Reputation: 1
Referring to onvif core specification: If the subscription is accepted, the response contains a WS-EndpointReference to the instantiated pull point. This WS-Endpoint provides a PullMessages operation, which is used by the client to retrieve Notifications.
But I can't see the codes about instancing pull point, and I don't know how to implement it. Here is my coding.
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __tev__CreatePullPointSubscription(struct soap* soap, struct _tev__CreatePullPointSubscription *tev__CreatePullPointSubscription, struct _tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse *tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse)
tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse->SubscriptionReference.Address = (char *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(char) * 128);
strcpy(tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse->SubscriptionReference.Address, "");
return SOAP_OK;
Can anyone brighten me? Thank you in advance.
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Views: 1432
Reputation: 1
void CreatePullPointSubscription() {
struct soap *m_soap = soap_new();
m_soap->connect_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
m_soap->recv_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
m_soap->send_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
PullPointSubscriptionBindingProxy subscriptionProxy(m_soap);
subscriptionProxy.soap_endpoint = xAddr;
if (addCredentialsToCall(m_soap)) {
_tev__CreatePullPointSubscription request;
_tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse response;
auto ret = subscriptionProxy.CreatePullPointSubscription(&request, response);
if (ret != SOAP_OK) {
soap_stream_fault(m_soap, std::cerr);
} else {
auto address = response.SubscriptionReference.Address;
std::cout << address << std::endl;
std::cout << "Subscription metadata: " << response.SubscriptionReference.Metadata << std::endl;
std::cout << "Termination time " << response.wsnt__TerminationTime << std::endl;
std::cout << "Current time " << response.wsnt__CurrentTime << std::endl;
std::string uuid = std::string(soap_rand_uuid(m_soap, "urn:uuid:"));
struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;
header.wsa5__MessageID = (char *) uuid.c_str();
header.wsa5__To = response.SubscriptionReference.Address;
m_soap->header = &header;
if (addCredentialsToCall(m_soap)) {
_tev__PullMessages tev__PullMessages;
tev__PullMessages.Timeout = "PT600S";
tev__PullMessages.MessageLimit = 100;
_tev__PullMessagesResponse tev__PullMessagesResponse;
auto ret = subscriptionProxy.PullMessages(&tev__PullMessages, tev__PullMessagesResponse);
for (auto msg : tev__PullMessagesResponse.wsnt__NotificationMessage) {
std::cout << "\tMessage is :" << msg->Topic->__mixed << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Couldn't set credentials!!!" << std::endl;
This worked for me atleast to pull the event initializers.
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