Awesome JSF
Awesome JSF

Reputation: 95

How I can know if the disk is a SSD?

I need to create a T volume, T is created, but I also need a new U volume if the disk is a ssd, how i can do it ? What is the batch command to know if I'm a SSD ?

set /a VOL_SIZE= %MINSIZE_MB% /2
set VOL_TYPE=simple
if %NDISK% GTR 1 set VOL_TYPE=stripe

echo create volume %VOL_TYPE% size=%VOL_SIZE% disk=%DISKLIST%   >>%CMD_FILE%
echo Format fs=NTFS quick                                       >>%CMD_FILE%
echo assign letter=T                                            >>%CMD_FILE%

::if I'm not a SSD goto :noSSD

echo create volume %VOL_TYPE% disk=%DISKLIST%                   >>%CMD_FILE%
echo Format fs=NTFS quick                                       >>%CMD_FILE%
echo assign letter=U                                            >>%CMD_FILE%


best regard.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 1821

Answers (2)

Ivan Golović
Ivan Golović

Reputation: 8832

In cmd you can type following command which invokes PowerShell and passes it command which will return "SSD" if disk is of that type:

powershell.exe "(get-physicaldisk).MediaType"

Per phuclv's advice, simplest way to use return value of this command in batch file would be:

powershell.exe "exit ((get-physicaldisk).MediaType) -ne 'SSD'" && echo SSD

Statement explanation, when SSD is present:

  • ((get-physicaldisk).MediaType) - evaluates to 'SSD'
  • 'SSD' -ne SSD' - evaluates to False (-ne is not-equal operator)
  • exit with logical false (False) - makes PowerShell exit without setting CMD's %ERRORLEVEL% to non-zero
  • && - is CMD operator that executes second command when first command is successful (when %ERRORLEVEL% is zero)

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 38718

As an alternative to using , you could also try via .

Open a Command Prompt window, paste the following line, and press ENTER

For /F Tokens^=6Delims^=^" %G In ('^""%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe" /NameSpace:\\root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage Path MSFT_PhysicalDisk Where "MediaType='4' And SpindleSpeed='0'" Get Model /Format:MOF 2^>NUL^"')Do @Echo %G is an SSD

This accesses the same information as PowerShell's Get-PhysicalDisk. It first checks the MediaType property. There are three possible values returned for that property, 0 (Unspecified); 3 (HDD); and 4 (SSD). For additional safety, I check that there is a spindle speed of 0 as there are no moving parts in an SSD, and return any model name which passes both checks.

Upvotes: 7

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