Reputation: 63
i need to take the attachment which may be doc/pdf/excel file from the iphone and then send to the backend Please guide if anyone knows how to to do this
let me tell you what i did yet 1.i have been using UIDocumentPickerViewController
func clickFunction(){
let options = [kUTTypePDF as String, kUTTypeZipArchive as String, kUTTypePNG as String, kUTTypeJPEG as String, kUTTypeText as String, kUTTypePlainText as String]
let documentPicker: UIDocumentPickerViewController = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: options, in: .import)
documentPicker.delegate = self
documentPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
self.present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
3.These are the delegate methods
public func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
guard let myURL = urls.first else {
print("import result : \(myURL)")
public func documentMenu(_ documentMenu:UIDocumentMenuViewController, didPickDocumentPicker documentPicker: UIDocumentPickerViewController) {
documentPicker.delegate = self
present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
func documentPickerWasCancelled(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController) {
print("view was cancelled")
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
from the above code i am getting the url after selecting any file from the icloud i am little confuse what should i do with that url
like:- file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8F334336-525D-46F7-BF60-79FC6A45601A/tmp/com.Empro.WorkToday-Inbox/AbhishekSharma-MCA-1.pdf
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1011
Reputation: 1359
when ever file has been selected you have to upload it on Moya it is very good network layer for uploading image/ doc etc file to server
let keyValue = "doc[0]"
var multipartData = [MultipartFormData]()
if(docTypes == .isTypePDF)
multipartData.append(Moya.MultipartFormData(provider: .data(documentData!), name: keyValue, fileName: "file.pdf", mimeType: "application/pdf"))
multipartData.append(Moya.MultipartFormData(provider: .data(documentData!), name: keyValue, fileName: "file.doc", mimeType: "application/doc"))
when docuemnt Selected under this delegate you need to convert it into Data
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
if(urls.count > 0)
let imageExtensions = ["pdf", "rtf", "docx", "doc"]
for i in 0..<urls.count
let urlvalue = urls[i]
let pathExtention = urlvalue.pathExtension
if imageExtensions.contains(pathExtention)
print("Image URL: \(urlvalue)")
if(pathExtention == "pdf")
self.doctype = .isTypePDF
self.doctype = .isTypeDoc
// Do something with it
print("Movie URL: \(urlvalue)")
let fileName = urlvalue.lastPathComponent
let imgData1 = try Data.init(contentsOf: urlvalue)
self.documentData = imgData1
self.uploadDocumentName = fileName
// multipartData.append(Moya.MultipartFormData(provider: .data(imgData1), name: "audio[0]", fileName: "file.mp4", mimeType: "audio/mpeg"))
catch {
and using this upload function you will send that file to server
func updatePostData(formdata: [MultipartFormData], controller: UIViewController)
provider.request( .UpdatePost(formdata) , callbackQueue: DispatchQueue.main, progress: { (progress) in
}) { (result) in
switch result{
case .success(let response):
do {
loadLoader(isLoading: false)
let responseResult = try<Any>.self)
// self.delegateObject?.reloadData() Notification.Name("NotificationIdentifier"), object: nil)
controller.dismiss(animated: true)
} catch {
controller.dismiss(animated: true)
case .failure(let error):
checkLogoutUser(error: error, viewController: controller)
Upvotes: 1