Reputation: 15
I hate that I have to ask this question again but the website I had been scraping data from updated, not just aesthetically, the underlying code has changed too. Before the update, the program would find the "Key Data" table and use a counter to find specific data. The problem is I'm not getting into the values anymore and when I try to use a Class Name closer to the value, it doesn't find it at all and drops out of the program.
I've cut out some of the code below to share, would appreciate any help. Similar to last time, I feel so close but am coming up short.
Set ieObj = New InternetExplorer
ieObj.Visible = True
ieObj.navigate "" & Cells(c, 2) & ":US"
Do While ieObj.readyState <> 4
Application.StatusBar = "Getting to 'Key Data' Table"
d = 0
For Each htmlELE In ieObj.document.getElementsByClassName("sc-kfYqjs jpcbJh")
'scrape EPS amount
If d = 9 Then
EPS = htmlELE.innerText
Range("H2").value = EPS
End If
'scrape dividend
If d = 14 Then
div = htmlELE.innerText
Range("I2").value = div
End If
d = d + 1
Upvotes: 0
Views: 225
Reputation: 22440
You can get the value of eps
using xmlhttp requests if you send a post requests to the correct url along with appropriate parameters. When you run the script, you should get json response containing the required result. I used regex to parse the specific portion you are interested in.
The payload is bigger than usual. However, you can change the ticker name within the variable accordingly.
This is how you can go:
Sub GetContent()
Const link = ""
Dim elem As Object, payload As Variant, S$, tickerName$
tickerName = "AAPL:US" 'use ticker name here
payload = "{""operationName"":""getQuoteBySymbol"",""variables"":{""symbol"":""" & tickerName & """,""locale"":""en""},""query"":""query getQuoteBySymbol($symbol: String, $locale: String) {\n getQuoteBySymbol(symbol: $symbol, locale: $locale) {\n symbol\n name\n price\n priceChange\n percentChange\n exchangeName\n exShortName\n exchangeCode\n marketPlace\n sector\n industry\n volume\n openPrice\n dayHigh\n dayLow\n MarketCap\n" & _
"MarketCapAllClasses\n peRatio\n prevClose\n dividendFrequency\n dividendYield\n dividendAmount\n dividendCurrency\n beta\n eps\n exDividendDate\n shortDescription\n longDescription\n website\n email\n phoneNumber\n fullAddress\n employees\n shareOutStanding\n totalDebtToEquity\n totalSharesOutStanding\n sharesESCROW\n vwap\n dividendPayDate\n weeks52high\n weeks52low\n alpha\n averageVolume10D\n averageVolume30D\n averageVolume50D\n priceToBook\n priceToCashFlow\n returnOnEquity\n" & _
"returnOnAssets\n day21MovingAvg\n day50MovingAvg\n day200MovingAvg\n dividend3Years\n dividend5Years\n datatype\n __typename\n }\n}\n""}"
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "POST", link, False
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.send payload
S = .responseText
End With
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = """eps"":(.*?),"
Set elem = .Execute(S)
MsgBox elem(0).SubMatches(0)
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2267
It's a dynamic page. The content will be load by scrolling down. So you must wait for load the "first part" of the page. Then scroll down to the needed table by 1500. After scrolling down wait to load the table.
You don't need a loop to scrape the wanted values. You can use querySelector()
to get the specific element by it's attribute name and atttribute value.
Look here for information about querySelector()
And here for examples you can use also with querySelector()
: querySelectorAll()
This code works for me. If not for you play with the breaks and perhaps the amount of scrolling:
Sub test()
Dim ieObj As Object
Dim nodeEps As Object
Dim nodeDividend As Object
Dim eps As String
Dim dividend As String
Set ieObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ieObj.Visible = True
'ieObj.navigate "" & Cells(c, 2) & ":US"
ieObj.navigate ""
Do While ieObj.readyState <> 4
Application.StatusBar = "Getting to 'Key Data' Table"
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3))
ieObj.document.parentWindow.Scroll 0, 1500
Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2))
'scrape EPS amount
Set nodeEps = ieObj.document.querySelector("div[data-testid='eps-value']")
eps = Trim(nodeEps.innerText)
'Range("H2").Value = eps
'scrape dividend
Set nodeDividend = ieObj.document.querySelector("div[data-testid='dividendAmount-value']")
dividend = Trim(nodeDividend.innerText)
'Range("I2").Value = dividend
'Clean up
Set ieObj = Nothing
Set nodeEps = Nothing
Set nodeDividend = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
MsgBox eps & Chr(13) & dividend
End Sub
Upvotes: 1