Reputation: 3489
I am trying to implement server side verification for IAP's in my flutter app. I am using the package
version: ^0.3.4+8
And I am confused how I get the data to verify my purchase for android and IOS. In the documentation they say
"or verify the data using your own server with serverVerificationData."
This string seems to return some kind of encoded string. How do I then extract the needed data from this string? I tried base64Decode() since the localVerificationData is base64Encoded but this did not work.
Android needs a package name, purchase id and purchaseToken. And Ios needs a object receipt-data. I am confused on how I am to get that data from the serverVerificationData string.
I am currently implementing android first.
The the localVerificationData documentation says
The data used for local verification.
If the source is IAPSource.AppStore, this data is a based64 encoded string. The structure of the payload is defined using ASN.1. If the source is IAPSource.GooglePlay, this data is a JSON String.
So the serverVerificationData must be different from the localVerificationData then since it doesn't look like JSON at all. I am also not sure if it is safe to post the serverVerificationData here since it may contain sensitive information.
This is a string similar to the one I got on android only I changed all the letters, numbers etc. So it's just about the format
In the repo they show that they call the _verifyPurchase(purchase); which has no implementation in the example.
And they say you should always verify
This is my current code
Future<dynamic> verifyAndroid(PurchaseDetails details) async {
DatabaseService databaseService = Get.find<DatabaseService>();
String verificationData = details.verificationData.serverVerificationData;
String packageName = ''; //get from verificationData
String productId = ''; //get from verificationData
String purchaseToken = ''; //get from verificationData
final response = await databaseService.verifyInAppPurchaseAndroid(packageName, productId, purchaseToken);
return response;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1590
Reputation: 3489
It turned out that the data was in the detail.verificationData.localVerificationData instead of the detail.verificationData.serverVerificationData and detail.verificationData.serverVerificationData is the purchase token on Android.
Upvotes: 3