
Reputation: 63

Cannot publish RTC client on mobile data with Agora Web SDK NG

I'm new to the world of WebRTC and Websockets. I have tried to implement a 1 on 1 video call with Agora Web SDK NG, and everything worked fine with two devices (a PC and an Android mobile device) on the same network. Once I had my smartphone on mobile data, I could not join the call anymore although it still works on my PC connected to my router at the same time.

Here is my function that is used to start a call in my Angular service :

async startCall(userId: string) {
    this.rtc.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: "rtc", codec: "vp8" });

    // * Listen to new users joining the channel
    this.rtc.client.on('user-published', async (user, mediaType) => {
      console.log('remote user published');
      // Subscribe to a remote user.
      await this.rtc.client.subscribe(user, mediaType);
      console.log('subscribe to remote user success');

      // If the subscribed track is video.
      if (mediaType === 'video') {
        // Get `RemoteVideoTrack` in the `user` object.
        const remoteVideoTrack = user.videoTrack;

        // Play the remote video track.
        // Pass the DIV container and the SDK dynamically creates a player in the container for playing the remote video track.

        // Or just pass the ID of the DIV container.'video-player');

      // If the subscribed track is audio.
      if (mediaType === 'audio') {
        // Get `RemoteAudioTrack` in the `user` object.
        const remoteAudioTrack = user.audioTrack;
        // Play the audio track. No need to pass any DOM element.;

    // * Listening for users leaving the channel
    this.rtc.client.on('user-unpublished', user => {
      console.log('remote user unpublished');

    this.rtc.client.on('exception', (event) => console.error('RTC CLIENT ERROR ', event));

    // * Joining the channel
    try {
      // Join channel
      await this.rtc.client.join(agoraConfig.appId,, agoraConfig.token, userId);
      // Create an audio track from the audio sampled by a microphone.
      this.rtc.localAudioTrack = await AgoraRTC.createMicrophoneAudioTrack();
      // Create a video track from the video captured by a camera.
      this.rtc.localVideoTrack = await AgoraRTC.createCameraVideoTrack({ facingMode: 'user' });
      // Publish the local audio and video tracks to the channel.
      // ---------------- THE STATEMENT BELOW IS WHERE IT HANGS ---------------------
      await this.rtc.client.publish([this.rtc.localAudioTrack, this.rtc.localVideoTrack]);
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      // If peer already connected set status to online otherwise set as waiting
      if (this.rtc.client.remoteUsers.length)

      console.log('self join and publish success !');
    } catch (e) {

It gives various errors and keeps trying to re-publish the stream on the statement marked with comments above. Below are the web console logs when navigating to the page, then attempting to join a call from my mobile device :

