Kaan Taze
Kaan Taze

Reputation: 1136

Accessing Web API from Hybrid Mobile App, Blazor Mobile

I'm working on a Blazor Hybrid App and currently trying to access a .NET Web API from my phone.

I have deployed a .NET Web Application to IIS. API returns just a WeatherForecast data (for those who're not familiar, data type is already defined in project and comes with the template) in JSON.

API Response is something like this:



I deployed it to my localhost at port 3004. So both in my PC's browser and my mobile phone's browser I can successfully reach to this address and get this response.

However in my mobile application there is a method responsible for retrieving the data, defined as: AppState.cs:

public async Task<List<WeatherForecast>> GetForecastAsync()
     return await _http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<WeatherForecast>>("");

and this is called from Index.razor:

@inject AppState appState

@if(todos == null){
<p> Loading </p>
else {
 // loop todos in foreach 

@code {
    List<Todo> todos;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
         todos = await appState.GetForecastAsync();
         appState.OnChange += UpdateState;

This GET Request returns null. I've tried it with JSON placeholder from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/ (Changed the WeatherForecast to Todo of course) there was no problem!

My Attemps

For possible solutions I've tried to


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddCors(options => options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder => builder.AllowAnyOrigin()));


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)





How can I reach the API from the mobile app?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1505

Answers (1)

Kaan Taze
Kaan Taze

Reputation: 1136

After few hours of researching and trial and error I found it.

So I'll explain the flow step by step:

First when the page we want opens, we want to fetch the data from a remote database. In my case I call it from Index.razor, my home page:


@page "/"
@inject AppState appState
@implements IDisposable

@if (forecasts== null)
    @foreach (var forecast in forecasts)
        <p>@forecast .Date</p>
        <p>@forecast .TemperatureC</p>
        <p>@forecast .TemperatureF</p>
        <p>@forecast .Summary</p>
@code {
    List<WeatherForecast> forecasts;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
       forecasts = await appState.GetForecastAsync(); // We call the Get Forecast Async via appState
       appState.OnChange += UpdateState;

    public void Dispose() => appState.OnChange -= UpdateState;

    private async Task UpdateState()

    public class WeatherForecast
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }

        public int TemperatureC { get; set; }

        public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);

        public string Summary { get; set; }

We need the AppState because we need to keep track of state, so it's like a state manager.

After that we jump to AppState.cs:

class AppState
       HttpClient _http;

       public AppState()
           _http = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };

       public async Task<List<WeatherForecast>> GetForecastAsync()
               return await _http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<WeatherForecast>>("weatherforecast");
           catch (Exception ex)
               Debug.WriteLine(@"\tERROR {0}", ex.Message);
           return new List<WeatherForecast>();

    //There is also OnChange method here but it's irrelevant. 
  • I've downloaded ISSexpress-proxy and proxied the api to another port because I was having "Invalid hostname" error.

  • When initializing HttpClient I gave the baseAddress as my local IP, not where you use to access to localhost on Android.

  • I was still getting errors on HTTP communication. In AndroidManifest.xml file I added android:targetSandboxVersion="1" to <manifest> and android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" to <application>. Thanks to this answer I found how to solve it.

Final Result

Android Screenshot

Upvotes: 1

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