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Defining a macro which defines a set of functions and function calls in Common Lisp

At first, I expected it to be simple - given it is Common Lisp with the most powerful of all macro facilities of all languages. But now, 8 hours later, I have commas and quasi quotes coming out of my back side and I am no where closer to the solution.

I need a macro which produces 3 functions. Its signature looks like this:

(defmacro remote (name arg-names &body body) ...)

And it is supposed to generate (I use "foo" as name argument in the text below):

  1. (defun foo (,arg-names) ,@body ) (just the direct implementation of foo) which can be invoked as (foo arg1 arg2 ... ).

  2. (defun remote-foo (args) ... which can be invoked as (remote-foo arg1 arg2 ...) and returns the quoted call. (foo arg1 arg2 ...)

  3. (defun remote-defun-foo () ... which, when invoked like so (remote-defun-foo) returns the quoted definition of the function (defun foo (,args) ,@body).

I found a solution for 1. But I remain clue less as to how to write up 2. and 3. Here is what I have so far.

(defun make-remote-name (name)
  (read-from-string (format nil "remote-~a" name)))
(defun make-definition-name (name)
  (read-from-string (format nil "remote-defun-~a" name)))

(defmacro remoted (name arg-names &body body)
     (defun ,name ,arg-names ,@body) ;; 1.

I am not sure - but for 2. and 3. I seem to need something like nested quasi quotes or other tricks I never used before.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 261

Answers (1)



As described this is not hard:

(defmacro define-remote (name (&rest args) &body decls/forms)
  (let ((remote-name (intern (format nil "REMOTE-~A" (symbol-name name))))
        (remote-defun-name (intern (format nil "REMOTE-DEFUN-~A"
                                           (symbol-name name))))
        (def `(defun ,name (,@args) ,@decls/forms)))
       (defun ,remote-name (,@args) `(,',name ,,@args))
       (defun ,remote-defun-name ()


> (macroexpand '(define-remote foo (x) x))
  (defun foo (x) x)
  (defun remote-foo (x) `(foo ,x))
  (defun remote-defun-foo () '(defun foo (x) x))

The fiddly bit (which an earlier version of this answer got wrong as I'd misread the question) is the second form, where you want to create a quoted call using the arguments from the function you've created, so you have to fiddle about with nested backquotes a bit.

A way which I find helps to understand this is to rewrite the second form in terms of list, and then remember that

(list x y)

is the same as

`(,x ,y)

(I have no idea how to get backquote into inline code in markdown, it turns out.)

However all of these have a nasty lurking problem: the second form in the expansion is generally going to be wrong. Consider this:

> (macroexpand '(define-remote foo (&key (x 1)) x))
  (defun foo (&key (x 1)) x)
  (defun remote-foo (&key (x 1)) `(foo ,&key ,(x 1)))
  (defun remote-defun-foo () '(defun foo (&key (x 1)) x))

The remote-foo form is wrong because it splices in the lambda list keywords. Almost certainly the expansion should be

  (defun foo (&key (x 1)) x)
  (defun remote-foo (&key (x 1)) `(foo :x ,x))
  (defun remote-defun-foo () '(defun foo (&key (x 1)) x))

Getting that right is not simple I think: you need something that can take a lambda-list and turn it into an arglist which corresponds to it, and I don't think that exists in CL as a precanned thing. I'm sure it exists as something someone has written however, I just don't know where.

As an example of why this is not simple, consider this

(define-remote foo (&key (x 1 xp) ...))

Now remote-foo probably needs to be

(defun remote-foo (&key (x 1 xp))
  (if xp
      `(foo :x ,x)

One way of dealing with this is simply to forbid lambda-list keywords:

(defmacro define-remote (name (&rest args) &body decls/forms)
  (dolist (a args)
    (when (member a lambda-list-keywords)
      (error "can't hack lambda list keywords in ~A, sorry" args)))
  (let ((remote-name (intern (format nil "REMOTE-~A" (symbol-name name))))
        (remote-defun-name (intern (format nil "REMOTE-DEFUN-~A"
                                           (symbol-name name))))
        (def `(defun ,name (,@args) ,@decls/forms)))
       (defun ,remote-name (,@args) `(,',name ,,@args))
       (defun ,remote-defun-name ()

This version of the macro is limited but correct.

Upvotes: 3

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