20:41:29.528 20:41:29:528 Agora-SDK [INFO]: browser compatibility {"getDisplayMedia":false,"getStreamFromExtension":false,"supportUnifiedPlan":true,"supportMinBitrate":false,"supportSetRtpSenderParameters":true,"supportDualStream":true,"webAudioMediaStreamDest":true,"supportReplaceTrack":true,"supportWebGL":true,"webAudioWithAEC":true,"supportRequestFrame":false,"supportShareAudio":false} {"name":"Firefox","version":"80","os":"Android"} AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:29.831 Angular is running in development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable production mode. core.js:26833
20:41:33.697 CALLSTATUS connecting video-call.component.ts:25:33
20:41:33.706 20:41:33:706 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] Initializing AgoraRTC client v4.1.0 build: v4.1.0-0-g64d4440(9/4/2020, 5:57:23 PM), mode: rtc, codec: vp8 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:33.715 20:41:33:715 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] start join channel cataphract-channel AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:33.719 20:41:33:719 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: DISCONNECTED -> CONNECTING AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:34.450 20:41:34:450 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: getUserAccount Success h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2 => 1000000001 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:34.453 20:41:34:454 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] Connect to choose_server: AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:34.459 20:41:34:459 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] Connect to choose_server: AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:35.074 20:41:35:74 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] start connect, url: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:35.395 20:41:35:395 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websockect opened: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:35.536 20:41:35:536 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: CONNECTING -> CONNECTED AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:35.578 20:41:35:579 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] Connected to gateway server AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:35.589 20:41:35:589 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] Joining channel success: cataphract-channel AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:35.602 20:41:35:602 Agora-SDK [INFO]: start create microphone audio track with config {} trackId track-34f6a29f AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:35.608 20:41:35:609 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [track-34f6a29f] GetUserMedia {"audio":{}} AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:38.937 20:41:38:936 Agora-SDK [INFO]: create microphone audio track success, trackId: track-34f6a29f AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:38.948 20:41:38:948 Agora-SDK [INFO]: start create camera video track with config {"facingMode":"user"} trackId track-5b4971e3 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:38.951 20:41:38:951 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [track-5b4971e3] GetUserMedia {"video":{"facingMode":"user"}} AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.209 20:41:40:209 Agora-SDK [INFO]: create camera video success, trackId: track-5b4971e3 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:40.222 20:41:40:222 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] Publishing tracks, id track-34f6a29f ,track-5b4971e3 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:40.240 20:41:40:239 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] publish high stream AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.249 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:40.268 20:41:40:268 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] add audio track to pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.275 20:41:40:275 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] add video track to pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.281 20:41:40:282 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] set pc rtp sender 
Object { maxBitrate: undefined }
 balanced AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.315 20:41:40:315 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.471 20:41:40:471 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] set answer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:40.514 20:41:40:515 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] ice-state: pub p2p checking AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:40.517 20:41:40:518 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] connection-state: pub p2p connecting AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:44.724 20:41:44:724 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] receive exception msg, code: 2003, msg: SEND_AUDIO_BITRATE_TOO_LOW, uid: h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
Object { code: 2003, msg: "SEND_AUDIO_BITRATE_TOO_LOW", uid: "h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2" }
20:41:44.734 20:41:44:735 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] receive exception msg, code: 1003, msg: SEND_VIDEO_BITRATE_TOO_LOW, uid: h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
Object { code: 1003, msg: "SEND_VIDEO_BITRATE_TOO_LOW", uid: "h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2" }
20:41:45.261 20:41:45:261 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [pc-1] onicecandidate timeout, local candidate count 12 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.538 WebRTC: ICE failed, see about:webrtc for more details
20:41:45.540 20:41:45:540 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] ice-state: pub p2p failed AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:45.555 20:41:45:556 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] start reconnect pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.642 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:45.679 20:41:45:679 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.763 20:41:45:763 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websocket close wss://, code: 1006, reason: , current mode: retry AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.768 20:41:45:768 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: CONNECTED -> RECONNECTING AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:45.772 20:41:45:772 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] ready to reconnect high stream AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.778 rec retry true AgoraRTC_N-production.js:604:396
20:41:45.783 20:41:45:783 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] renewSession D2A8F6FA0344A873B981D670DBC81AEB => F2EEDD3DC589682734C25868E718D468 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.786 20:41:45:786 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] ready to reconnect high stream AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45.790 20:41:45:790 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] wait 500ms to reconnect websocket, mode: tryNext AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:45:794 Agora-SDK [ERROR]: AgoraRTCError WS_ABORT: type: publish AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:450
20:41:46.296 20:41:46:296 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websocket url length: 3 current index: 1 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:46.303 20:41:46:303 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] start connect, url: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:46.823 20:41:46:823 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websockect opened: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:46.952 20:41:46:953 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: RECONNECTING -> CONNECTED AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:46.957 20:41:46:957 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] start reconnect pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:46.971 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery 2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:46.974 WebRTC: Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:47.014 20:41:47:15 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:47.099 20:41:47:100 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] set answer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:47.167 20:41:47:167 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] ice-state: pub p2p checking AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:47.171 20:41:47:171 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] connection-state: pub p2p connecting AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:50.651 20:41:50:650 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [pc-2] onicecandidate timeout, local candidate count 16 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:51.984 20:41:51:984 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [pc-3] onicecandidate timeout, local candidate count 14 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:57.246 20:41:57:247 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] receive p2p lost 
Object { event: "publish", p2pid: 3, uid: "h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2" }
20:41:57.254 20:41:57:254 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] pub p2p gateway lost AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:57.257 20:41:57:258 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] start reconnect pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:57.376 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery 2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:57.378 WebRTC: Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:41:57.420 20:41:57:420 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:57.591 20:41:57:591 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] set answer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:41:57.621 20:41:57:621 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] ice-state: pub p2p checking AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:41:57.625 20:41:57:625 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] connection-state: pub p2p connecting AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:42:02.392 20:42:02:393 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [pc-4] onicecandidate timeout, local candidate count 14 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.706 20:42:07:707 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] receive p2p lost 
Object { event: "publish", p2pid: 4, uid: "h2uR9JUyyUcu3YwywmxrhHguRwJ2" }
20:42:07.713 20:42:07:714 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] pub p2p gateway lost AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:42:07.723 20:42:07:723 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] start reconnect pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.797 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery 2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:42:07.801 WebRTC: Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:42:07.838 20:42:07:838 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.930 20:42:07:931 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websocket close wss://, code: 1006, reason: , current mode: retry AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.935 20:42:07:936 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: CONNECTED -> RECONNECTING AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:42:07.939 20:42:07:939 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] ready to reconnect high stream AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.950 rec retry true AgoraRTC_N-production.js:604:396
20:42:07.954 20:42:07:953 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] renewSession F2EEDD3DC589682734C25868E718D468 => 67F0BC1942DB323CB4B8CC15BA8E526A AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.960 20:42:07:961 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a] ready to reconnect high stream AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07.967 20:42:07:968 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] wait 500ms to reconnect websocket, mode: tryNext AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:07:987 Agora-SDK [ERROR]: AgoraRTCError WS_ABORT: type: publish AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:450
20:42:08.475 20:42:08:475 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websocket url length: 3 current index: 2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:08.479 20:42:08:479 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] start connect, url: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:08.863 20:42:08:863 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [gateway-client-d337a] websockect opened: wss:// AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:08.985 20:42:08:985 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a] connection state change: RECONNECTING -> CONNECTED AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:42:08.989 20:42:08:989 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] start reconnect pc AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:09.005 WebRTC: Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery 2 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:42:09.007 WebRTC: Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems 3 AgoraRTC_N-production.js:705
20:42:09.047 20:42:09:47 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] create and set offer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:09.214 20:42:09:214 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [client-d337a-pub-1] set answer success AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:113
20:42:09.274 20:42:09:275 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] ice-state: pub p2p checking AgoraRTC_N-production.js:375:233
20:42:09.278 20:42:09:278 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-d337a-pub-1] connection-state: pub p2p connecting

As you can see, it fails at publishing at Client.publish timeout followed by receive p2p lost and pub p2p gateway lost. Then it keeps retrying start reconnect pc indefinetely.

What could be causing this behavior?

Please let me know if I need to provide more information on this issue.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 2904

Answers (1)

Akshat Gupta
Akshat Gupta

Reputation: 582

The p2p error can be solved in different ways as mentioned in the Agora Error FAQs.

Possible solutions for the error

If the error persists after troubleshooting, contact [email protected].

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