Reputation: 103
Trying to pick up the right combination of chrome options to disable annoying Password Manager popup after passing login form.
Here is how I create a driver:
Feature: Driver initialization
* configure retry = { count: 5, interval: 3000 }
Scenario Outline: using <config>
* def config = <config>
* set config.showDriverLog = true
* configure driver = config
* driver ''
* maximize()
* retry().waitUntil("document.readyState == 'complete'")
| config |
| {type: 'chrome', executable: '/Applications/Google Chrome', webDriverSession: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': { credentials_enable_service: false, profile.password_manager_enabled: false }}}} |
Also I tried some other combinations with addOptions: [ ... ]
and so on but nothing helps. Any ideas?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 751
Reputation: 511
I had a similar issue but I found a workaround. Instead of using driver type to be chrome and pointing to the google chrome application installed locally download the chromedriver and use that. I used this on Windows and placed the chromedriver under C:/Windows/ folder. This did not bring up the password manager popup when executing the tests.
Upvotes: 2