How to create custom HTML output for an existing Asciidoctor Asciidoc macro?

For example, I want to add the loading="lazy" attribute to all my images e.g.:


but the default HTML <img> element output does not have that attribute.

Maybe this is was asked at: Creating custom HTML with asciidoctor but the question is not clear enough for me to be sure about it.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 798

Answers (1)

This is documented at: but it feels like a minimal example would be beneficial.




<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div<%= @id && %( id="#{@id}") %> class="<%= ['imageblock',@style,role].compact * ' ' %>"<%
if (attr? :align) || (attr? :float)
%> style="<%= [("text-align: #{attr :align};" if attr? :align),("float: #{attr :float};" if attr? :float)].compact * ' ' %>"<%
end %>>
<div class="content"><%
if attr? :link %>
<a class="image" href="<%= attr :link %>"><img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" loading="lazy" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"<%= (attr? :width) ? %( width="#{attr :width}") : nil %><%= (attr? :height) ? %( height="#{attr :height}") : nil %>></a><%
else %>
<img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" loading="lazy" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"<%= (attr? :width) ? %( width="#{attr :width}") : nil %><%= (attr? :height) ? %( height="#{attr :height}") : nil %>><%
end %>
if title? %>
<div class="title"><%= captioned_title %></div><%
end %>

This is a copy the default template from, but with the HTML modified by adding loading="lazy".


gem 'asciidoctor', '2.0.10'
gem 'concurrent-ruby', '1.1.7'
gem 'tilt', '2.0.10'

We need to install those extra gems for it to work.


asciidoctor --template-dir template_dir main.adoc

and that's it, the output HTML now contains loading="lazy".

Tested in Asciidoctor 2.0.10.

Upvotes: 2

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