d5a3ec-5962-402d-8e8a-41e9c5e3e01f"), "exercise": String("Bench Press"), "level": String("WheelsWithinWheels"), "count": Document(Document({"$lt": Int32(1000)}))})
update: Document({"$push": Document(Document({"repetitions": Document(Document({"number": Int32(88), "rom": Double(69.42), "duration": Double(666.0), "time": Int64(10870198172412)}))})), "$inc": Document(Document({"count": Int32(1)})), "$setOnInsert": Document(Document({"id": String("6fcd683c20d5415da1341e7d2f780749_1600107371599537000")}))})
options: UpdateOptions {
array_filters: None,
bypass_document_validation: None,
upsert: Some(
collation: None,
hint: None,
write_concern: None,
It's not matching, and it's inserting every update as a new document rather than bucketing subsequent updates.
I can successfully issue a regex based query from the mongodb shell. How do I query with a regex using Rust and mongodb as in the example?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1687
Reputation: 443
I figured this out, so for anyone who has this problem in the future: The mongodb driver does not use the Regex crate, instead the bson crate defines a Regex struct.
My usage changed from the above (see question) to:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RepetitionBucketUpdate {
pub id: mongodb::bson::Bson,
pub device_id: Uuid,
session_id: Uuid,
set_id: Uuid,
exercise: String,
level: String,
count: mongodb::bson::Bson,
let id = format!("^{}_", value.device_id.to_string().replace("-", ""));
let re = mongodb::bson::Regex {
pattern: id,
options: String::new(),
And voilà, ça marche!
Upvotes: 7