Reputation: 1398
I have a simple scenario where an enum is being sent for storage and I want to pull it out. However, I cannot use either Ordinal nor Name strategy. The value being stored is a value inside each enum instance.
TLDR: Is there a way for me to register a mapper that does one thing on persistance and another on retrieval?
DISCLAIMER: I am not using posgres
// A simple enum
enum class N(val v: Int) {
companion object {
val map = values(v: Int).associateBy { it.v }
fun from(v: Int) = map.getValue(v)
// A simple data class
data class A(val i: Int = 0, val n: N = N.A) {
interface Dao {
@SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO a (i) VALUE (?)")
fun insert(i: Int): Int
@SqlQuery("SELECT i,n FROM a WHERE i = ?")
fun select(i: Int): A
// register my enum so that it stores the int value
jdbi.registerArgument(object : AbstractArgumentFactory<N>(Types.TINYINT) {
override fun build(value: N, config: ConfigRegistry): Argument {
return Argument { pos, stmt, _ -> stmt.setInt(pos, value.value) }
// test with Ordinal strategy
jdbi.configure( { it.setEnumStrategy(EnumStrategy.BY_ORDINAL) }
The simplest table possible
create table a(i int primary key auto_increment, n int);
I am trying to pull the data out but I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.jdbi.v3.core.result.UnableToProduceResultException: no N value could be matched to the name 15
val dao = jdbi.onDemand(
val i = dao.insert(N.B)
I know that I am using AbstractArgumentFactory which I think is the root of my problem. I don't think this helper is flexible to my needs.
Is there a way for me to register a mapper that does one thing on persistance and another on retrieval?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1896
Reputation: 1398
I think I found the solution. Much simpler than I expected
jdbi.registerColumnMapper(object : ColumnMapper<N> {
override fun map(r: ResultSet, columnNumber: Int, ctx: StatementContext): N {
val v = r.getInt(columnNumber)
return N.from(v)
After I dove into the Jdbi project and took a look at
I made it work in a scratch file
Upvotes: 2