Reputation: 1162
I realize there are lots of questions/answers on how to change the size of sliderInput text for shinydashboard, but I am still having problems. My output looks like this:
The x axis values on the slider are way too small. The code that renders the sliderInput is:
# Data description
observeEvent(input$btnDescr, {
output$descr_daterange <- renderUI({
label='Select Time Period',
min = as.Date(min(inputData$qcdata$LDT)),
max = as.Date(max(inputData$qcdata$LDT)),
value = c(as.Date(min(inputData$qcdata$LDT)),as.Date(max(inputData$qcdata$LDT))
and the corresponding code in the ui <- ... section of the app is
What is the code I need to change the size of the x-axis text, and where does it go? I have tried so many things, with no luck. I think it involves this code, but I'm still putting in the wrong spot, or something else.
tags$style(type='HTML', ".irs-grid-text { font-size: 10pt; }")
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1683
Reputation: 1316
If you want to change the text size of only the one sliderInput being returned from the renderUI you can wrap the slider in a div, give it a unique ID, and apply the CSS style to just that input. You should be able to place the tags$style in either the UI or in the renderUI, but here is a very minimal example with the style in the renderUI to keep everything together. We will need to use a tagList()
to return multiple UI elements from the server in the renderUI.
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$ui_norm <- renderUI({
sliderInput('in1', 'Slider', min = 1, max = 10, value = 5)
output$ui_big <- renderUI({
tags$style(type = 'text/css', '#big_slider .irs-grid-text {font-size: 20px}'),
div(id = 'big_slider',
sliderInput('in2', 'Slider', min = 1, max = 10, value = 5)
)#div close
)#taglst close
shinyApp(ui, server)
Note, the # in the tags$style to select the element with id = big_slider which is our div.
Upvotes: 3