Reputation: 497
In MS Project Professional I have a custom field that returns the correct value...sometimes, no value at other times, and an #ERROR at still other times with no apparent rhyme or reason.
The goal: I need to capture the [Resource Names] field for use in an external application - easy enough - but when I have a fixed units task with limited resource units I need to exclude the "[##%]" portion of the name. Example: Sam[25%] but I need just, "Sam"
The formula: IIf(IsNumeric(InStr(1,[Resource Names],"[")),LEFT([Resource Names],Len([Resource Names])-5),[Resource Names])
The results are in summary:
Strangely enough, Summary Tasks show no value which is correct.
The need: can someone help me fix the formula? Or, should I just suck it up and manually delete the offending brackets and numbers?
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Views: 163
Reputation: 8442
If you only ever have one resource assigned to a task, this formula will work: IIf(0=InStr(1,[Resource Names],"["),[Resource Names],Left([Resource Names],InStr(1,[Resource Names],"[")-1))
However, building a formula to handle more than one resource would be extremely tedious with the limited functions available. In that case a macro to update the field would work much better:
Sub GetResourceNames()
Dim t As Task
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
Dim resList As String
resList = vbNullString
Dim a As Assignment
For Each a In t.Assignments
resList = resList & "," & a.Resource.Name
Next a
t.Text2 = Mid$(resList, 2)
Next t
End Sub
Upvotes: 1