Reputation: 199
I have the code to extract/convert text from scanned pdf files/normal pdf files by using Tesseract OCR. But I want to make my code to convert a pdf folder rather than a single pdf file, then the extract text files will be store in a folder that I want.
See my code below:
filePath = '/Users/CodingStark/scanned/scanned-file.pdf'
pages = convert_from_path(filePath, 500)
image_counter = 1
# Iterate through all the pages stored above
for page in pages:
filename = "page_"+str(image_counter)+".jpg", 'JPEG')
image_counter = image_counter + 1
filelimit = image_counter-1
# Creating a text file to write the output
outfile = "scanned-file.txt"
f = open(outfile, "a")
# Iterate from 1 to total number of pages
for i in range(1, filelimit + 1):
filename = "page_"+str(i)+".jpg"
# Recognize the text as string in image using pytesserct
text = str(((pytesseract.image_to_string(
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
#Close the file after writing all the text.
I want to automate my code so it will convert all my pdf files in the scanned folder and those extract text files will be in a folder that I want. Also, are there any ways to delete all the jpg files after the code? Since it takes a lot of memory spaces. Thank you so much!!
def tesseractOCR_pdf(pdf):
filePath = pdf
pages = convert_from_path(filePath, 500)
# Counter to store images of each page of PDF to image
image_counter = 1
# Iterate through all the pages stored above
for page in pages:
# Declaring filename for each page of PDF as JPG
# For each page, filename will be:
# PDF page 1 -> page_1.jpg
# PDF page 2 -> page_2.jpg
# PDF page 3 -> page_3.jpg
# ....
# PDF page n -> page_n.jpg
filename = "page_"+str(image_counter)+".jpg"
# Save the image of the page in system, 'JPEG')
# Increment the counter to update filename
image_counter = image_counter + 1
# Variable to get count of total number of pages
filelimit = image_counter-1
# Create an empty string for stroing purposes
text = ""
# Iterate from 1 to total number of pages
for i in range(1, filelimit + 1):
# Set filename to recognize text from
# Again, these files will be:
# page_1.jpg
# page_2.jpg
# ....
# page_n.jpg
filename = "page_"+str(i)+".jpg"
# Recognize the text as string in image using pytesserct
text += str(((pytesseract.image_to_string(
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
#Delete all the jpg files that created from above
for i in glob.glob("*.jpg"):
return text
def tesseractOCR_img(img):
filePath = img
text = str(pytesseract.image_to_string(filePath,lang='eng',config='--psm 6'))
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
return text
def Tesseract_ALL(docDir, txtDir):
if docDir == "": docDir = os.getcwd() + "\\" #if no docDir passed in
for doc in os.listdir(docDir): #iterate through docs in doc directory
fileExtension = doc.split(".")[-1]
if fileExtension == "pdf":
pdfFilename = docDir + doc
text = tesseractOCR_pdf(pdfFilename) #get string of text content of pdf
textFilename = txtDir + doc + ".txt"
textFile = open(textFilename, "w") #make text file
textFile.write(text) #write text to text file
# elif (fileExtension == "tif") | (fileExtension == "tiff") | (fileExtension == "jpg"):
imgFilename = docDir + doc
text = tesseractOCR_img(imgFilename) #get string of text content of img
textFilename = txtDir + doc + ".txt"
textFile = open(textFilename, "w") #make text file
textFile.write(text) #write text to text file
print("Error in file: "+ str(doc))
for filename in os.listdir(txtDir):
fileExtension = filename.split(".")[-2]
if fileExtension == "pdf":
os.rename(txtDir + filename, txtDir + filename.replace('.pdf', ''))
elif fileExtension == "tif":
os.rename(txtDir + filename, txtDir + filename.replace('.tif', ''))
elif fileExtension == "tiff":
os.rename(txtDir + filename, txtDir + filename.replace('.tiff', ''))
elif fileExtension == "jpg":
os.rename(txtDir + filename, txtDir + filename.replace('.jpg', ''))
#Below are the code to run the functions
#Specific telling the function where the documents located and where you want the txt files to be at
docDir = "pdf_folder"
txtDir = "text_folder"
Tesseract_ALL(docDir, txtDir)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 8909
Reputation: 162
here is the loop to read from a path,
import glob,os
import os, subprocess
pdf_dir = "dir"
for pdf_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(pdf_dir, "*.PDF")):
//// put here what you want to do for each pdf file
Upvotes: 3